AMAC Action Urges Swift Passage of Bill to Stop Illegals From Voting

Posted on Thursday, May 9, 2024
by AMAC Action
noncitizen voting; vote button on american flag

Washington, D.C. – AMAC Action commends House Speaker Mike Johnson, Rep. Chip Roy, and Senator Mike Lee for introducing H.R. 8281 and S. 4292, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a common-sense bill establishing vital safeguards to secure our elections from the threat of non-citizens voting amid President Joe Biden’s historic border catastrophe.

This bill would take vital steps to ensure that illegal aliens cannot cast ballots in this November’s election. Along with other important provisions, the SAVE Act requires states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls and empowers citizens to take legal action against election officials who violate their sworn duty to protect the integrity of the ballot box.

“Passage of this bill comes following a national campaign from tens of thousands of AMAC advocates urging Congress to pass legislation to prevent illegal aliens from voting in our elections, and we applaud the House for taking action,” said Andy Mangione, Senior Vice President of AMAC Action.

In total, more than 35,700 AMAC Action advocates sent letters to Congress demanding legislative change.

AMAC Action urges Speaker Johnson and House Republican leadership to put this bill to the floor for a vote as soon as possible. The House should swiftly pass this legislation and send it on to the Senate.

Unfortunately, Senate Democrats and President Biden have so far blocked all progress on securing our elections from wrongful activity and widespread voting by illegal aliens. Now is a chance to set aside partisan differences and come together to protect the integrity of American democracy.

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106

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