
President Trump is reportedly considering returning a portion of the savings generated by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to American taxpayers as a refund check. Which of the following options best matches your thoughts on this idea?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
5 days ago

While the idea of receiving a DOGE Dividend is appealing, is it really in the best interest of MAGA? The answer is “no.” Our fiscal health is on life-support as a result of our national debt, so reducing that debt is significantly more of a priority, than dispersing any taxpayer payouts.

If there were to be DOGE dividend checks issued, would you really want those slimy politicians and bureaucrats (or Corruptocrats) who were responsible for the waste, fraud, and overspending that lead to our outrageous debt in the first place, receiving $5K? Besides, a few dead people over 150 years old might potentially receive a check as well (ha, ha).

Who can forget the debacle caused by the COVID stimulus checks, which resulted in $1.7 billion in unspent COVID relief funds, $3 billion lost to fraudulent unemployment claims, and $800 million wasted on failed green energy projects. However, these checks were funded through deficit financing – meaning the government borrowed/printed money they didn’t have to cover the costs.

On the other hand, DOGE dividend checks would be funded by the savings achieved through DOGE’s efforts to cut federal spending; uncover corruption; and rid the waste that currently exists. Still, it’s better to use those savings/findings to pay down our debt.

In a dream scenario, I would like DOGE to expose every dirty and corrupt politician, bureaucrat, and agency that willingly benefited from the fraud and abuse of our tax-payer dollars. You know about whom I am referring. As the saying goes, “if you want to get rich, get into politics!” 

For far too long, we have let the guilty and corrupt slide. It’s high time we hold these people to account and recoup the money they wrongly swindled from Americans. We’ll never make America great if we can’t make it accountable—accountable both to this generation as well as future generations.

“It is a sin when someone knows the right thing to do and doesn’t do it.”   James 4

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 days ago

While I could use $5,000 as much as anyone else, that type of payment could raise the inflation rate in the short term.

Any savings generated by DOGE should be used to pay down the National Debt AND we should immediately start prosecuting the cases where fraud has been uncovered.

5 days ago

More than anything, I want the thieves who got rich stealing, prosecuted and jailed! Then, close any department that’s unnecessary and stop all DEI and climate hoax wasting tax dollars!!! Also stop taxing on top of taxes already paid! It’s too hard for families to work and make a living as it is!

jim wood
jim wood
5 days ago

This is not the time to start getting greedy. Big D and his team are moving in the right direction. Time to keep focused, Hell, he has only been back for31 days and what a game plan. Go team Trump and God bless you.

5 days ago

I am not rich, at least not by the standards or measures that most consider rich. And while I would like an extra 5 grand, I say no. Pay down our sinful amount of debt and make sure Social Security and Medicare are solvent. Could some amongst us use the $5K? Sure, but let’s pay off some bills. Now, if there was a way to ensure that the truly needy got some money, I’d be okay with that, but I don’t know how that would be done.
There’s my two cents on the matter. I look forward to reading others viewpoints.

Marty M
Marty M
5 days ago

A perpetually rising debt-to-GDP ratio is unsustainable, we need to deal with that first before any freebies!

Facts Matter
Facts Matter
5 days ago

Our government has extorted us, the taxpayers, for more than 60+ years because of its corruption and greed. The amount of corruption that DOGE is uncovering leads me to believe that no more than a 5% flat tax rate would be enough to keep the government funded. The politicians who are involved in this massive fleecing of America for their profit need to be called out, audited, hung, and all assets seized! Then, what is good for the people is good for the politician. Maybe then we will get an honest government again.
You are being extorted and a slave to the elitists.

5 days ago

If checks are sent out they need to go to TAX payers not welfare recipients.

5 days ago

I think that the 5G rebate was a gesture to illustrate the sheer magnitude of waste and fraud being uncovered by DOGE and to support Elon Musk. . It is just 20% of what has been uncovered so far. The savings made from Trump’ and Congress acting upon the exposures will only stop the bleeding. Actual paying off the debt will be achieved by tariffs and other international fees.. That means that the world trading with America must pay off the debt. It will not happen overnight, but the tariffs will be steadily slashing the debt load.
Unfortunately the Republican Senate did not get the message. They just voted for increased spending this year. Senator Rand Paul was the only dissenting vote. Hopefully this will be shot down in the House version. RINOs are blithering idiots. MAGA

5 days ago

Although I love the idea of getting some of my money back from the government, that’s a quick hit off the happy pipe.
I would prefer using the money to help my children and grandchildren in the long run by reducing the national debt.

Frank Hatcher
Frank Hatcher
5 days ago

By far the biggest crisis (and parenthetically the hardest to address) is the national debt. With interest on the debt approximately the same as defense spending, it is a monster that could crush this nation. CUT WASTE FRAUD AND ABUSE AND PAY DOWN THE DEBT!!

