3 Big Problems With 'Medicare for All'

Posted on Friday, May 10, 2019
by Outside Contributor

By Woodrow Wilcox

Some politicians are calling for “Medicare for All.” If they knew the Medicare system, they never would suggest that.

Although there are many more, let me mention just three big problems with the current Medicare system:

The current Medicare system is far from perfect. Therefore, any “Medicare for all” system will create more problems for more citizens and more opportunities for fraudulently taking money from the federal government and from innocent patients.

So why are these politicians pushing for “Medicare for all”? Because these politicians are really striving for socialized medicine with a “single payer system”.

Let’s quickly examine what has happened in other countries with socialized medicine.

Here are three examples:

Ronald Reagan said that a government that can give anything to you can take everything from you. Socialist countries have a history of using free or socialized health care to control and punish the citizens in order to suppress disagreement and political opposition. Is that really what you want for America?

America wants a private health care system where patients pay money to a doctor rather than pay a bribe to a government official. “Medicare for all” is a really bad idea.

Woodrow Wilcox is the author of the book “Solving Medicare Problem$.” For more than 16 years, he has helped senior citizens fight mistakes and fraud in the Medicare system. Wilcox has saved senior citizens over two million dollars by not paying bad medical bills.

URL : https://amac.us/blog/health-and-wellness/3-big-problems-with-medicare-for-all/