Minorities are Turning Right

Posted on Wednesday, June 8, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

As the Biden White House, Congressional Democrats, and new leftist Supreme Court Justice Jackson, cheer for restricting the 2nd Amendment, something else is happening. Minorities – Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians – are defending gun rights. Call this a leading indicator – of political realignment.

New numbers are stunning, displaying how freedom works, how Americans of every stripe appreciate our Bill of Rights. While Democrats run against the Bill of Rights, free speech, free exercise of religion, sacred right to “keep and bear arms,” minorities are running to defend these rights.

Even before recent attacks on the 2nd Amendment – with Biden angling to limit the right – something was afoot. “Firearm purchases by minority groups in America have soared” in recent years. The latest events only reinforce the trend.

Nationwide, surveys of retailers released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation reveal a big turn. Law-abiding Americans of every geography, subculture, creed, color, and political view are saying “enough” to overreach. 

They are shifting their allegiance, tired of high crime, drug trafficking, street violence, record homicides, unrestrained illegal immigration, police defunding and demoralization, and abandonment of public health and safety needs – especially in minority communities. Gun buys make the point.

Local, state, and federal Democrats fan public insecurity. Meantime, minorities – and majorities – want self-protection, community watches, physical security measures – and access to guns. That is a fact.

Between 2019 and 2020, America saw a 58 percent increase in Black Americans buying firearms, a 49 percent increase in Hispanic buys, and a 43 percent increase in Asian purchases. That is a major shift.

Women are also realigning – behind self-defense and gun rights. “A survey by…Harvard and Northeastern…found the number of female first-time gun buyers has doubled over the past two years, to 3.5 million.”

One can spin as communities catching up for fewer past purchases, but the point is undeniable. Counterintuitively, Democrat policies are driving higher public concern, personal insecurity, and unprecedented gun buying.  

Reality is “what goes around comes around,” and the “piper” is about to be paid. As Democrats drive minorities and women to gun ownership, fight for the protection of kids, homes, and churches, attack parents for defending children’s rights in schools, and revile conservative minority communities, the tables are turning.

What is happening? Minorities are turning right. As core freedoms are eclipsed by the left, which has now captured the Democratic Party, a realignment is occurring.

Many in minority communities, who believe rights attach to individuals, not groups, are saying “no” to the anti-liberty Democrat agenda, and “no” to higher federal dependence, “no” to loss of their basic individual freedoms.

Signs are visible across the country, including minority objections to “dumbing down” math, biology, and other sciences for “minority accommodation.” Parents – of all kinds – want their kids to get ahead and learn real things, not clutter.

Minority parents are tiring of Democrat pressure to abandon basic church and religious teachings on issues like abortion, marginalizing their children with a patronizing, counter-productive “woke” agenda, pegging their futures to race.  

The “American Dream,” as Martin Luther King argued, is about character, not color, about opportunity, not dependence, about fulfilling the promise of individual attainment, contribution, and intergenerational advancement, not marginalization.

Minority gun buying is a “leading indicator” of bigger things ahead. Minorities are becoming defenders of the 2nd Amendment and speaking up for individual rights.

Minorities are also shifting allegiance, as recent polls show. Even liberal media cannot ignore the trend. A poll this week shows Biden’s support from Blacks slipped again, down another eight percent.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan realigned “blue collar Democrats” behind a simple, straight-forward Republican agenda. It turned on honoring individual liberties of all Americans, working to limit government, and to advance prosperity.

He stood for personal responsibility, equal opportunity, strong national defense, less government, lower taxes, good moral compass. He did not judge, did not participate in ad hominem attacks, but asked people to fulfil their promise.

Somehow, in the clutter of modern politics, the reality that individuals have a right to protect themselves, protect their families, and keep government limited – is becoming clear to all Americans, majority, minority, however you slice us.

Net-net, this is a good thing for America’s future, good for all who appreciate the sanctity of individual rights. It may not, however, be good for Democrats in 2022. Minorities are turning right.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/minorities-are-turning-right/