Big John
Big John
5 days ago

Look, we could all use the money but right now our country needs us. Apply my share to the national debt so that my children and grandchildren can live in a country that I grow up in,not what we’re seeing today

5 days ago

I think that a small “dividend” check to American tax payers would help stimulate the economy (in the short term), it would help people emotionally too. I do agree that putting it all towards the national debt sounds great also, but it’s smart to think about the emotional state of the nation. People feel ripped off, and this would help with that. This money is not like the fraud COVID checks, the purpose of those was different, the motivation was different. This administration wants to earn the trust of the people and share in the success of doing the right thing with the people who voted for him. I look at the big picture and include the emotional state of the nation, not just the logical part. If our new government continues to find ways to cut off the financial abuse, waste and robbery from the previous corrupt administrations, we can balance the budget, pay off the debt and correct the financial path (including in this picture the implementation of the international tariffs). Thank God for the change we all prayed for. Let’s keep praying for wisdom. This offer will not make or break the debt of the nation. Honestly, I am open to whatever they decide…

Jakob Bokaj
Jakob Bokaj
5 days ago

There is no need to send us a few bucks, use it to pay off debts, or more of the things that we want done in this country (including infra-structure improvements).

5 days ago

This is not “found” money that can be redistributed to the taxpayer. It is not surplus money. It doesn’t really exist. It is planned wasteful, fraudulent, corrupt, maybe criminal spending that would have had to be borrowed if it wasn’t caught and eliminated. Finding and stopping it only reduces the bottom line of the budget.

Glennis Hogan
Glennis Hogan
5 days ago

I was just a little torn between Medicare and social security but I know we need to pay the debt down. Would love a check but love more to have our country solvent again and not rely on borrowing from China.

Greg Brown
Greg Brown
5 days ago

How many actual tax payers would receive a refund? I would suggest that if there is a refund that no politician should be included because both parties are guilty of over taxing Americans. They would have to identify every single person who did not pay taxes and make sure they didn’t get a refund. No non-citizens should receive a refund. And the ultra rich (most of the Hollywood elites) should not receive a refund, either, because they would have been those who donated big bucks to the dems who are behind over taxation.
I think, at least initially, the money DOGE is finding should go toward paying down the debt. Later, as more billions are found, then maybe they could consider a one-time refund and a great reduction in how much we are taxed. Pay down the debt, lower our taxes and then grant a one-time refund.

5 days ago

I know that $5,000 would help a lot of people, however, when we realize that the biden/harris administration increased the national debt by $7.2 trillion. Little things like $4.2 trillion on a high-speed internet that hasn’t reached a single home yet. $1 trillion for his climate/clean energy programs. Another $3 billion for California’s high-speed train that doesn’t move. Almost $190 billion on student loan forgiveness.
Considering our debt, I am under the opinion that helping our country get out of debt is one of the most important things for us, our children and grandchildren.

Binh Duong
Binh Duong
5 days ago

I’d like to see people involved in this corruption prosecuted & imprisoned for their crime. The punishment must be really harsh to minimize future corruption. In addition, I’d like to see annual audits, and any department that fail an audit will have their budget cut and people fired.

5 days ago

Take care of the debt and all other issues will heal.

5 days ago

I am all for receiving a REIMBURSEMENT check. The 4 stolen years of the Biden administration really set me back financially. 5 thousand dollars is a small bandaid to cover the damage done to the American seniors on a fixed income. As i understand it, that is a small percentage of the total savings from waste they have found so far. The rest could go for paying down the debt. That is going to have to happen over a stretch of time anyway. It is not going to happen overnight.

5 days ago

Reducing the National Debt helps our National Security and helps future generations! MAGA

5 days ago

If you think the 5 grand could be better spent by the government than you, send it back.

5 days ago

I wish this had never been mentioned in the first place! For one, if it doesn’t happen it will turn in to another weapon used by the left to claim ‘another’ broken promise by Trump. The money found needs to go towards the debt and to make Social Security and medicare solvent. And the Trump tax cuts need to be extended. If not, that 5K won’t matter anyway. So let’s use the money to fund those things that are more important. Could I use 5K? Of course, but it’s once and done. We need more permanent long term solutions that will benefit everyone. THAT was one of the promises so let’s keep it.

Chris Lockcuff
Chris Lockcuff
5 days ago

We don’t personally need a check. However, if this was to happen there needs to be tight stipulations. Personally I feel it should only go to those of us that have faithfully paid our taxes as directed by law whether we agreed or not. If you took debt relief to avoid owing what the math said then you are out. If you are not a legal tax payer/citizen you are out.
I 100% support DOGE raging through the federal offices. We all know they haven’t even broke the surface on the fraud and waste. All foreign based spending should be zeroed out with a top to bottom review and reauthorization if needed. All NGOs defunded and thoroughly held to account.

