Bloody Hands in Afghanistan

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The profound moral, political, diplomatic, military, and humanitarian error – made by Biden, Harris, Chairman Milley, Secretaries Blinken, and Austin – and subsequent distraction from further discussing the escalating tragedy – is dishonorable, unconscionable, indefensible, tantamount to deceit.

So hard to hear are reports I get, almost daily, of what is happening in Afghanistan. “Oh, that place,” you may say. Don’t. Here are facts Americans should know. They are searing, compelling, sobering. They demand action. Where is the honor?

First, speaking with Americans, former military and State Department personnel, with close colleagues, relatives, and friends still in Afghanistan, this is not over – not close to being over.

The profound moral, political, diplomatic, military, and humanitarian error – made by Biden, Harris, Chairman Milley, Secretaries Blinken, and Austin – and subsequent distraction from further discussing the escalating tragedy – is dishonorable, unconscionable, indefensible, tantamount to deceit.

What is happening? More than 100,000 American-affiliated persons remain trapped in that country. They are a combination of (1) American citizens (numbers vary), (2) permanent residents or green card holders, (3) former US embassy and military support personnel, and (4) Special Immigration Visa (SIV) holders, who achieved visa eligibility by reason of a year or more of service to the US in Afghanistan.

To be clear, these 100,000 are hunted, tortured, and killed by the Taliban. Reports suggest a national and fractured process – Taliban vengeance-seekers operating nationwide. Stories shake the soul.

Second, speaking with those who remain close to those pursued, seeing videos, Taliban behavior is as ruthless as it ever was. This is not some “new Taliban,” non-terrorist group, legitimate “government” as that term is understood. To confer stature on vestiges of what passes for leadership is again deceitful. 

Third, firsthand reports, corroborated by those tracking exit flights from Kabul, make clear the US State Department has punted moral, political, and humanitarian rescue – for these dependent, trusting, desperate, imperiled citizens, permanent residents, former US embassy personnel, and SIV holders. 

Rather than demand the Taliban a right to extract these victims of terror, to whom we owe unbroken allegiance, to whom we made moral promises – the Biden team pretends they do not exist. They are not insisting, demanding, or negotiating with the Taliban – or any third countries for landing rights.

Planes to Qatar, the only agreed landing site, already exceeded their promise to take 8000. Planes leave Kabul half-empty, perhaps “300 total” escaping per week, not regular. No pressure is put on Afghanistan to stop killing, on neighboring Pakistan to help, either via overland routes or by air.

No progress is made to save the persecuted, questions about the Taliban’s anti-Western genocide deflected. Bold assertions of small numbers, with zero credibility, are vaguely proffered by the Biden Administration – as if this were about bumblebees, bananas, the price of butter. Less said, the better.  That, too, is deceit.

Fourth, a blithe “who cares?” must sit like a rock in the belly of the Biden Government – on the plight of women and girls, once about to join power, nearly there, educated, included for two decades in the promise of equality, not treated as property, not abused, but fully equal.  That is all gone.

Fifth, all those who would be “sponsored” by family in the United States are being ignored, despite pleas daily to get them out, to help them escape the Taliban. The Biden team – and many in Congress asked to help – are passing the buck, offering empty words, deferring to each other, nod, wink, and shrug. That, too, is deceit.

Sixth, as the Taliban prepare to take the country back to dark ages, harsh winter coming, mountains thick with snow, no working ice or snow removal, no deicing equipment at the Kabul airport, so no commerce, words are mumbled about 23 million starving. Yes, those not killed before they starve. 

Why did all this happen?  It did not have to happen. Liberal outlets say, was time to go, Biden’s a hero, nothing we can do, sorry we are killing so many via this surrogate government, oh well. 

The truth is that this was the most objectively mangled, morally ignoble, terribly planned, indefensibly executed foreign policy, national security, and humanitarian action by the US government for decades – perhaps ever.  And it is not over – far from it.

At this moment, more than 100,000 US-affiliated persons remain in grave danger, in need of rescue.  At this moment, 23 million Afghans fight for life.  At this moment, allies around the globe revile us.  At this moment, China, Russia, Iran, and a cabal of adversaries smell blood, feel US weakness, see opportunity.

The sum is bloody hands, which may only get bloodier if the Taliban pushes power projection if adversaries hit our allies if those who await rescue hear nothing.  Action is needed now, resolve, extraction of those in need, no more deceit. Americans do not leave those to whom we have made a moral promise – to die. Does it get simpler?  Where is the honor?