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The Left’s Literal Nanny State

Posted on Monday, February 25, 2019
by Outside Contributor

foster care children system nanny stateEarlier this month, a much-discussed New York Times op-ed by Katha Pollitt captured a rising progressive fixation. It’s a concept that has dominated the already-excruciating carnival of big-government ideas in the runup to 2020: “Day Care for All.”

Get ready to have your minds blown, Americans: “Universal affordable high-quality child care” — spearheaded by our completely competent, friendly, not-at-all-corrupt federal-government professionals, of course — would end sexist structures of work-related oppression and “change society for the better.” Democrats are looking for “big, unifying themes,” and this “bold” idea should surely rise to the top.

In case you’re wondering how a sprawling new government-run bureaucracy dedicated to warehousing children from the age of zero onward will change society for the better, especially when many of our nation’s “best” public schools are feverishly plunking kindergarteners in front of brain-melting, attention-sapping, taxpayer-funded iPads every day, don’t worry. As usual, progressives have all the answers. Sadly, many of those answers will inevitably be proven embarrassingly wrong once “day care for all” is fully and intractably implemented across the nation, but hey, that’s showbiz.

Universal government-funded day care will definitely fuel the economy, we are solemnly informed by people who know little to nothing about the economy. Moreover, under this plan, Americans — particularly women — will work more and more, instead of taking care of their own children, which is great! Why is this so great, you might ask? Don’t ask! But hey, if people work more, we might rake in some more money from taxes, which can then be funneled into additional expansive government programs that will be used to increasingly butt into everyone’s business for years and years to come.

You might think I’m kidding, but that really is the argument’s gist. As it turns out, Pollitt is better known for stridently championing an entirely different child-related policy, one she also calls a “positive social good” benefiting “society as a whole.” I’m speaking, of course, about abortion on demand — the disposal of inconvenient babies, increasingly trumpeted in “progressive” circles as an unshakeable right all the way up until birth.

With this in mind, perhaps you can forgive me for questioning whether this craze for government-funded day care has anything to do with the well-being of children at all. In any case, the leading Democratic presidential hopefuls — a wild-eyed, motley bunch I would not trust to babysit my cat, let alone my kid — have gone all in on socialized child care.

Bernie Sanders, the crotchety socialist who has raised an astounding amount of money since announcing his presidential run, was an early adopter of the universal day-care plan. Not to be outdone, Elizabeth Warren recently declared that forcing other people to pay for your child care is “a fundamental right.” Her dramatic “Universal Child Care and Early Learning” scheme, recently published online, would supposedly be funded through a hilariously named “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” which sounds like the name of a villain in a comic book in which the characters are different types of taxes. Somewhere out there, it’s safe to assume that Kirsten Gillibrand is also droning on and on about state-run day care, but she’s probably getting ignored. Sad!

Life is full of mystery: How on earth, for instance, can ostensibly sane people look at someone like loopy human foghorn/enthusiastic former Soviet tourist Bernie Sanders and think the following sentence to themselves: “Hey! I want that guy more involved in my child’s upbringing!” The “nanny state” is a pejorative term, people, not a policy prescription!

When you look a bit closer at the language used by the most fervent government-day-care boosters, however, the puzzle begins to unfold. “I think we are beginning to get past this idea that the very best thing for kids is to be taken care of privately,” Stephanie Coontz, a professor at Evergreen State College, told NPR’s On Point this week. She went on to add that “children are a vital national resource.” Fascinating! “Children are a public good,” Caitlyn Collins, the author of the new book Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving, insisted on the same show. “They are our future taxpayers, our future workers, and raising them well is in everyone’s best interest.” Well. That doesn’t sound vaguely dystopian at all.

I almost feel like I shouldn’t have to explain why this is weird, but then again, Bernie Sanders just raised almost $6 million in 24 hours, so here we go: Children are not cogs in some statist wheel. They are not, first and foremost, potential taxpayers. They are unique souls created in the image of God with free will and a need for good nurturing and care — and, if they’re lucky, a government that stays in its proper lane.

