The Democratic Megadonor and The Rising Crime Rate

Posted on Monday, October 4, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

In recent months, Democrats have waged a public crusade against the supposed malign influence of so-called “dark money” groups in American elections. Democrats like Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse have made a career grandstanding on the issue, alleging that Republican politicians receive huge sums of money from shadowy organizations hell-bent on increasing the power of their ultra-rich anonymous donors. Now, however, politicians like Whitehouse have been exposed for their own involvement in dark money schemes, and even the liberal media admit that Democrats accept far more funding than Republicans from dark money groups. But of all the Democrat megadonors fueling the progressive push to remake America, perhaps none has been more effective than billionaire George Soros and his stealth campaign to radicalize the American justice system.

According to recent financial disclosures highlighted by Sean Kennedy, President of the organization Virginia for Safe Communities, Soros, a Hungarian-born former hedge fund manager, has directly or indirectly funded dozens of far-left candidates in local district attorney (DA) elections across the country, largely through various Political Action Committees (PACs) and super PACs. While Soros funding Democrat candidates is nothing new, his specific targeting of DA races has been shockingly effective and deeply detrimental to public safety.

Historically, district attorney elections have been low-dollar, locally focused efforts. However, in 2016 Soros personally invested more in local DA races than almost any other major donor spent on the entire 2016 presidential election cycle. The injection of nearly a million dollars into some of these races by Soros and his allies all but assured victory for his preferred candidates.

As a result of Soros’s efforts, roughly seventy-five of the candidates he funded are currently in office, meaning that dozens of influential local politicians throughout the country owe at least some degree of allegiance to one billionaire donor. While there are 2,500 district attorneys nationwide, Soros selected attorneys running primarily in urban and suburban areas. As a result, the DA’s he supported have jurisdiction over more than fifty million Americans. Additionally, the districts these attorneys oversee have a disproportionately high number of criminal cases filed in them, meaning that this relatively small group of prosecutors wields an outsized influence on the direction of the American justice system.

With their newfound collective power, Soros prosecutors have effectively uprooted and radicalized the American justice system, in many cases allowing dangerous criminals back onto the street. While a police officer may arrest an individual for a crime, it is up to the state and local attorney’s office to decide whether or not to actually prosecute that individual. Should a prosecutor refuse to bring charges or offer an extremely lenient plea deal to the accused, a judge has no choice but to accept it. Only in the most extraordinary of cases can a judge refuse such a deal. The shocking unwillingness of Soros-funded DA’s to prosecute even heinous crimes like sex abuse has led judges to issue such stinging rebukes as telling victims “your government has failed you.”

Many of these DA’s have also refused to implement cash bail, refused to detain criminals accused of violent crimes, and even provided the public a list of crimes they will not prosecute, essentially inviting criminal activity. Included on the “approved crimes” list are things like larceny, vandalism, and breaking and entering occupied homes. Additionally, some Soros prosecutors have dismissed as many as half of all cases brought to their office. As a result, a record number of lawyers serving under Soros DA’s are in protest.

New lax sentencing in some of the nation’s largest cities perhaps also explains the “unprecedented” spike in murders and other crimes seen throughout the country. Predictably, many Soros DA’s are now facing recall efforts by groups like Virginia For Safe Communities, which AMAC Newsline has previously reported on.

However, while removing Soros-backed DA’s is a good first step toward restoring public safety, simply ousting the existing cadre of radical prosecutors may only be a temporary solution to a much deeper problem. Soros shows no signs of relenting in the use of his vast wealth to attempt to transform America, and he is hardly alone. Earlier this year, the New York Times reported that Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss had quietly donated $208 million from 2016 to 2020 to help Democrats retake Congress and the White House, even as they baselessly accused Republicans of colluding with Russian businesses.

In the case of both Wyss and Soros, donations were channeled through a series of opaque organizations in order to bypass campaign finance laws and obscure the original source of the funds. Soros, for example, is part of a network of progressive billionaires who together created the Democracy Alliance. This network of progressive boosters secretly funds candidates who promote policy structured around “social justice” and “critical race” issues. While this group’s dark money funding scheme is the exact type of operation that most Democrats rail against, members have defended the operation by simply stating “we’re the good guys.” In other words, big money in politics is ok as long as it’s supporting Democratic candidates and policies.

Even as Democrats continue to publicly voice opposition dark money in politics, their actions have made plain that they intend only to root out and expose Republican donors for the sole purpose of public shaming and harassment, leaving their own vast anonymous funding network untouched. As a result, progressive-minded billionaires like Soros have been free to quietly infiltrate the political infrastructure of towns and cities across the United States without fear of reprisal, attempting to radicalize American society from inside government institutions. While Republicans may celebrate if they retake Congress next year and the White House in 2024, they would be remiss to ignore the creeping influence of billionaire activists in their own backyard, lest their constituents suffer at the hands of local authorities who have no interest in enforcing the law.