Washington, DC – In a statement today sent out by the House Committee on Ways and Means Republican offices, AMAC Action ally Rep. Jackie Walorski blasted the Democrats coming $3.5 trillion spending bonanza. As key committees, begin to “mark-up” the legislation, Rep. Walorski lambasted the administration for its overreach and non-restraint in spending.
In her prepared remarks, Rep. Walorski stated:
“Ways and Means Democrats have put together a program that:
- Puts the IRS in charge of paid leave benefits for everyday Americans. Treasury itself has admitted it is unprepared to take on the program.
- The bill poorly targets benefits. It allows two-parent households with dual earners making up to $500,000 to claim benefits up to $30,000 per year. At the same time, it provides no minimum benefit for low-wage workers.
- The program is ripe for fraud, with lax requirements that rely heavily on self-certification and self-attestation.
- The bill fails to consider the realities of small business. By allowing workers to provide merely seven days’ notice before taking leave, employers would be left hanging and workers would be left without job protections.
- Finally, the bill transfers liability for pricey employer-sponsored paid leave plans to middle-class workers by subsidizing up to 90% of the costs of what employers themselves are already paying for. Why would we ask middle-class workers to pay for Amazon’s generous benefits policies?”
AMAC Action President, Bob Carlstrom said: “AMAC Action continues to push back against more cradle to grave government policies from the left. Our activists have sent thousands of letters and contacted hundreds of members of Congress opposing this reckless $3.5 trillion dollar spending bonanza, financed by job-killing tax increases. Rep. Walorski deserves credit for opening up her committee’s mark-up with this scathing review of the Biden policies and telling the American people the truth about this legislation.”
The Ways and Means backgrounder stated in part: “Democrats are pushing a partisan bill that promotes “Welfare without work” at a cost of over 451,000 jobs and puts the IRS in charge of families’ paid leave.”
AMAC Action continues to fight back against job-killing tax increases and more unneeded spending through the Democrats’ latest social spending legislation. Please stay tuned for more updates as Democrats in Congress work quickly to formulate their next major bill.
You can watch the full mark-up live here