Getting an Early Start On Retirement Savings

Posted on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson
Getting an Early Start On Retirement Savings

Here’s why starting retirement savings while young is worthwhile.

Jump starting your savings

Saving for retirement is something most adults should be doing early on. Experts suggest that people begin building retirement funds as early as their 20s upon landing their first full-time job.  Unfortunately, many young adults visualize retirement as a long way off. Rather than save, they concentrate on paying off college debt and car and home loans and forgo thinking about retirement until their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Unfortunately, years go by fast and not saving or inadequately planning for retirement can cause major repercussions in later years. Let’s look at valuable things we can learn about saving for retirement when we’re young – and why we should encourage young people to begin saving for retirement today.

Don’t give up!

There are numerous benefits to starting to save for retirement at a young age. However, those coming late to the game should not give up. Click here to learn useful tools for those getting a late start on retirement savings.

Disclosure: This article is for general purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.