The “Widespread” Misinformation Campaign on Voting Fraud

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Text fake news written with a typewriter. Closeup of an old typewriter and the text fake news typewritten with it in a yellowish paper

(Chuck Muth) – For years now, whenever someone on the right raises the issue of voting fraud, the “fraud deniers” respond by using one word to disingenuously negate the claims…


They can’t say there isn’t ANY voting fraud because there have been too many proven cases of it.

So they try to mislead the public by constantly inserting the word “widespread.”  Here’s a recent example from just this past Thursday…

A coalition of 126 left-leaning groups penned a letter to Congress in opposition to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act which has been proposed to require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

In it they wrote that “there is simply no evidence of widespread noncitizen voting in elections.”

Of course, there IS evidence that noncitizens ARE voting in our elections.  So they have to insert the word “widespread” to cover their butts and mislead the public.

Some other examples…

Three things in case you ever run across this deceptive wordplay and want to respond.

First, as Hans von Spakovsky of the Institute for Constitutional Government points out…

“We don’t have ‘widespread’ bank robberies, but we have enough of them that we take very detailed security precautions to prevent them.  Election fraud is exactly the same.”

Secondly, as former U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams (an Obama appointee) wrote on Twitter on June 6, 2022…

“If even one vote has been illegally cast or if the integrity of just one election official is compromised, it diminishes faith in the process.”

Thirdly, as the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) notes on its website, there have been at least 617 elections over the last twenty-some years that have ended in a tie and another 146 that were decided by one vote.

Just ONE illegally cast ballot could have changed the results in those elections and diminished faith in the process.

So don’t fall for the left’s widespread use of the word “widespread” when talking about election integrity.

It’s a widespread, disingenuous tactic designed to trivialize the very real concern about securing our elections.


“Elected officials of all political stripes should want to prevent election fraud.” – Las Vegas Sun

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.

Reprinted with Permission from The Pigpen Project

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