Today's Democrat Party Is America's Enemy

Posted on Friday, August 21, 2020
by Paul Gardiner

Some readers of this article will immediately ascribe hyperbole and gross exaggeration to its title. Many of these readers will do so due to an emotional reaction rather than having a willingness to read, much less understand, the reasons for the accusatory title. If one truly understands the policies advocated by today’s democrat party, one will indeed be very challenged not to agree that the party and its leaders are enemies of America’s constitutional republic, founding documents, and indeed the Founders themselves. defines the term “enemy” as follows: “a person who feels hatred for fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another—.” Presented herein is evidence supporting the statement that sadly, today’s democrat party is in truth, America’s enemy. Further, this evidence is sufficient reason to very seldom vote any democrat candidate into political office, especially high political office.

Students of American history (taught before the advent of so-called “progressive,” far-leftist teachers and professors) know that America’s founders intended for the new nation to be one with limited government, an abundance of individual liberty, free markets, guaranteed freedoms of speech, religion, right to bear arms, and other liberties and rights contained in the original Bill of Rights.

The Founders placed heavy emphasis on citizens being individually responsible for their behavior and actions. While the term “capitalism” is not in America’s founding documents, this is the economic system that allowed the nation to become the world’s economic powerhouse making it possible for fewer and fewer persons to live in poverty than ever before.

Regrettably, the above American attributes and successes are opposed by today’s democrat party as evidenced by the following examples of “enemy traits”:

1) Democrats advocate for socialism or what some of them call “democratic socialism”. Regardless of terms, democrats have “harmful designs” against the nation’s economic, political, and social fabric/underpinnings where they want to greatly enlarge the role of government in every citizen’s life—no more limited government (or what’s left of it) for America; democrats want and lust for greater control and power over the daily lives of Americans.     

2) Democrats have “harmful designs” and exhibit “antagonistic activities” against Americans’ freedom of speech and religious rights. Democrats and democrat-supported/controlled organizations regularly censure the words and speech of non-democrats who do not support the democrat agenda and frequently accuse them of being racist for opposing the democrat agenda. Democrats initiate legal action against Christians and other religious groups who use their freedom of speech rights to speak against some of the social doctrines of the democrat party.      

3) Democrats have “harmful designs” and exhibit “antagonistic activities” against Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms. Such designs and activities are found in the democrat party’s insistence upon and dedication to gun confiscation via mandatory gun buy-back programs in different states.  

4) Democrats have “harmful designs” and exhibit “antagonistic activities” against America having secure national borders to better control and prevent illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and human trafficking into the United States. Democrats advocate for and sponsor sanctuary cities and states where the protection of illegal aliens, many with criminal records, is paramount.

5) Democrats have “harmful designs” against American capitalism and free markets. Democrats believe that socialism is the best thing for America where the government and/or government-controlled entities control the means of production, set prices, determine products and services to produce/provide, and so forth. A prime example of such disastrous, centralized planning was the  Obamacare hospitalization program with the individual mandate.

6) Democrats have “harmful designs” and exhibit “antagonistic activities” against America’s police departments by advocating for these departments to be defunded in one way or another. In other words, democrats care more about maintaining chaos and crime in America than they care about maintaining law and order and protecting law-abiding citizens.

7) Lastly, Democrats in general exhibit a deep, vitriol “hatred for” a duly elected President of the United States. This hatred extends to the people/voters and the electoral system that enabled the currently sitting president to take office.

In conclusion, the above examples of “enemy traits” exhibited and practiced by the democrat party members fully warrant characterizing this organization as an enemy of the United States. Voters will be very wise to refuse to place into any political office any candidates supporting the democrat platform and policies. 

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Alabama, and the United States Army War College.