‘Now the Tables Have Turned:’ Trump Campaign Demands Origin of Mueller Probe Investigated

Posted on Friday, April 19, 2019
by Outside Contributor
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Shortly after Attorney General William Barr released the full redacted Mueller report on Thursday, April 18, Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale demanded an investigation of the “liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump.”

“President Trump has been fully and completely exonerated yet again. Now the tables have turned, and it’s time to investigate the liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump, motivated by political retribution and based on no evidence whatsoever,” he said in a statement.

“Now that the collusion and obstruction conspiracy theories have been exposed for the pathetic hoaxes they always were, the Obama-era DOJ and FBI must answer for their misdeeds and the scam that they perpetrated against the American people,” read the statement.

Earlier in the day, Barr re-affirmed that no member of the Trump campaign, or any other American, colluded with Russia to interfere with the 2016 elections.

He made the remarks during a press conference before releasing the Mueller report to the congressional committees and the public.

The Special Counsel “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” Barr said, quoting the Mueller report.

He also said that he and Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein determined there was no obstruction of justice case based on the information presented by Mueller.

Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of Republican National Committee (RNC), also asked for the origin of the Mueller probe to be investigated.

“It is now time to get to the bottom of how an investigation based off of fake and partisan information began in the first place. After two years and over $35 million, American taxpayers deserve answers and the integrity of our democratic process depends on ensuring this never happens again,” she stated.

Trump and his legal team declared victory after the Mueller report was released.

“I’m having a good day, too, it’s called ‘no collusion, no obstruction,’” he said while addressing the Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride at the White House. “There never was by the way, and there never will be.”

“This should never happen to another president again, this hoax, it should never happen to another president again,” he added.

Many Trump supporters also joined the rally on social media to declare victory.

“Thank you to every Trump supporter who never gave up on him or doubted him. YOU are the champions today,” wrote Bill Mitchell, the host of a conservative talk radio show and one of the pundits on Trump, on Twitter.

‘Failure Among a Group of Leaders There’

During an April 10 hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Barr said that spying on Trump Campaign in 2016 “did occur.”

“I think spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur,” he confirmed when Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) asked if he suggested that spying occurred.

He also said that he wants to pull everything together from the various investigations at the Capitol and the DOJ and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed.

“I haven’t set up a team yet. But I do have in mind having some colleagues to help me pull all this information together and let me know whether there’s some areas that should be looked at,” he stated.

Barr clarified that he is not launching an investigation into the FBI, but he thought there was probably “a failure among a group of leaders there.”

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/national-security/now-the-tables-have-turned-trump-campaign-demands-origin-of-mueller-probe-investigated/