Trump Celebrates 75th Birthday

Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2021
by Outside Contributor

Despite being banned on Twitter, “Happy Birthday Donald Trump” was trending Monday with more than 38,500 tweets as of noon ET.

Coincidentally born on Flag Day, former President Donald Trump celebrated his 75th birthday with well-wishes from his colleagues and supporters Monday.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted:

“Happy birthday, President Donald Trump! Serving alongside you to put America First was an honor. Here’s to never giving up on Making America Great.”

Juanita Broaddrick, one of former President Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct accusers and a past Trump campaign debate guest in 2016, even stayed up to midnight to potentially be American First in wishing Trump happy birthday, tweeting:

“I stayed up till midnight to say…. HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER, Donald J. Trump. America love you and misses you.”

Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son, tweeted with a picture of his father embracing the American flag, which was denigrated by the social justice and anti-policing movements during his campaigns and presidency:

“Happy Birthday President Trump #HappyBirthday”

Flag day celebrates the American flag, but notably it is not an official federal holiday.

Tea Party Patriots tweeted:

“Our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, turns 75 today! Happy Birthday, Mr. President Flag of United States”

AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, published a lengthy birthday card, signed “The American People.” It began:

“On behalf of the millions of Americans who wish they could personally thank you for everything, you did for our country and the world, Happy Birthday!

“It is a perfect coincidence that the birthday of the most patriotic commander-in-chief in modern history is also Flag Day — the day we commemorate the official adoption of the Stars and Stripes by the United States Congress. No President in our lifetime has sacrificed more or worked harder than you to keep Old Glory flying high and proud over a safe and prosperous country. Thank you, Mr. President, for restoring our national pride, our spirit of patriotism, and, yes, our very identity as Americans.”

The letter added thanks for many of the Trump administration accomplishments, including:

Trump was the oldest president in U.S. history, until President Joe Biden become the oldest president in history on his inauguration day.