I generally don’t take sides in the mommy wars, at least when it comes to the pros and cons of the working world. But incentives matter, and the great progressive “universal” child-care push of 2019 aims to incentivize one way of parenting — all parties working full time, which many parents don’t even want to do — while forcing other people to pay for it. Why the sudden urge to slap together a panicked, blanket approach to a wide and complex issue? What about letting people keep more of their own money so they can make their own decisions instead?

Don’t be silly. That would make too much sense for today’s Democrats.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

No, have kin who live in Norway & they say Taxes HIGH, & for a tourist U had to know currency then to even shop for product to take home.
& that was in 1976, Everything Govt run. No to Nanny State

Chuck P.
Chuck P.
5 years ago

Don’t kid yourself! Shades of Hitlers Youth. These so called “caregivers “ will be teaching your kids their agenda.

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips
5 years ago

Nothing more than another action taken from the Hitler playbook by these liberal Nazis in this country. Basically this is just like hollyweird and their inability to come up with anything new other than we doing what someone else with real intelligence and talent and creative skills did before them. But in this case it’s just another form of socialism to try to destroy America and brainwash the youth of this country into believing that this is good… but all in all it’s still up to parents to be parents and to teach your children not allowed schools and college professors to intervene in the development of your minds there are no longer teaching in our schools that pushing liberal agendas all educators are cuz I think they’re all corrupt just like our government

William White
William White
5 years ago

The liberals definitely need the daycare.

Bill Lambert
Bill Lambert
5 years ago

Our country is in real trouble if we follow the ideas of these insane democrates

5 years ago

If as leftist say, our precious children are valuable to them as future tax payers, why would they murder them in the womb? Another example of their muddled thinking.

5 years ago

It’s bad enough that the schools have become government indoctrination centers, now the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want the kids for the rest of the day. Their agenda – make the next generation full fledged socialist.

Roberta Phillips
Roberta Phillips
5 years ago

Eventually we will be like other countries where the state owns your child. So these kids will not have morals. They will be like puppets in the hands of the state. They will do what they are told to do. Otherwise they will be killed.

5 years ago

The problem is that this “universal child care” idea may very well appeal to the millennials and we already know they are sorely lacking in their knowledge of history in general and Constitutional principles in particular. They are easy game for these predator Socialists and therein lies the challenge for we conservatives. We must reach the younger generation and support every conservative campus reform group out there!

5 years ago

I’m sure included in all this would be a ruling to destroy all Bibles. They don’t to dirty the minds of our youth with Bible Truths

5 years ago

Women better get their heads on straight why are they women so easily manipulated by these feminists garbage and pushed by man, we are the ones that are the in the place to make this world much better not this sick garbage being pushed, when you decide to marry have children it is our place to teach our children right from wrong good from bad if you don’t want this responsibility then don’t have children, don’t abort your children this is a vile women that are out to destroy our place in this world, we are the anchor the mane stable another words we are the most important person in this world and the feminist hate this so they distort everything then men they figure they have their cake and eat it with out being true men , yes some kids decide to be bad all we can do is teach them the right way they have to decide if they want to be a good person or a bad person, but it is WOMAN that is the number one man is second so don’t fall for this feminisms garbage, and man selfishness, get yourself straight back to reality back to GOD and Family Home Honor Respect Truth

5 years ago

Another way of dehumanizing humans!!! Children are now a resource if wanted a cancer if not! Great!!! Indoctrination from age 0 !!!! Sounds like Brave New World to me!!! These leftist will not stop until everyone and everything is under their control so NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE can kick their backsides out of power!!!! Then move on over because poverty will prevail for all of us RESOURCES while all the leftists and their cronies live high on the hog like Animal Farm!!!! Goodbye America…welcome Soviet States of Amerika!!!!

