Five Crucial Questions the House GOP Must Resolve

Posted on Wednesday, April 26, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

From forming the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the federal government to filing articles of impeachment against Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, House Republicans are embracing a spirit of righteous combativeness this Congress. As welcome as these changes have been, however, there remains a long list of important questions the House GOP should have on its list to investigate. Here are five pressing questions the American people need answered.

Who Were the DOJ’s Contacts in the Media and Democrat Party Leading Up to Their Attacks on Republicans?

Over the last 7 years, the American people have witnessed no shortage of raids, arrests, seizures of records, partisan investigations, and other attacks on prominent Republicans. Though one of the most notable was the FBI’s August raid on President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, federal law enforcement officials have also raided the homes of numerous Trump administration officials, as well as conservative journalists like Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and other public figures on the political right, going all the way back to 2016.

Did the DOJ and FBI officials responsible for these moves have contacts with the media, the Democrat Party, or other outside legal entities that they coordinated with to execute politically motivated strikes on their opponents? If so, who were they? Few issues pose as significant of a threat to the rule of law and republican self-government as the partisan weaponization of the federal government—and now that Republicans have control of the House, Americans deserve to find out the specifics of how these witch hunts have been conducted.

Have Any Local District Attorneys Coordinated with Figures at the National Political Level?

From the moment President Trump departed Washington in January 2021, he has faced an endless stream of politically motivated lawsuits and investigations intended to stop his return to the presidency, from the January 6 hearings, to Alvin Bragg’s shockingly partisan indictment, to the New York Attorney General, to the radical district attorney in Georgia.

One pressing question is whether there has been collusion between state Attorneys General, local district attorneys, and national political figures—whether in the Biden administration, the Democratic National Committee, or elsewhere. It seems likely that someone is coordinating this unprecedented legal assault on the Democrats’ chief political opponent. An investigation into any such coordination would help illuminate the true dynamics at play.

What Were the Classified Documents Biden Was Hoarding?

In one of the most ironic political events in recent memory, the FBI searched Biden’s D.C.-based think tank and Delaware home looking for classified documents with exceedingly little media fanfare—even after the entire left-wing media machine called for Trump’s head when documents were found in his Mar-a-Lago estate. Despite the far greater severity of Biden’s case, shockingly little is known about the documents he possessed—or why he had them in the first place.

Who Got Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe Their Cushy New Jobs—and How Much Were They Paid?

In a healthier political environment, ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok—who was fired by the FBI after an Inspector General’s report detailed extensive wrongdoing in the Russia Hoax—would be seen in the eyes of the public as discredited and disgraced.

Yet, despite Strzok’s shameful conduct, he has been propped up by left-wing media outlets as a national hero and has since been hired by Georgetown University as an adjunct professor.

Similarly, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe—fired for numerous offenses also detailed in the IG report—was hired by CNN as a contributor shortly thereafter. Much like Strzok, McCabe has been hailed by the left-wing media apparatus as a heroic defender of democracy.

Congress should find out who arranged such cushy landings for these disgraced former FBI officials, as well as how much have Strzok and McCabe been paid in their new roles.

Who Leaked the Dobbs Opinion—and Why Did SCOTUS End Its Investigation?

When a draft of the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization leaked last May, it was rightly seen as one of the most severe breaches of trust and tradition in U.S. history. As a result of the leak, mass protests ensued at the homes of conservative justices, ultimately leading to an attempted assassination against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. All of this was evidently an attempt to bully the Justices into changing their decision on the pivotal abortion rights case.

But despite a nearly year-long investigation into the source of the leak, the Marshal of the Supreme Court ended the investigation in January, claiming the Court was unable to identify the leaker. The Court’s inability to do so, as well as its decision to end the investigation, only invites more leaks and attempts to intimidate justices.

The responsibility to continue the investigation likely next falls to the House Judiciary Committee, which would also be wise to investigate why the High Court opted to end its investigation after supposedly coming up shorthanded.

After winning back control of the House of Representatives and taking back the gavel from Nancy Pelosi last fall, House Republicans have a duty to use their power effectively. Time and time again, Democrats have abused their power for corrupt ends, oftentimes to the detriment of ordinary Americans. Now, the GOP can finally hold them accountable.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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