January 6th Committee - Lies Within Lies

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

In sword fighting, as in politics, one meets “the feint,” a deceptive move intended to misdirect, cause an overreaction, distraction, opening, false plunge, or parry. In his epic series Dune, Frank Herbert refers to “feints within feints within feints.”  The January 6th investigative Committee is giving Herbert a run for his money, “feints within feints within feints.” Now, we know.

The US House Administration Committee has an Oversight Subcommittee. That investigative body is chaired by Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), who – having met with him – is a thoughtful, methodical, quintessential investigator. Not Christy’s Poirot, he is unglamorous, yet unremitting in pursuit of truth.  And … he is finding it.

What he has found so far about January 6th is arresting, but not for the reason you think. Far from a government takeover greenlighted by Mr. Trump, the run-amuck day on Capitol Hill appears to have been a convenient springboard for Democrat ambitions – the opening act to stop Trump’s return.

What exactly have investigators found?  A lot, and it points to an insipid, insidious misuse of government power. Incredibly, the more they find, and more damning what they find is to the January 6th investigative committee, the deeper the thing goes. Democrats were fabricators.

When Republicans won control of the US House on November 17, 2022, a string of breathtaking events unfolded behind the scenes – coordinated by Democrats – that hardly anyone saw. They happened with intent, quickly, quietly, unethically, and suggest bald indifference to laws.

What the Laudermilk investigators uncovered earlier this year, soft-shoed by Democrats in the media, not discussed by House, Senate, and White House Democrats, was bad. A large volume of legally significant material produced in interviews with Democrat investigators was missing.

They learned hundreds of transcript pages, physical recordings, and other “real evidence,” which any court or committee archives for reference, was transferred to the Democrat-controlled executive branch, or – hold onto your chair – physically destroyed.

Ignoring the doctrine of separation of powers, the legal mandate that substantive evidence not be destroyed, and leading to the inference that what was hidden and destroyed was exculpatory, or proved that the story told was untrue – Democrats “disappeared” what they wanted no one to see.

If you doubt all this happened, cull the record of discoveries Chairman Laudermilk’s committee has already made, and you will see that – while Democrats do not want you to know it – they lied about what they knew and what they did, mispresented their handoff, and destroyed real evidence.

Under federal law – the Jencks Act, 18 USC 3500 – a prosecutor must produce a “verbatim report” of testimony, no hiding or destroying. The reason is this testimony may tend to prove innocence.

The Democrat “J 6 Committee,” playing at being prosecutors, but really playing with people’s lives – did the opposite. They changed, hid, and disposed of vital evidence, a fact being re-discovered through fresh depositions and subpoenas of the White House. Turns out, the story is not as told.

For example, even as the House strives to unmask, un-redact, and get what was illicitly given to the Biden White House by Democrats, much engineered by the dark Liz Cheney, there is more.

Among eye-popping facts found last week, a witness of importance was taken to a room controlled exclusively by Liz Cheney, seemingly pressured to say things untrue and change testimony, which was then presented as fact to the public, including about President Trump.

Specifically, the scurrilous, plainly false rumors about his grabbing a car’s wheel, and doing other insensible things were “testimony” taken with Cheney privately, no Republicans present, and when the Secret Service instantly said, “utterly untrue,” they were silenced until after the 2020 election.

Then came the story that Pelosi had been stopped from getting the National Guard on the scene to back up the Capitol Police by Trump. Turns out, total falsehood a storyline she and other Democrats, as well as Cheney and “J 6 Committee” staff wrote to confirm. Totally false.

Thanks to Laudermilk’s investigation of the investigation, we now know this: Trump approved the National Guard well in advance, and Democrats declined them before or during the riot because they thought it might look bad in the context of the 2020 race riots. Then, they blamed Trump.

Now, we even have the tape recording of Pelosi – admitting to her own staff – that she was “responsible” for there being no National Guard, implicitly for the breach of the Capitol. She lied, to slime Trump.

The list goes on and on and on, each real fact more stunning than the last. What does it mean? The  “January 6th Committee”  was, it appears, intended not to find truth but to block it. It was high-risk, high-cost political gamesmanship, a multi-million dollar boondoggle, aimed at stopping Trump.

The more the US House Administration Committee’s Oversight Committee digs, the more they find, and the more like a well-planned put-up job the thing looks. Clearly, the effort to sully Trump, and block his political return, was led by Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, and top Democrats, with no ethics anywhere.

Bottom line: What is shaping up is serious. Not only was this a political dirty trick, a “feint within a feint within a feint,” nesting lies to illegitimately twist the political knife in Trump, but it may have engendered acts that are themselves crimes. Just when you think you have heard it all, comes another “feint within a feint within a feint.” Just be ready to think harder, be wary, and parry.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.   

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URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/january-6th-committee-lies-within-lies/