W.H.O. Do They Think They Are?

Posted on Tuesday, August 2, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 1 — Just when we thought we’ve been successfully dealing with the COVID virus, the W.H.O. says there’s a new global health menace to watch out for. It’s called monkeypox and, although it doesn’t seem to be as deadly as its COVID cousin, nor require you to cover up your face, it gives us pause for concern. Concern, not for the pox, but for why the World Health Organization is comparing the monkeypox virus with the COVID virus. 

“Believed to have been circulating for thousands of years, monkeypox is mired in misconception. Even its name is something of a misnomer: Monkeys (and humans) are just incidental hosts of the disease, which is thought to be found primarily in rodents,” according to the Smithsonian Institution. 

COVID made its debut just two-and-a-half years ago. Some 574,000,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID and 6,390,000 have died as a result; in about the same period of time just “16,500 monkeypox cases have been reported worldwide in 75 countries and territories.” The death toll from monkeypox over the past several years is less than 1,000 worldwide. A recent Reuters report points out that monkeypox symptoms are mostly mild, causing fever, aches, pains, and skin lesions but, for the most part, those who are infected “recover within two to four weeks.” Reuters also points out that while “anyone can spread the virus, the current outbreak outside of Africa is concentrated almost exclusively among men who have sex with men.”

CNN did indeed report that two children were diagnosed with monkeypox, but the Centers for Disease Control [CDC] says “Both of those children are traced back to individuals who come from the men-who-have-sex-with-men community, the gay men’s community.” They are being treated and are expected to fully recover. 

As South African comedian Trevor Noah describes the situation, “The good news and the big difference between monkeypox and COVID is, so far, monkeypox doesn’t seem as dangerous — so far. Still gotta take it seriously. But for most people, it gives you some painful boils for a few days, and then it’s gone.  And after COVID, I’m not gonna lie: That doesn’t faze me. ‘Cause it’s like, ‘Is this gonna kill a million people and shut down the planet? No? Well then I’m taking these boils to the club, baby.’”

So, why is the W.H.O. putting the monkeypox virus in the same category as the COVID virus, declaring that they are both “public health emergencies of international concern.” 

W.H.O. Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is a Marxist and has close ties with the Communist Chinese Party [CCP]. With strong support from the CCP, he was reelected in May to a second five-year term in office. The Family Research Council says his reelection “was marked by sharp criticism over the actions taken by the organization during the covid-19 pandemic. In January 2020, W.H.O. endorsed a claim by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that there was ‘no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission’ of COVID. Over the preceding months, W.H.O. continued to echo questionable claims by the CCP as the pandemic worsened.”

Congressman James Comer [R-KY], ranking member of the House oversight committee, said, “China lied, the W.H.O. complied and Americans died.” Corner made the remark when President Trump made the decision to end U.S. backing for the organization– a move widely welcomed at the time due to the efforts of Ghebreyesus to cover up the CCP’s role in the creation and spread of the COVID virus. However, President Biden was elected before the termination of American funding could go into effect and, of course, he overruled President Trump’s decision.

The recent W.H.O. decision to declare an international emergency as regards monkeypox was foreseen.  Some say the organization needed to have a “second success” if it wanted to be taken seriously after trying to cover up the CCP’s involvement in the outbreak of COVID. The monkeypox declaration was predicted, Retired U.S. Air Force General Thomas McInerney told the Epoch Times. As he put it, “They are right on our predicted schedule … We shall not conform to their guidelines, we must resist lockdowns, now is the time for America and the world and we the people to say no! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!”

Meanwhile, it turns out that Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor and that he issued the international monkeypox emergency despite the fact that he did not have the support of his independent advisory panel.

He “made the declaration despite a lack of consensus among members of the WHO’s emergency committee on the monkeypox outbreak, and in so doing overruled his own review panel, who had voted 9 against, 6 for declaring the PHEIC [Public Health Emergency of International Concern]. Tedros asserted that this committee of experts  was unable to reach a consensus, so it fell on him to decide whether to trigger the highest alert possible,” according to physician and biochemist Dr. Robert Malone in a report published by the Brownstone Institution. Dr. Malone also pointed out that “It’s the first time a leader of a UN health agency has made such a decision unilaterally.” 

URL : https://amac.us/blog/health-and-wellness/w-h-o-do-they-think-they-are/