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Defund Walter Reed? Are Liberals Nuts?

Posted on Friday, October 9, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

reedThose desperate for power, as well as those unable to separate reason from emotion, often make fools of themselves – thinking they are at once smarter, possess “unique” experiences (unlike the rest of us), are ideologically pure, and just better at living life.  We call those people liberals.

A liberal who calls herself a conservative is, well, a less smart liberal.  The notion is that she gets credit for conservative compass, allowing her to bash the compass; people who bash their compass often end up on the rocks, or at least miserably lost.  They are not good to follow.

Enter Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who bills herself “conservative.”  The paper – which routinely omits conservative thought, as too religious, historical, traditional, patriotic, militaristic, capitalistic, individualistic, liberty-centric, anti-government, and (worst of all) liable to convince people – just ran a Rubin rant that would make George McGovern blush.

Obviously ignorant of Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk, and Ronald Reagan, she claims doctors allowing President Trump to return home should lose their licenses, and Walter Reed Medical Center be shut down – for allowing the President to return home.

Lunatic tendencies seem on the march.  First, she calls President Trump “a menace to everyone around” him for going home – without symptoms.  Now, pause for a material fact.  This will shock liberals, but facts can be interesting.  The CDC reports the nation’s “overall cumulative COVID-19 hospitalization rate was 178.2 per 100,000” last week, and “481.5 per 100,000” for those over 65.  Using logic, a conservative vice, this means 99,518.5 Americans in every 100,000 COVID-positive are back home, not hospitalized.

By reference to another conservative trick, called math, this means President Trump is among the 99.5 percent of COVID-positive Americans quarantining at home, not at a hospital.  Applying Rubin’s analysis – these Americans must all be “menaces” or Trump is not one.

Next, she attacks “any” doctor who would allow a COVID-positive patient to go home.  As thousands have done this, she libels them all: “Any MD who publicly endorses this insanity needs to lose his/her license.  Period.”  Says the Washington Post, a pox on their houses, where patients continue getting well.  If Biden wins, watch out.

The most startling departure from reason is her recommendation, that “Congress might want to defund Walter Reed,” as “it is a public health hazard.”  Gosh, that idea escaped most Americans.  Then again, liberals are smarter.

Now the astute reader will notice several things.  Walter Reed was not built for Trump.  It serves those who selflessly defend our country and are wounded in the process.  This “defunding” thing may have jumped the leash. Unable to topple or burn Walter Reed, Democrats will defund it.

Note the arrogance.  The hospital treats more than one million military beneficiaries annually.  It is “the world’s largest joint military medical center,” hundreds of beds for thousands of vets, and 7,100 professional staff.  As one veteran noted in disbelief – but then he was not a smart liberal – this is beyond crazy. “Great idea – let’s punish soldiers, physicians, nurses, and staff for the president’s decision to return home ….”

The paper was not done.  They called “the rest of Walter Reed,” presumably those 7,099 staff not the doctor himself, “remarkable cowards.”  They have no idea the people they demean.  I am former Navy and know this hospital well.  There are no cowards within those walls.  “Period.”

Finally, as if this liberal had not done enough spitting, she said if you “are a staunch defender of the rule of law,” oppose “systematic racism,” favor “legal immigration,” you do not “fit in” with today’s Republicans. I beg to differ. Who has been working to end riots in Democrat cities, offered police reform in the Senate (drafted by Black Republican Senator Tim Scott) that got dismissed by Democrats, and strives to distinguish legal from illegal immigration?

As the election nears, liberals are losing it.  Maybe they see the election sliding away.  In any event, those desperate for power, or unable to separate reason from emotion, make fools of themselves.  That appears to be happening more often these days.

Robert Charles is a former assistant secretary of state for President George W. Bush, former naval intelligence officer and litigator. He served in the Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses, as congressional counsel for five years, and wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003) and “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), the latter on WWII vets in a Maine town.

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4 years ago

Well any political party that would publicly advocate for defunding the police would certainly have no problem with defunding a hospital that treated President Trump for Covid-19. The Democrat party is the party of hate, envy, and intolerance of anyone or anything that stands in their way or supports those, in this case the healthcare of the President of the United States, they oppose. So I don’t find it surprising there would be calls from the Democrats to defund Walter Reed hospital as “punishment” for defying the Democrats. It’s simply who they are as a party.

Mary Lou
Mary Lou
4 years ago

People are crazy. We need President Trump

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

Ignore the Demorat rabble Vote as the very survival of the American Republic depends on YOUR VOTE….IT DOES !

