Dirty Politics – Student Loan Forgiveness

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

If Democrats lose this fall, repulsion with “dirty politics” may be the cause – more than inflation, crime, drug deaths, open borders, Afghanistan, China, and arrogance. They corrupted the 2016 campaign – we now know from the recent trial – feeding false stories to the FBI, allowed corrupt FBI leaders and media to push a two-year investigation, pushed lawless impeachments (no due process), and allowed a vice president to ink deals with China and Ukraine, and now have raided Trump’s home.

But sometimes a pebble tips the balance, creates the avalanche. That pebble – if the avalanche is not already in motion – may be the student loan forgiveness vote buying scheme. Hint: People know.

At a time when Democrats spent $3 trillion over normal spending, inflation doubled in 20 months (gas up $1.98 to $3.88), homicides hit records as police get down-funded, two million illegals in since early 2021, 100,000 allies left to die in Afghanistan, and fossil energy being shut down, people are mad.

Now, Democrats have the gall to hit America’s struggling middle class – which suffered bankruptcies and layoffs from COVID shutdowns, is barely making it with new inflation, h interest, discrimination for refusing vaccines, attacks on their religion, and who hate Marxism and racism in schools. They are in no mood for more taxes – to pay for $300,000,000,000 in “free money” – some say $500 billion – for those earning up to $125,0000. The idea is outrageous, another abuse of power.  

Money does not grow on trees. It comes from somewhere. Where does it come from? Working Americans, the private sector, the job and wealth creators, NOT Government, not Congress, not a failing former US Senator who earned $29 million dollars from working Americans – now president. As Governor DeSantis notes, mass loan forgiveness misunderstands the issue.

So, what is the issue with massive student loan forgiveness? Just this: The money does not exist.  Moreover, personal debts – assumed in good faith, rewarded by education – should be repaid. That is how debt works – with honor. The nation has $30 trillion in debt, and giveaways push dependence.

It is worse. Working Americans have other debts, medical bills, mortgages, home equity loans, business and car loans, credit cards, and like. Political giveaways burden people in debt with more votes!

Getting down to brass tacks, this is not the Federal Government’s money to give away. Democrats are trying to right their sinking political ship. People know. They see Democrats trying to buy votes as midterm polls tip against them. How? With your money. Even many younger people resent the pitch.

This is nothing more than another shameless “Rube Goldberg” or “kiting” scheme, giveaways now to a few for seats in Congress, to be paid by a duped middle class who then pays for the giveaways. The idea has even been called illegal by some Democrats, although – with polls down – no one objects now.

The idea is to give out money now and tax later – adding administrative costs, or federal skimming. To make matters worse – more transparently offensive – as these middle-class taxes rise, along with inflation, unemployment, interest rates, and insecurity – Democrats hire 87,000 new (armed) IRS agents. Can you think of a more scary, anti-free market, anti-freedom, anti-American plan?

So, here is what this brilliant “student loan forgiveness” plan – forgets. Americans are not fools, even young Americans. They know the game. They know this is another abuse of power. They are sick of it. Polls show their view of Biden.

Beyond recent graduates, an estimated 70 percent of those who finished college have debt, and for more than 60 years, they have paid it off. With two million college degrees conferred annually and student loans back to 1965, 130 million Americans took out loans, and paid them back. Think what this means.

When Biden says, “Free money, come get it, vote for me,” the unspoken is this: “Sorry, the rest of you missed the boat, foolishly paid your loans, now have others to pay, but YOU are now paying for this.” Are we fools?

If you were looking for just the right pebble to tip the balance, really tick off Americans, assure an avalanche, you could not find a better one than socking it to average people, forcing on them more debt to pay for a cynical scheme to buying young votes. Most Americans detest this kind of crass, classless chicanery, and we have a name for it, dirty politics.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/dirty-politics-student-loan-forgiveness/