Biden, Bribery, and RICO

Posted on Monday, July 3, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Thousands of previously undisclosed documents, released by Treasury under compulsion by the House, are gradually being corroborated by “highly credible” (and courageous) witnesses, including protected whistleblowers at DOJ and IRS. The walls seem to be closing on the Biden family, and they know it. 

Last week, after pleading to criminal charges not involving the President, the President’s son attended a White House dinner, was seen with Attorney General Merrick Garland, and was flown by the President to Camp David, where he and the President presumably compared notes. Awkward, hardly describes it.

While the President’s son pled to lesser criminal charges unrelated to potential violations of specific federal bribery statutes, felony RICO (Racketeering and Corrupt Practices) violations, and sale of official access to foreign countries, the prospect of such violations and impact on Joe Biden, are not missed.

That is why, as widely reported, seasoned IRS investigators – who were examining criminal acts by the President’s son – and seasoned FBI investigators, aware of potential violations as early as 2019 – were implicitly and explicitly waved off any interviews, or even contact, with other Biden family members.

The emergence of FBI and IRS whistleblowers and their detailed testimony makes painfully clear, and Democrats know it, that Joe Biden looks to have been profiting from the sale of his office (access, influence, and specific decisions) to foreign entities, through his son. 

Evidence continues to mount that the son, whom the former vice president carted around the world (itself odd), acted as a traditional organized crime “cut out” or “bagman,” in concert with seven other Biden family members, channeling foreign payments to 20 bank accounts – smaller deposits, seemingly engineered to avoid triggering “suspicious transaction,” CMIR, and CTR reports, filed regularly by banks.

Now, on top of existing documentary and testimonial evidence, much of which senior and midlevel administration personnel tried to keep quiet, or stonewalled in producing, we get three other sources, each corroborating the likelihood of federal bribery and RICO violations.

One is the emergence of putative texts that suggest (and affirm if validated), that the President’s son threatened foreign nationals with undisclosed retribution, if they did not pay for access to the vice president, and possibly done in the presence of Joe Biden himself (so the text asserts).

If this proves accurate, which can be tested forensically, the inference is not just smoke, but a smoking gun. That revelation is compounded by two others, reported (but not yet produced) audio tapes (17 total, two allegedly with Joe Biden), made as “insurance” by parties from whom the vice president’s son was allegedly extorting money for access to his father, and IRS whistleblower testimonials, which implicate the president and implicitly widen the cover-up scope to include IRS and DOJ leaders.

All this is more than unseemly. It is hard-to-contest evidence of a textbook criminal enterprise, one that would involve the President, and if documents prove accurate, others in his personal circle. It would implicate those who knew about this activity and sought to cover it up.

All this will take time to sort out, validate, and win confirmation by leading political, legal, and non-partisan observers – perhaps even doggedly pro-Biden media. But walls are closing.

Implications are obvious. Joe Biden is in serious legal and political jeopardy, and he knows it – as do those around him, some of whom have left quietly, others of whom are quiet, waiting.

Joe Biden’s future “I am not a crook” denials, mock shock at revelations, and more obfuscation from the White House podium will not save the day. Neither will stonewalling by agency heads. This fire will not disappear easily. The only questions are whom, and how long, it burns.

While reference to federal bribery statutes, RICO violations, and indicia of organized crime are hard-to-hear phrases with a president and his family, they are increasingly apt, which should worry all Americans, Democrats and Republicans.  Sooner truth is out, sooner we get beyond it.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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