4 years ago

Yes the leftists are insane. Get out and vote people. It is so important.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Heres my list to defund: NEA, PBS, NPR, Dept Labor, Education, Commerce, select agencies in DoD & CIA NSA NSC,
combined & more ( add yours 2) alone vs Walter Reed ( see

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

This is what happens when it becomes politically incorrect to call stupid, stupid. You have people like her spewing garbage that actually gets printed. The editors must be idiots too.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Love this clear, concise breakdown of liberal lunacy!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

What do you expect from the Post, common sense? Maturity? Reason?

Grandma Sandy73
Grandma Sandy73
4 years ago

This was a wonderful and fun to read article as it gave the facts and interspersed it with humor. Thanks for sharing it with us who will ‘never’ (thankfully) see an edition of Washington Post. Robert B. Charles is a very good writer.

4 years ago

Any party that endorses “Obamacare,” “You have to pass it to see what’s in it,” or “you can keep your present doctor under this plan,” definitely would not understand how Walter Reed Hospital functions or its purpose. The Democrats are so focused on destroying, or removing President Trump they can’t see reason or listen to it. Beyond their tunnel vision of hate and elitism.

Michael Busch
Michael Busch
4 years ago

Jenifer Rubin, thank you for your amazing insight and thoughtful ideas. You are a credit to your vocation. People need to wake up and listen to you. Wow.
Then again . . . Not!

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
4 years ago

What I don’t understand is how all these Left wing idiots survived their mothers abortion? The Left is totally insane, and the worst part of that statement, is, There is no known cure except termination. And we conservatives know that will never happen, because we will stand up for their right to prove daily just how ignorant and dangerous they are.

Donna Hildebrandt
Donna Hildebrandt
4 years ago

Well, look on the “bright side”; if it weren’t for Liberals we Conservatives wouldn’t know how brilliant we really are! LOL!

Sharynli Kantor
Sharynli Kantor
4 years ago

Just when I thought I heard it all, along comes another stupid idea from the liberal left. I would say what are they thinking, but of course they are not thinking at all. This proves that we need four more years of Make America Great Again!

Celeste Mikkelsen
Celeste Mikkelsen
4 years ago

Ah,liberals ? Now they want to punish doctors who treat a sitting president. What is next? Perhaps they want all Americans to just go back to the times of Kings and Queens.I hope our President has good security.

4 years ago

Are all liberals on drugs or just plain crazy?

4 years ago

Its a sad day when a question like this is in reality rhetorical. When the democrats invited in the crazys in the form of Nancy Peolsi and her ilk, which were rightly keep at bay by the sane I knew by embracing them and givine them power the end of the democrat party was coming. I hope thatthe democrats can cure themselves someday because one day these fools will be able to hurt more than their party.

Megan Latson
Megan Latson
4 years ago

As much as I have disliked the old hospital and have reason to , they should not be defunded.

4 years ago

What’s known today about our so-called Liberal Democrats is that their entire leadership are composed of extreme left Socialist/Communist idiots period! … So, wanting to “defund” Walter Reed Hospital shouldn’t surprise anyone with half a brain. Number 1, I wouldn’t put it past them to try to assassinate this true Patriot President knowing full well that HE IS GOING TO BE RE-ELECTED!!! They know that 4 more years of a Trump Presidency will destroy the Socialist/Communist takeover of this great Republic. So President Trump’s life is now 100% in jeopardy. We the People MUST BE PREPARED to come to his and our country’s aid IF NEED BE! I fear for his life and Our country’s future! Don’t hesitate to put these Progressively Communist Democrats in their place if confronted by them. Most of these people are just stupid and don’t realize what’s really happening and aren’t open to hearing the truth! So be prepared to fight if necessary or America will cease to exist.

4 years ago

Yes they are NUTS and Pelosi the biggest whack-o of them all and there are enough whack-o’s to elect Biden-Harris or is it Harris-Biden to lead them, get ready people to give up your christian faith, free speech and guns because the loony’s are closing in.
God bless America !
God bless President Donald J.Trump !
God bless the NRA !
Save America vote Republican !

4 years ago

Obviously she’s an idiot. These people are out of their minds nut jobs. How ridiculous can they get? The Washington Post is not reliable and anti American.

Alma Lee
Alma Lee
4 years ago

At 74 Years of Age I will be out at the Polls IN PERSON to do Early Voting in Georgia the Week of October 12 Casting my Vote for President Trump and Vice President Pence and Republicans Across the Board!!! This is very Important to me so I choose not to do Absentee Ballot in light of all the corrupt and underhanded Tactics of the dangerous and desperate Leftists, and I will be following the Guidelines regarding masks, distancing, etc.