5 years ago

Thank God that we can tax the ultra-rich for two to three times what they actually make to pay for little government robots.

5 years ago

These idiotic ideas have gone far enough! You have children, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to raise them. Don’t let the government try to do it for you. This idea smacks of the Hitler youth of the 30’s and 40’s. You bring a child into the world, it is a 18-20 year commitment. Day care was the start of this movement. You had them, you raise them! We did and so can everyone else.

5 years ago

And what a heavenly playground for the child molesters and people who hate children. The best victims are helpless children. Anyone who takes advantage of a helpless child should be executed.

5 years ago

And where will a lot of those extra work hours for women happen to take place? Why in day care centers. Get them out of the house and working! — taking care of kids.

5 years ago

I’m thankful that I could be a mom who nurtured and cared for my own children. I had 3 part-time jobs and my husband had one part-time job while in school full time. We scrimped and ate inexpensively but at least I could impart our values into the hearts and minds of our children. That included kissing “owies” and being there to build up and demo.ish bullying when necessary. It meant helping with life’s earliest lesson that bear fruit in later years. I’m thankful for that freedom!

Wayne D Peterkin
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago

Democrats support anything, no matter how immoral and wrong, if it will gain them votes. That’s why they are masters at buying votes with taxpayer money and are supporting the socialist agenda they are.

Abortion is simply one example. Abortion has nothing to do with “women’s rights” and everything to do with allowing people to engage in any sexual immorality they wish without repercussions or having any personal responsibility. If that means killing an unwanted child, they don’t care.

The lust for wealth is only exceeded by the lust for power, and that lust for the power of a one-party system with the liberal elites in charge forever is worth any cost to them, including the destruction of freedom for every American and then the nation we were created to be. They must deny that, of course, but that is still the truth, and it should be advertised everywhere that freedom is cherished.

These are evil people working as hard as they can for an evil goal to satisfy their own savage ambition and nothing more.

Ed LaPinskas
Ed LaPinskas
5 years ago

Men, if you have put children on this earth, do whatever it takes to keep Mom home to raise them Home school if possible. Hopefully, Trump will scrap the DOE and Common ( unist ) core.

Ed LaPinskas
Ed LaPinskas
5 years ago

On it’s basic tenets ( 4 ) “Demo-crats” want to – TAX / SPEND / LIE / CONTROL. Always remember that on the way to the voting ‘booth.’

5 years ago

Which”REICH”are the socialists going to call this.Who is going to be their designated”hitler”as there are a lot of candidates.I owned my own business for forty years and if I had run my business like barry and bunch ran the country when he was the”fake”president my business would not have lasted one year,socialists have a ruin AMERICA agenda.

5 years ago

Yes, Hitler did the same thing by taking the children at an early age and making them NATZI LOYALISTS. Isn’t it enough that they already are telling the schools what they can and can’t teach, and they have banned any form of religion or any practice of religion from schools. Do we want them to take them as soon as they are born then?

Ivan Berry
Ivan Berry
5 years ago

Heather made a good start with this article, and didn’t once call Sanders a dirty old man, nor did she refer to Warren’s babysitting of ten little indians because to paraphrase Hillery, it takes a tribe.
Kids need parents, as in two. But when neccessary, one will do: not surrogates, but real parents.

The State does not own your child, not yet. But to continue down this proggressive road will mean the State will propagandize your child starting at an earlier age (if they haven’t managed to get you an abortion before hand).
It would really be nice if voters would quit electing those who mind everyones business but their own.

5 years ago

Pure socialism. They “take” your kids and indoctrinate them and make both parents work for the good of the state, of course. Rubbish!

5 years ago

When my daughter needed child care we payed for it. In many areas child care has become very expensive due
to state and local regulations and limitations. More government is not the answer!!!

Ann H
Ann H
5 years ago

Does that include daycare for Pelosi and Schumer and all those other democrats who need care?

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