Illegal Immigration Nightmare

Posted on Thursday, January 4, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Book with title immigration law

The nightmare that is Joe Biden – and his arrogant co-abusers of power – is lowest, you might think, taking millions from China and Ukraine for political or ideological favors, persecuting his top rival, harassing Americans who speak up at school boards or oppose abortion, or assert 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.  Wrong: The darkest part is coming, a time bomb, the illegal immigration nightmare.

Not one state, city, or town is now safe from midnight drops of illegal aliens, most unvetted, pretending to have asylum status (a complete falsehood, since they enter from Mexico, not their country of origin), many tied to drug trafficking, human trafficking, and sex trafficking organizations, criminals with a plan.

The other day, on Martha McCallum’s FOX show, KT McFarland argued this is done with the intention of creating future Democrat voters, as the Biden Bads aim to naturalize, or offer amnesty and then citizenship, to all the illegals, including the seven million who jumped the border in the past two years or were waved in – like at the Capitol – and then shipped around America.

On the same show, I concurred, but concerns run far deeper. Yes, these benefit-hungry, dependent illegals – or illegal aliens-turned-Democrat voters – represent a huge risk for democracy, undermining citizen votes, and creating a potential one-party government indefinitely, if they vote. That is true.

But the real risks – or equally grave ones – are about the core of the nation, beyond lost election integrity – values we learned as children, love innately and live to keep sound into future generations. We, The People are – America is – at risk.

As a People, we are not about giving “sanctuary” to criminals, even if we rescue and protect good and law-abiding citizens of other countries, who – no fault of their own – become refugees of war and persecution.

As a People, we are not welcoming of drug traffickers – who last year killed more than 100,000 young Americans. Why? Because the Biden Administration coddled Communist China, which makes fentanyl and paid Biden’s family tens of millions. China ships the drug to Mexico, which traffics it north. American kids die.

As a People, we are not a country that consents to the abuse of women and children, to sex trafficking, to the horrifying abuse of young women and girls in transit to and within our own borders. Yet that, like the opening the border to drug traffickers, is exactly what the Biden administration has done, facilitating hell’s rampage here.

As a People, we do not want more Middle Eastern terrorists coming into our nation – not again – via the southern or northern borders, palpably endangering us.

As a People, we do not want homelessness spiking, crime at record levels, gangs sucking all the oxygen out of cities, our schools overrun with illegals who cannot speak English, no chance of assimilating into American values, respecting law, order, decency, history, honesty, or God.

Yet all this is happening, as the illegal waves get out of control. Biden sent his Secretary of State to Mexico to talk with people last week, no change. The idea of asylum has become a joke, with two million backlogged this time last year, and three now.

And where do they “wait for adjudication”?  As under Trump and all previous presidents, in Mexico? No. Biden releases them into – secretly ships them all over – the US, New York, and Maine to Iowa, Boston, Detroit, and Seattle.

Most released for “later asylum hearings” – based on a purported “well-founded fear” of individual persecution in their country of origin, not Mexico, will never show. They are gone.

Even the “immigration judge” or administrative “review process” is a joke under Biden, each of 714 immigration judges facing a 4,500 illegal alien backlog, no hope of ever recovering even if illegals show up. Biden does not respect the law or us.

So, the open border is more than a passing concern about elections, more than a threat to population, legal status, economic infrastructure, dependence, or laws.

The illegal immigration nightmare is fast becoming unmanageable, a crisis in the extreme, overwhelming whole cities and states, arguably the top issue of 2024.

Incompetence, dishonesty, and duplicity are not new to politics, even if Biden now personifies them. The illegal immigration nightmare is new – and must be stopped.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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