House GOP Must Prioritize Fauci Investigation

Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

New Twitter owner Elon Musk set the internet ablaze earlier this month by tweeting “my pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.” While the comment enraged gender theory ideologues and devout Fauci worshippers alike, Musk subsequently teased that future releases of the so-called “Twitter Files” may include information implicating Fauci in Big Tech’s censorship regime. With these revelations, recently unsealed emails and other communications between top scientists, and several lawsuits now alleging potential wrongdoing by the longtime NIH official, House Republicans appear to have plenty of ammo with which to begin their promised investigation of Fauci.

Of prime interest in Republicans’ inquiries will be Fauci’s knowledge of the so-called “lab leak theory,” which he repeatedly and vociferously dismissed throughout the early months of the pandemic. Though the media has been predictably shy to report it, based on every available indication, Fauci used his government clout and access to coerce federal employees into rejecting evidence of the lab leak theory—only days after receiving confirmation that the theory was likely true.

Dr. Andrew Huff—a scientist previously employed by a New York-based nonprofit who helped to lead a research group at a Wuhan laboratory – has conducted extensive research into the possibility that the COVID-19 virus indeed escaped from a Chinese lab. According to excerpts from Huff’s new book, The Truth About Wuhan, the “U.S. government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese,” and Dr. Fauci is likely responsible for helping to orchestrate the coverup.

“Foreign laboratories did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management, ultimately resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Huff writes. “China knew from day one that this was a genetically engineered agent.”

Huff’s accusations come as Fauci continues to defend the Chinese government from COVID coverup accusations, making the bizarre claim that China’s well-documented tendency to “act in a suspicious, non-transparent way” is no cause for concern. Equally concerning, however, is an email trail—released publicly earlier this year—showing that top scientists, including Fauci, knew about COVID’s likely origin in a lab.

In one email from February 2020, Sir Jeremy Farrar, a director of a major health research foundation, tells Fauci and former NIH director Francis Collins that “a likely explanation” was that COVID had evolved from a virus in a low-security lab. This evolution, the email states, could have “accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans.” A leading scientist reportedly also told Farrar that “further debate” on the matter “would do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular”—a sentiment echoed by Collins himself, who worried the news would imperil “international harmony.”

Evidence that Fauci knew about the possibility that COVID originated in a lab, however, goes back even further. A January 2020 email from another top scientist addressed to Fauci stated that COVID had “unusual features,” and appeared as though it could have been “potentially… engineered.” Furthermore, a March 2020 email addressed to Fauci, which indicated that China had been lying about its COVID-related deaths and “misled the world into a false sense of security,” went unread, with Fauci simply forwarding the correspondence to another NIH official, writing that it was “too long for me to read.”

Notably, within the same time frame these emails were authored, leading U.S. scientists obstinately insisted that the virus developed naturally, a talking point Fauci himself confidently restated on multiple occasions. But the growing paper trail of evidence pointing to the lab leak theory suggests that Fauci, Collins, and other top public health officials may have engaged in an enormous coverup—and that in so doing, they may have prioritized what they perceived to be political stability and “international harmony” over truth, scientific transparency, and accountability.

If COVID did in fact originate in a Chinese lab and then escaped to wreak havoc on the global population, Fauci and other health officials not only did the bidding of communist China, but also made themselves complicit in one of the greatest coverups in the history of the world.

Although thankfully the pandemic has now largely subsided, Americans – and the rest of the world – still deserve answers to these troubling questions. If Chinese labs are responsible for this pandemic, they are also likely to have similar “accidents” in the future which may be even more deadly. And the fact that American taxpayer dollars funded the very labs which may have genetically engineered a virus that then escaped to kill millions would be a scandal with far-reaching implications for both public health and government policies generally.

Congress has wide-ranging investigative authorities for moments just like this. House Republicans would be wise to keep that in mind when they take back the gavel in January.