What Everyone Should Know About Space Heater Safety

Posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2022
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

People regularly use space heaters to warm their living spaces during the cold winter months. The U.S. Fire Administration states that these appliances not only lead to a third of home heating fires but also result in four out of five fire deaths. Per Corpus Christi’s KZTV10, too often, people trust space heaters and deem them to be safe. However, some can cause serious fires, such as the one that struck a New York City apartment building that killed 17. Thus, it’s important to focus on safety when it comes to using them.

Note that newer space heaters are generally safer to operate than older ones due to improved technology and safety features. Regardless, any can be dangerous when misused. Here are some general safety guidelines:

Space heaters are popularly used for warmth during the wintertime, and it is vital to adhere to these rules to help stay safe. Additionally, be prepared to call 911 in cases of fire, smoke, gas odors, or medical emergencies. Also, have an escape plan and practice it with the family to prepare everyone should a fire emergency suddenly occur.

URL : https://amac.us/blog/lifestyle-and-entertainment/what-everyone-should-know-about-space-heater-safety/