4 years ago

Just more proof that liberalism is a bad disease, worse than Covid19.

4 years ago

Liberal / Progressive / Socialist one in the same. This is the Ideology of the Socialist Democrats. The SDP Despises Freedom, in fact so much so, they will stop at Nothing to Destroy President Trump. Defunding POLICE and Walter Reed, are merely another ploy in their quest for Power.

Think about this; The SDP has utilized the following in their effort to stop the President from achieving a Stronger AMERICA. Be it Resist, BLM, ANTIFA, ANARCHIST, SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, they all have one thing in common, they are Marxist, Communist. Folks, this is that simple. Marxist, or students of Saul Alinsky are pretty much the same. All stand for the Destruction of the United States Constitution. They are against Freedom, they purport to stand as advocates for the First Amendment, when in fact they are anything but supporters. SDP Members are opposed to Conservative Speech the right to Keep and Bear Arms, the 2nd Amendment and the 5th Amendment.

Socialist are opposed to Private Property Ownership, they feel it is the Right of the State to own Property and Never in the Hands of the Common MAN / WOMAN, ever.

All one has to do is look to Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Baltimore, all Socialist Democratic Party Politician Led Cities.
In every instance the leaders of these cities, are advocates of Riots, Illegal Protest, Burning, Looting and Civil Disorder in an effort to remove all forms of Law and Order. Walter Reed is merely one more disgusting call by the Leftist in America. The Washington Post, is funded by Jeff Bezos and is actually a Target of the Left. If the Socialist ever gain Power, he and others like him, Millionaires, Billionaires and Trillionaires will be stripped of all wealth and as the Communist take over the movement, will Try and Kill all of them. The Communist, as they did in Russia, end the lives of the Academics, because they’re too easily manipulated. That will be the New America if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the Election.

A Vote for Harris Biden, will be a Vote to Close Walter Reed Hospital . … .

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

I understand that we allegedly have a mental health crisis in the U.S. Perhaps as a humane gesture,the folks at Walter Reed would make an allowance for Jennifer Rubin to seek treatment on a pro bono basis. MAGA/KAG/KAF TRUMP/PENCE 2020

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

What is really scary there are people in our country that believe this”trash talking”.The liberals,and that includes democrats and rinos,would turn AMERICA into a third world country just to spite conservatives and President Trump.The liberal philosophy is make everyone equal even if they have to take the middle class down because they can’t bring the lower class up to make things equal.Someone needs to tell the liberals that”it ain’t gonna work”.

4 years ago

This woman is unable to write a logical article. She is indeed a liberal, however she does not follow the news that most of the people diagnosed with Covid-19 are at home. She has TDS so bad that it has clouded her liberal brain cells.

4 years ago


4 years ago

I think we need to defund all these career politions. They need to learn what it is like to have no income. Also we need to see their tax records and see from where their extra money is coming. We don’t pay them enough to become millionaires while they are in office. And we need term limits…just like the president. We need people who represent us citizens, not themselves.

4 years ago

These are not Democrats, they are socialist Democrats. They are a terrorist organization trying to bring down our country. They know exactly what they are doing. They should all be brought up on treason.

4 years ago

Totally consistent with liberals PC approach to punish the masses for the actions of one……

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
4 years ago

JFK in his inauguration speech warned that “he who seeks power by riding the back of the tiger will end up inside.” This election may very well become true for many democrats.

4 years ago

Yes, the democrats are sick with power and money.
They disavow God,Country,people for money and power!
Greed has taken their souls!

4 years ago

I will be lapping up Jennifer Rubin’s tears on Nov. 4th. And believe me she will be gushing them.

4 years ago

There is no limit to the insanity and evilness of the democrats. Their rhetoric is totally reprehensible.

4 years ago

Article states: Walter Reed treats more than one million military beneficiaries per year. That is amazing & thanks are in order to hospital & not the idea of defunding. Cannot believe you wrote defunding story. I cannot even imagine how many lives Walter Reed has saved

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

Forrest Gump’s mom was right. “Stupid is as stupid does.” Rubin fits that definition perfectly. Shut down a major and famous hospital because you don’t like the medical diagnosis of a doctor, and the one complaining has no medical acumen at all. Almost funny if it weren’t so radically foolish and tragic. Rubin needs immediate mental treatment for TDS.

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
4 years ago

It was not that long ago that Walter Reed had a terrible reputation for being a filthy rundown poor quality hospital. It certainly was not the Demonrat Party that changed Walter Reed for the better! Everything Conservatives build The Left tries to tear down to suit their agenda!

