Call it two strikes, as Democrats swing wildly to beat Trump-Pence: First Joe Biden, now Kamala Harris. Recent events put me in mind of 1932’s World Series when powerhouse Babe Ruth pointed to the far wall – and slammed a ball out of the park. Playing conditions had to be perfect – and were. They might be again.
First, the Democrats select a presumptive candidate with obvious cognitive problems. He keeps stumbling – without end. Substantively, he seems to represent everything and nothing. If elected, he will fill government top-to-bottom with leftists – and effectively be done.
Strike two? Kamala Harris. Who is she, and why did Biden pick her? She is an ambitious, young, black, female Democrat senator from California, ranked “most liberal” in 2019. See,
Her record is stunning – for sacrificing personal integrity and principle for advancement. While having an extramarital affair with a Speaker of the California Assembly, he appointed her to state boards that gave her $400,000. See, After admitting to helping Harris, the Speaker confided she later threatened to indict him. See,
When in vogue, Harris styled herself a “tough prosecutor.” That seemed the ticket. As a district attorney and state attorney general, she charged parents with crimes for truant children, used family-tracking by DNA, pushed to confiscate private property prior to charges (that is, preemptive civil forfeiture), protected illegal immigrants (including felons), yet had a low win percentage and was found by the California Supreme Court to have violated defendants’ rights. See,
As an opponent of gun rights, Harris went after manufacturers, sought to enforce an unconstitutional bar on pictures of guns in retail advertising. Notably, a federal judge in 2018 found the latter effort “unconstitutional on its face.”
Running for president, her campaign derided the 2nd amendment: “If Congress fails to send comprehensive gun safety legislation … within her first 100 days as president—including universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and repeal of the NRA’s corporate gun manufacturer and dealer immunity bill—she will take executive action … “ See,
While these priorities sync with socialism, the national tone shifted in 2016. Being a prosecutor no longer cut it with the left. Harris swung left. She pushed anti-Trump Russia collusion, impeachment, obstruction of freedoms, anti-law enforcement, pro-illegal aliens, centralization.
Harris joined the socialist parade, in 2018 trying to defund federal law enforcement, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She has since gone along with “defunding” police and refused to condemn violence in 200 cities.
On cue, she favored federalizing healthcare – Medicare-for-All, which economists say would bankrupt the country, and AOC’s socialist “New Green Deal,” massively redistributing wealth. See,,contraception%20coverage%20in%20health%20insurance%20on%20religious%20grounds.
Harris’ record on religious freedom – is horrific. She fought against religious rights of private business owners in Hobby Lobby, promotes abortion up-to- birth, and suggested Catholics may be unfit for the federal bench based on their religious affiliations. See,,_Inc.;;
The last is notable. Harris and fellow lefty Senator Mazie Hirona (D-HI) – who recently denied ANTIFA violence – both condemned Catholics, including judicial nominees, who join the “Knights of Columbus.” See,
Harris’ assault on that group is remarkable. John F. Kennedy, running for president as a Catholic in 1960, faced exactly this bigotry. He was a member. While nominally religious, the group was founded to promote “charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.”
JFK’s condemnation of Harris-like bigotry would today make him unelectable – at least as a Democrat. Ironically, the KoC fought for patriotism, against the Klan, and included all races. It worked closely with the NAACP to battle racism and bigotry. All that seems lost on Harris.
So why did Biden select Harris? The answer: Biden is aging fast, low on energy. Democrats have shifted hard left – putting all marbles in the socialist basket. Harris represents a young, shameless play to leftists and identity politics. At heart, it is a cynical act. Democrat leaders think Democrat voters – do not think. They imagine them voting blindly for skin color, female gender, dependence – not independence.
The strategy is empty. Strike three is coming. Why? People care about their future, more than voting skin color or gender. Trump defends liberty, and people like it. They want to speak, worship, assemble, travel, work, defend, and avoid government overreach. They are not stupid.
Trump raised the economic wellbeing of men and women of all races, creeds, ages, and dispositions – no interest in differences, only common bonds. He expanded opportunities for self-improvement, rather than punting decisions to government. People like that.
Trump reintroduced leadership abroad, demanding fair trade. At home, he stands for rule of law, not rule by politics. On that principle civil societies stand. He will not defund police. He will protect institutions, citizens, private property – urban, rural, and suburban.
The Harris gambit sets up strike three. Democrats are desperate. Harris checks all Democrat boxes – socialist, malleable, ambitious, vocal, young, black, female, government credentials, anti-religious, pro-abortion, defund police, moral relativist, and vigorously anti-Trump.
They miss hard questions: Do thinking men and women, who rightly consider themselves American first, really vote on skin color or gender? Do those who love individual liberty want socialism? Do those who suffered the Obama-Biden economy want more of that? Do more people vote for fear or facts, dependence or self-reliance, welfare or work, riots or peace?
No, Biden was strike one, and Harris is strike two. If Americans turn up at the polls – strike three for Democrats is coming. And say, wait a minute, I think I see Trump pointing for the far wall.