The Extensive History of Democrat-Linked Voter Fraud

Posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2023
by AMAC, Parker Bono

For nearly two centuries, the Democrat Party and its members have been utilized as a means to support various forms of voter fraud throughout the United States. These nefarious efforts have evolved over the years, with those on the left now being able to execute the practice to near-perfection.

The first recorded democratic elections began in ancient Greece in the year 507 B.C., when the system of “demokratia,” or “rule by the people,” was introduced. Ever since then, corrupt individuals and groups have managed to exploit their nation’s electoral systems to nullify the true will of the people and effectively rig elections. In fact, election-related fraud is one of the most highly reported crimes throughout recorded history.

From the very beginning, the Democrat Party political bosses and their acolytes across the country have supported voter fraud and electoral corruption, embracing numerous heinous tactics to win elections. Founded in 1828, the Democrat Party, sadly has been engaged in manipulating election outcomes for over 190 years. Shortly after its inception, Democrats started using an election strategy referred to as “cooping.” During the process, Democrats would deploy gangs of people to forcefully lure voters into hidden rooms and basements. There, they were subsequently drugged or beaten while being instructed to vote for Democrat candidates several times in different disguises. Cooping was so common in America that prominent individuals such as Edgar Allen Poe are believed to have been killed by the heinous practice. 

In 1855, thousands of Democrats illegally crossed the border from Missouri to the territory of Kansas to wrongfully vote in Kansas’s elections. Using brute force, mobs of Missouri Democrats coerced numerous Kansas towns to record their illegal votes. The issue of fraud in Kansas’s 1855 election was so abundant that some cities or towns had up to five times as many counted votes as there were residents in the area. This ultimately made the territory of Kansas fraudulently elect pro-slavery Democrats, despite the majority of Kansas voters being vehemently against the legalization of slavery. 

In the late 1850s, violent gangs of Democrats clashed with members of the Know-Nothing Party as they were being utilized in the Baltimore area during a local election to compel voters to support Democrat candidates. The situation became so bad that the U.S. Marines had to get involved to clear the Baltimore streets, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 Americans. Following the Civil War, demented Democrats slaughtered hundreds of voters in the state of Louisiana for the simple reason that they were registered as Republicans. After these events, Democrats started to transition away from their voter fraud system of using pure force to a new system where the electorate has the illusion of choice. They were able to do this through the launch of sophisticated organizations called  “political machines,” which were led by political bosses. 

Democrats have always been obsessed with controlling urban parts of America. It is a trend that continues to this day, with nearly every major city in America being dominated by those on the left. Democrat control of the cities began to take off in the late 19th century. This period is commonly referred to as the “Gilded Age” due to rampant political corruption. Coincidentally, this time period also saw the highest rate of voter turnout in American history, although it is safe to assume that large numbers of the recorded votes were illegitimate. This is due to the implementation of political machines. In big cities across America, Democrats and their so-called “bosses” forcefully and deceptively seized political power while simultaneously stealing millions in taxpayer funds for multiple decades via “kickbacks.” The states of Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas were heavily impacted by the rise of political machines, with William “Boss” Tweed’s Tammany Hall in New York City being the most infamous political machine. Although political machines seemingly died in the mid-20th century, areas like Chicago, New Orleans, and Philadelphia still remain under Democrat-machine control to this day. New Orleans has not been led by a Republican for a whopping 150 years; Chicago has lacked a Republican mayor for over 90 years; and Philadelphia has been led by Democrats for at least 70 consecutive years.

A few decades after the fall of most political machines, Lyndon B. Johnson and his Democrat allies used a different system to commit voter fraud. It involved the simple technique of waiting until almost all of the ballots were counted, then claiming to find just enough new votes to change the result of the election. This process was successfully deployed by the left in 1948 throughout the infamous “Box 13” scandal. During the Democrat primary for one of Texas’s Senate seats in 1948, Lyndon B. Johnson undeniably stole the election from his opponent, Coke Stevenson. Days after the primary election, Stevenson was declared the official winner by approximately 150 votes. However, a small southern Texas town called Alice announced that they had miraculously found 203 new ballots in “Box 13” numerous days after the election. Of the 203 discovered votes, 202 were for Johnson, and just 1 was for Stevenson. Each of the new ballots was written in the same handwriting, signed with identical ink, and cast in alphabetical order. On top of that, investigations showed that many of the voters whose ballots were found in Box 13 claimed to have never actually voted. Jim Wells County Judge Luis Salas, the election judge responsible for certifying the 203 ballots, later admitted that the ballots were fictitious. To quote Salas, “Johnson did not win that election—it was stolen for him and I know exactly how it was done…I was just going along with my party.” Despite these facts, the new ballots gave Johnson a slight edge and empowered him to win his primary election by 87 votes, ultimately propelling him to become Senator, Vice President, and President of the United States.

Now, illicit voting processes in modern America combined with lackluster election integrity rules allow for LBJ’s strategy to be applied much easier than ever before. In 14 states, votes are still counted if received after Election Day, sometimes up to 14 days later, making it easy to inject late votes into the system. 22 states authorize same-day registration, permitting Democrats to register voters at the last possible moment without the opportunity for states to verify voter information prior to a vote being cast. The illicit practice of ballot harvesting is legal in 25 states, enabling political operatives to collect ballots en masse and turn them in for other voters. While America has seen a variety of new states enact voter ID requirements over the last two years, there are still 16 states where voters are not required to show any form of identification to request or submit a ballot. Disturbingly, the five states of California, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, and Washington fit each of the above criteria, depriving their voters of free and fair elections.

Democrats have used fraud and deception to obtain political power for many years. However, outside of leftist-dominated areas, America has made great progress towards fortifying its electoral system. This is clearly not enough. If Americans ever wish to have legitimate election integrity, they must find a way to dismantle the corrupt election rules that have been created in Democrat-run states, allowing them to conduct unsecure elections.

Parker Bono is an 18-year-old patriot from Southern California. Before joining AMAC, Parker wrote a total of 6 books as a teenager. He wrote his first book when he was just 13 years old. Parker is also an active member of his community. He has worked on nearly a dozen different political campaigns and has helped get conservative candidates elected to an array of government positions.

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