4 years ago

I completely enjoyed this article; and I truly wish there was a way to get these types of facts out there for the entire nation to see. The media is so biased; what ever happened to true journalism, where the facts HAVE to be reported. Or, is this simply yellow journalism? I find it so hard to believe the criteria for journalism has stooped so low to allow such biased reporting. I have to admit, I waiver between being confident we will win and enjoy President Trump for another 4 years to being scared to death, the Dems are going to succeed in their cheating and devilish scemes. I’ve been able to join two prayer sessions for our POTUS, FLOTUS and country and they were wonderful!! One was led by Ashley Hayek, Coalition for Donald Trump and the other was on the Our Lady of Rosary Feast Day, led by Sister Deidre Byrne and Dr. Marshall – to see people from all over our country AND the world state they are praying for our country and President Trump, so so uplifting. I truly hope and pray, these prayers are heard and we WINRED!!!

I wish we could send the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, Harris, George Soros, Bloomberg, DeBlasio and any other Democrat I may have forgotten to a country that is really chaotic, then see how much they complain about their living conditions.

4 years ago

They won’t have to defund any hospital! Once their single payer plan goes into affect, the attrition in personnel will look like a snowball rolling downhill.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Ah, YES! Jennifer Rubin – just another liberal Poster Child for CULPABLE STUPIDITY. Just ignore her which will deny her the payoff of getting undeserved attention. Eventually, with no payoff, she will just go away.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

We should round up all of the people like Jennifer Rubin to take a mental test to see if they are medically capable of walking among us or if they are just plain stupid. Nancy, Chuckie and others should also get in line. Their comments should lead them to the nearest insane asylum for permanent residency. By the way, what qualification does this columnist have to judge medical professionals in terms of their ability and skills? This kind of blather is beyond the pale. The TDS has infected them so badly that I fear for the safety of common everyday Americans.

4 years ago

Not surprising that the party that removed God from its platform and whose members were shouting “hail satan” in a pro-abortion rally in Austin are against a hospital, after all they oppose anything that is good in humanity and helps humans: i.e. hospitals, healthcare directed by the individuals and their chosen doctors themselves, faith based charities, the police, controlling the underbrush in wilderness regions to prevent mega fires, America’s energy independence, life – as in abortion, life – as in euthanasia, the family – as in parental rights and favoring fatherless households, pro-creation – as in advertising homosexuality and gender mutilation, marriage – as they claim it is no longer a bond of two members of opposing sexes with the divine but an economic contract between mere business partners, the sanctity of childhood and the innocence of children – as they propose laws deregulating pedophilia and promote child porn on TV, a strong America with strong national security, privacy – as in government having records of everything, property – as in “you did not earn that, the government earned that for you”.
The Democrats are not only completely deranged by now with TDS, they are bordering on insane, and utterly anti-American with verifiable indications of inhumane, as they debase the human spirit and introduce the barbaric as on display in the day of birth abortion practices they favor.
We might need laws to insure parties participating in the civic life of our nation meet at least a minimum level of acceptable values, decorum, civility, and lack of malevolence, and a means to remove them if they don’t; after all our founding fathers did just fine without formal parties.

Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
4 years ago

Liberals want American Warriors to die. Such as the ROEs during the error of obama and Hiden which placed not offending the
enemy over the lives of American Warriors.

Robert Hellam
Robert Hellam
4 years ago

A member of my church tested positive for the virus. He was not even hospitalized. His doctor told him to take Tylenol and stay home for a couple of weeks.

4 years ago

Not surprised by her views, the Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon. Better yet, do your research and find out who “gave” Bezos the money to buy the Post. The answer will surprise and anger you.

4 years ago

Just when you think you heard it all. Stupidity rears it’s stupid head.
You can’t fix stupid.

Joseph R Carreiro Sr
Joseph R Carreiro Sr
4 years ago

If Politicians work for the american people,we vote them in then how can they want to defund Police and defund Walter Reed Hospital when most American voter do not want this at all.Crazy is not e correct work to use but delirious is..Menta is another great word that fits.We should defund their paychecks and also change their life job to term limits.Americans Think.Defund and American Military Hospital,Asinine..

Sharon Silar
Sharon Silar
4 years ago

Is she a Dr.? Is she qualified to make an Assumption such that?

Nancy Schneider
Nancy Schneider
4 years ago

That is the problem when hysterical liberals are allowed a forum with no opposing views. There no debate anymore Far left loons are allowed to write whatever pops into their heads. It is a very sad situation.

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