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Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania Not Registered in State Data, Hundreds of Voters Say

Posted on Wednesday, November 18, 2020
by Outside Contributor

More than 400 Republican voters in Pennsylvania say they requested mail-in ballots and returned them to vote, but the state absentee voting data say the ballots weren’t returned, according to a fraud detection team that contacted the voters.

And more than 500 voters said they received mail-in ballots despite not requesting them, according to the team.

The team was put together by Matt Braynard, former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The team analyzed the data and set up a call center to verify election inconsistencies in several states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, where the Trump campaign is contesting the results.

Of the “many thousands” called, the team managed to reach 1,706 Pennsylvania registered Republican voters who, according to the state data, received mail-in ballots, Braynard said in a Nov. 16 series of tweets and later in an email to The Epoch Times.

Nearly a third of the voters (556) said they never requested the ballot.

Of the 1,137 who did request a ballot, nearly 40 percent (453) said they mailed the ballots back, but the state data show the ballots weren’t received or counted, Braynard said.

If the results are representative of the whole state, they could throw into question the election result.

Some 165,000 Pennsylvania Republicans were mailed ballots but weren’t marked as having returned them, Braynard said.

Former Vice President Joe Biden currently leads by fewer than 75,000 votes in the state, according to unofficial results.

Braynard said the team was able to obtain 30 written declarations from the voters, about half of them confirming they received a ballot despite not requesting one. The other half said they returned their ballot, even though the state data say their ballots weren’t returned.

“We have a small in-house team following up on the call center for this purpose,” Braynard said. “Unsurprisingly, when you start asking civilians to get involved in a political battle by signing a legal document, the number who want to go forward drops pretty quickly.”

The Pennsylvania Department of State didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Trump campaign is suing Pennsylvania in a federal court seeking an injunction that blocks the state from certifying the results of the 2020 general election, alleging that state election officials had “mismanaged the election process” and that Republican poll watchers were prevented from meaningfully observing the vote-counting process.

Braynard said he’s providing data to several different legal teams.

He said results of the same inquiry in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona will be released on Nov. 18.

He already announced that the team found 17,877 early or absentee voters in Georgia who had filed out-of-state move notices and thus potentially weren’t eligible to vote in the state. Biden currently leads the state by about 14,000 votes.

The team has also found out-of-state move notices conflicting with votes cast with 7,426 Pennsylvania voters, 6,254 Wisconsin voters, 5,145 Nevada voters, 5,084 Arizona voters, and 1,688 Michigan voters.

So far, according to Braynard, they’ve confirmed 631 double-voters in Pennsylvania and 987 in Nevada.

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3 years ago

The question remains where is the DOJ and the FBI? Aside from the half-hearted AG Barr memo, there has been zero on the ground engagement by either organization anywhere. They are apparently content to simply run out the clock until Biden is sworn in and Washington, D.C. and everything goes back to business as usual. AG Barr is packing up his stuff as he prepares to return to retirement and Durham is putting the finishing touches on his report. Which will of course whitewash everything he was supposedly investigating.

As President Xi will no doubt be telling us all in the near future 向奴隸們的新主人鞠躬!China is definitely getting its money’s worth from Biden and the Democrat party.

3 years ago

What the numbers show: Jackass Joe Biden did not better any of Hillary’s numbers anywhere in the country EXCEPT in the major swing states of:Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Why? Because he wasn’t going to benefit in electoral votes in states that Democrats ALWAYS Win. Such as: California, New York and Illinois. Yet if he couldn’t outgain Hillary’s numbers everywhere else, how could he magically do so in these key swing states? NOT WITHOUT CHEATING!!! And anyone with half a brain knows cheating was prevalent and if Jackass Joe Biden’s “victory” stands, we will have witnessed the greatest theft of the Presidency that if allowed to stand, will reduce America to 3rd world nation status. I am disgusted and angry enough to fight!

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