An Urgent Immediate Call For State Laws & County Ordinances

Posted on Thursday, March 9, 2023
by Outside Contributor

By Paul S. Gardiner

There is an urgent immediate need for specially crafted state laws and where necessary, county ordinances to protect American citizens from the totalitarian dictates of the international World Health Organization (WHO). As early as May 2023, due to a voluntary loss of US sovereignty by the Biden administration, the WHO will have authority to dictate medical practice and treatments in America under WHO-declared pandemic situations which can be manufactured at will by WHO supporters that include the Chinese Communist Party.

Due to the fact that many state legislatures have concluded or soon will conclude their 2023 regular sessions, it most likely will require a special session to enact the laws proposed herein pursuant primarily to the 10th Amendment. Further, to spur some legislatures to act, a groundswell of county ordinances may be required to persuade some state governments to act.  

According to well known Harvard attorney, Dr. Francis Boyle, in May 2023, the United States will most likely become a signatory to a WHO international agreement (via presidential executive agreement — sometimes called a treaty) giving that organization the authority described above. Dr. Boyle further explains that even if America does not become a signatory to the agreement, the WHO will gain authority over American health care and physicians during a pandemic through amendments to international health regulations first established in 2005. These amendments do not require US congressional approval to become effective.

Thus, WHO “elite” leaders and supporters such as the Chinese Communist Party soon will be able to dictate what American physicians, hospitals, health care workers, etc. can and cannot do during a pandemic. It is well documented that the so-called global “elites” plan to establish a one-world government (the “Great Reset”) primarily through the health dictates/mandates of the WHO. Thus, for all concerned patriotic Americans, this is a completely untenable development that must be fought “tooth and nail”. 

Dr. Boyle suggests in other commentary that absent outright withdrawal from the WHO (as President Trump did in 2020), the last line of defense against WHO control and regulations is first, for state governments to enact laws, pursuant to the 10th Amendment, that clearly and definitively state, among other things, that their jurisdictions will not abide by WHO regulations and policies during pandemic situations or other health emergencies. If state legislatures fail to act (or must be goaded into action), then county government ordinances need to be enacted against the forthcoming WHO health regulations. These state laws and county ordinances will probably lead to litigation, but as Dr. Boyle states, “the fight is worth it and must happen!” 

In summary, there is an urgent immediate need for state laws and where necessary, county ordinances that protect Americans from the totalitarian dictates of the international World Health Organization. There is no time to waste in drafting these laws and ordinances so that they can hopefully become effective no later than April 30, 2023. 

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Alabama, and the US Army War College.