Is the Transgender Rush Among Teens Man-Made?

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 21 — Among the U.S. population of 332,403,650 less than half-a-percent of them, about .42%, identify as transgender. They claim that despite the organs with which they were born, the boys among them say they are girls in boy’s clothing and vice versa. Meanwhile, a new Pew Research Center study shows that a growing number of Americans believe that the sex of an individual is determined at birth — period. The Pew data shows that 54% of those polled in 2017 said the sex of an individual is determined at birth, in 2021 the number of respondents with that viewpoint grew to 56% and that the same polling conducted this year shows that 60% of survey participants are of that mindset.

Die-hard believers in the transgender claim that there are many more of our daughters and sons who identify themselves as transgender than has been reported. The Wall Street Journal, in a recent report, quotes pediatrician, Dr. Jack Turban, claiming that “9% of America’s youth now call themselves transgender.” However, Turban’s claim that the increase of youngsters joining the transgender movement is real and not the result of “social contagion” has been reputed.

The Journal report says “Turban’s study is deeply flawed and likely couldn’t have survived a reasonable peer-review process. The swift response from the scientific community made both points clear — with even those who support hormones and surgery for gender-dysphoric youth noting that Dr. Turban’s shoddy science undermined their cause…Nevertheless, the media have promoted his work as a refutation of the claim that the wildfire spread of transgender identity is an example of social contagion—a phenomenon in which members of a group (mostly young and female) mutually influence one another’s emotions and behavior…To use a flawed sex statistic in an attempt to set aside the well-documented phenomenon of gender-dysphoric female teens’ flooding clinics is so amateurish that one can’t help but suspect bad faith.”

Take it from the 71-year-old psychologist, who specializes in transgender issues, Dr. Erica Anderson. He became a she at the age of 26. You might think of her as a proponent of the teen transgender movement but she is not. In a recent syndicated report on the topic first published by the L.A. Times, she had this to say: “For a while, we were all happy that society was becoming more accepting and more families than ever were embracing children that were gender variant…I think it’s gone too far. Now it’s got to the point where there are kids presenting at clinics whose parents say, ‘This just doesn’t make sense.’ To flatly say there couldn’t be any social influence in formation of gender identity flies in the face of reality.  Teenagers influence each other.”

These days it is more likely that a transgender teenager is apt to be a girl wanting to be a boy. Journalist Abigail Shrier acknowledges that fact in her book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.” In a recent Opinion article she penned for the New York Post, she noted that: “Our culture has both made womanhood less appealing and also greased the skids toward social and medical transition for confused teens in genuine pain.”  

Shier noted that “public schools peddle gender ideology with a fervor that would make a preacher blush.  Transgender social-media gurus tout the euphoria testosterone produces, and Planned Parenthood is one of the largest suppliers of testosterone — and they do apprise of the risks, but on an ‘informed consent’ basis. [Meaning no therapist note is required and you leave the clinic with a very serious drug based essentially on the patient’s self-diagnosis.] Hundreds of plastic surgeons are happy to offer medically unnecessary double-mastectomies to girls as young as 16 without so much as a therapist’s note…Teens today spend far less time in person with friends than any previous generation. Most of their social life occurs online, where feelings of inadequacy run wild and the challenge of making and keeping ‘friends’ never lets up. One of the surest ways to win friends and followers is by declaring a glamorous new gender identity, and so they do. Anything to feel lonely no more.”

It’s not only public schools that are engaging in what one might call an attempt to indoctrinate our younger and youngest children. Big buck schools are just as guilty promoting what some parents describe as pornographic reads. The National Review reports that this past summer elite schools such as New York City’s Nightingale-Bamford, Chapin School and Saint Ann’s School, where tuitions run as high as $59,000 a year, gave their students — “including students as young as kindergartners” — reading lists that celebrate a transgender take on life.

The triad of Big Business (Social Media, Planned Parenthood, and our Education system) is working harder than ever to control the minds and lives of our children. We as parents and grandparents must stay informed and respond by providing our children with the support and knowledge necessary to understand how this triad works and what is at stake for the long haul for our children and our country.