Opinion: Biden Is One of the Worst Presidents We’ve Ever Had

Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 10 – It’s official. You know it. I know it. And apparently, the rest of the country knows it: 54% of voters surveyed by Rasmussen pollsters recently said President Joe Biden is one of the worst, if not the worst, American presidents ever. And if that isn’t enough of an insult, the same poll found that 41% of voters who participated in the poll agreed that President Trump was one of the country’s best Commanders-in Chief compared to only 15% who would say that of Mr. Biden.

A surprisingly high percentage of members of his own Democratic Party who participated in the survey – 28% percent – agreed with the majority who tagged President Biden as one of the worst in history to hold the office. He just can’t win for losing. But, then again, he’s got himself and his administration to blame.

Not only has Mr. Biden botched critical tasks since his inauguration last year, but he has also underestimated the popularity of the establishment of a new, socialist-based government to replace 244 years of American freedom. Surely his mishandling of crisis after crisis during the past 12 months has had a lot to do with it. But, perhaps, it has something to do with his relatively new focus on efforts to swap our successful, capitalist American way of life. He started out as a mild-mannered loyalist Democrat, but during his tenure, he has slipped and slid into just another progressive socialist. In less than a year in office, he seems to have decided to join the ranks of the Marxist revolutionaries who have infiltrated our government. One look at his megabuck Build Back Better spending plan shows just how far to the left Mr. Biden has become.   

You have to be a fool to believe that the majority of Americans prefer a socialist or Marxist way of life compared to the freedoms we have as a proud industrious nation. Yes, there is a particularly nasty crowd of some size that has emerged in recent years that would overturn our free society. They ignore the fact that communism, or whatever you want to call it, is anathema to the majority of us. It’s a form of government that doesn’t work, has never worked. It may look good on paper to lazy, greedy persons who think that a Soviet-style of governance will make life easy for them. They buy into the notion that they don’t have to work so hard in order to live the good life, ignoring the facts of history. 

A hundred years ago, Lenin, Stalin, and their cohorts succeeded in turning the Russian Empire into a Soviet Socialist amalgam of nations. In that timeframe, communism overtook Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia, and it is estimated that it caused the deaths of some hundred million or more of their citizens. “That makes communism the greatest catastrophe in human history,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Communism and socialism, which one might call communism light, is still with us today in mainland China and other nations such as Venezuela, for example. We’ve heard the stories over the years of how the people living in communist countries – desperate for freedom – were killed or incarcerated if they tried to resist or escape. You need more than a passport and a visa to get out of town to seek the freedoms such as we have and cherish in the United States.

If socialism worked, the millions of illegal migrants at our Mexican borders would be trying to break into Venezuela; it’s close enough. Alas, socialism doesn’t work there or anywhere else. In fact, it is estimated that “six million Venezuelans have left the country seeking food, work, and a better life since 2014,” says the World Vision organization. You can bet that a goodly number of them are part of the millions of illegals seeking entry into the U.S.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/opinion-biden-is-one-of-the-worst-presidents-weve-ever-had/