AMAC Magazine Exclusive - AMAC In Action - Year in Review

Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2024
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

AMAC Magazine Exclusive - By Andy Mangione

This year was a time of remarkable growth and advocacy for AMAC Action. As the premier conservative advocacy group for Americans over the age of 50, we continue to give our members a platform to fight for their values and to help shape policy decisions at local, state, and federal levels. 

In 2023 alone, our 360,670 AMAC advocates sent more than 744,640 messages to state legislators, members of Congress, corporate executives, and even President Biden himself. Through more than 90 call-to-action campaigns, we empowered our advocates to voice their positions on an array of issues—including strengthening election integrity, increasing hospital price transparency, protecting life at all stages, guaranteeing parental rights, and opposing radical transgender ideology…

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