The Democrats’ Fear Loathing Can’t Bring Down Trump

Posted on Friday, July 19, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

During the past several days at the RNC convention, and since the attempted assassination of former, and likely future president Donald Trump, Americans across the political spectrum have had an opportunity to fully grasp how much they’ve been misled about Trump and conservatives in general. Trump, they’ve realized, is not a monster, and with that comes the understanding that everyone has been lied to by the left about, well, everything.

Democrats have spent nearly a decade demonizing, denouncing, and fearmongering about conservatives in general and Trump specifically. Americans have endured for years hearing the Democrats constantly comparing our former president to Adolf Hitler and other obscene villains, and warning that he will become a fascist dictator (of course) if he is reelected. So, is it any wonder that a disturbed young man tried to assassinate him?

President Joe Biden has enthusiastically followed the fearmongering narrative. On the day after his disastrous debate performance against Trump last month, when Biden’s sadly diminished ability to think on his feet and speak coherently was exposed for the world to see, Biden tweeted: “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.” This was the natural culmination of almost a decade of apocalyptic lies about the former president.

Now that Biden’s candidacy is on life support desperate Democrats are again frantically trying to get him to step aside so they can arrange a different presidential nominee. Even as the GOP convention rolled on, Democrat leaders were staging nothing less than an intervention in the effort to throw the previously compliant Biden under their bus. No matter who ends up being at the top of the Democratic ticket, expect the Democrats to double-down on hyperbolic nonsense to make Trump out to be Hitler Jr., and his supporters will continue to be compared to terrorists. It’s all they have.

As I explain in my new book, “Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda,” leftists like Biden and the liberal media have a long and ugly history of weaponizing fear to fill us with chronic dread and anxiety so they can justify supersizing Big Government to control what we think and what we do. They want to make us the servants of the government, instead of requiring the government to serve our needs. Maintaining power is the only thing that motivates them.

Fortunately, as he bravely showed when he was shot Saturday at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and then stood up and defiantly raised his fist, Trump will not let fear control him —nor should we. The bullet that struck Trump’s ear could have ended his life if it entered his brain less than an inch away, but fear of another attack hasn’t stopped Trump. No doubt he has been afraid at times throughout this appalling event, but he did not let that fear control him.

In what is becoming more obvious by the day, Trump is connected with, and understands Americans, and clearly wants to end the fear spawned by disastrous Democratic policies. It remains mindboggling that our government has allowed dangerous illegal aliens, hundreds of suspected terrorists, and drugs to invade our country. They tied the hands of police and made it harder for them to protect us, released accused violent criminals without bail, and caused inflation that has made it hard for Americans to afford to fuel our cars, heat and cool our homes, feed our families, and pay the rent or mortgage to keep a roof over our heads.

Our government is supposed to be limited in scope and make our lives better, not suck all the air out of the future.

Even Biden must realize that he can’t be reelected by touting his failing policies and dismal record in office. But he (or whoever is at the top of the ticket) likely believes they can convince enough Americans that Trump is a real-life version of Darth Vader commanding the Death Star and is ready to destroy our country, once again tricking voters and delivering our nation into their corrupt hands.

The answer to our dilemma starts with understanding that while fear itself is natural, weaponizing chronic fear is an unnatural construct that is used to keep us from inquiring or questioning the leftists who want to control all aspects of our lives. As the rules dictated by progressives become more absurd and the dangers associated with challenging the status quo become existential, the left anticipates the average person will naturally retreat. This can only work if we, as individuals, let it.

We can fight and win the battle for America’s future if we understand the challenges we face and how to overcome them. Recognizing that what we’re facing is not natural and can be defeated is vital, allowing us to rely on our personal courage to sweep aside the carefully constructed but false curtain of lies and fear relied on by the establishment and Marxist left.

If there ever was a time to re-establish the dream of the America the Founders knew was possible, that time is now—specifically November 5th, 2024.  

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.