5 days ago

Finally a poll that makes sense.
Let’s ask remember how all the different “covid money” programs spiked inflation.

5 days ago

Although receiving a dividend is appealing to many, our debt must be addressed or we are going to collapse as a Nation!

John Grundin
John Grundin
5 days ago

Money back one way or the other really doesn’t matter in the big picture,what matters is holding those that did this to the American people are to account & face a military tribunal for crimes against humanity & for treason & pay the ultimate price.As harsh as that sounds an example needs to be made so that this never happens again.

Sandra Schreck
Sandra Schreck
5 days ago

My first thought would be to put it all toward our national debt, but, then I could really use the $5,000 rebate. As a senior citizen who only has social security to live on I could really use that money, not necessarily to spend, but, to put aside for unforeseen costs that happen in life. With our BIG 2.5% cost of living raise for Social Security I am back to zero, Medicare cost went up as did my supplemental insurance cost so basically I received no raise. I know I’m being selfish but it sure would be nice to have a cushion in my back pocket to fall back on. I also don’t think the Members of Congress should get a rebate as they have already sucked us dry and make too much money.

Howard MacKinnon
Howard MacKinnon
5 days ago

I believe the $5,000 is well deserved and will help many people become stable again. But only if doled out very carefully. It only represents 20% of the savings which is acceptable. Hopefully there will also be a rebate for Social Security recipients since the COLA increases have not kept up with inflation.

5 days ago

Pay down the debt, for our future generations, and save us now! You can be sure the government will fail to do this for long. I’m disappointed in those in the poll who would rather take the money, or spend it somewhere else. Social Security and Medicare will be at risk in the next decade, so it’s critical we pay down the debt now, get our fiscal house in order before it’s too late. So NO REFUND, PAY DOWN THE DEBT NOW!

Olga Lena
Olga Lena
5 days ago

I think those who voted for the corrupt Biden and Harris regime should not get a refund. Just saying.

5 days ago

I would forgo receiving any rebate just to see those that are responsible for all of this mess to be arrested and do prison time. No more slaps on the wrist unless it is slapping on handcuffs. Tax payers didn’t create the debt, mismanagement of govt programs and wasteful spending did.Tired of the taxpayers always having to bail them out.

5 days ago

The primary purpose of DOGE and its initiation is to discover waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, and yes, kickbacks. I salute Musk for taking on this task. The primary concern should be reducing our debt hence, bringing back strength to our flailing dollar. $5,000 dollars is nothing if our kids and grand kids aren’t secure in their future.

5 days ago

I have also seen wehre this is a (smart, for current administration) political move; giving “us” a treat would cause us to support DOGE/the administration, and encourage us to root for more fraud and waste being found.
As for me, I’m not sure; I do see the wisdom in the above but would sure like that debt paid down (and that means we can’t keep increasing the budget–will that happen??).

5 days ago

We need to pay down debt but l also know a lot of elderly people on Social Security as well as ordinary working people who are hurting financially after 4 years of Brandon + outrageous federal and state spending. I would prioritize the debt because it’s a risk that poses multiple threats, then look at other avenues. A main priority is that we need to prevent the unsustainable debt and the theft from taxpayers from ever happening again and the only way to do that is for those responsible in the federal government and Congress to face criminal and financial liability for allowing this situation to develop. Where was Congressional oversight of USAID? Which members of Congress allowed spending to grow uncontrollably? Which agency heads, cabinet members and unelected bureaucrats allowed this to transpire? Those individuals must be held accountable.

5 days ago

As most comments reflect, paying down debt is the best and logical economic choice. However, there is a political reality that comes into play also. Returning a small portion of the savings to taxpayers is likely necessary to maintain public support for what some view as “painful” cuts to budgets.

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
5 days ago

I’m skeptical that we’ll ever see a tax reduction in our lifetimes… so I’ll take the one-time DOGE dividend. However, I would like to see every other cent saved used to pay down the deficit.

Jeff Holle
Jeff Holle
5 days ago

Call me greedy,but ,knowing how politicians think;I want some of my misspent tax money returned….with a permanent tax break!! I would support the debt pay down,and medicare and social security solvency;but,I have no faith in our “elected” servants,and appointed bureaucrats, letting any of those stand!!

5 days ago

Yes, reduce the debt. That is our grandchildren’s money.

5 days ago

I would like to find out where the funds for food at several Army posts went. $151 million dollars total was funneled elsewhere instead of going to mess halls. Several Army posts received much less funding for food than what was allocated on their books.
A breakdown can be found online at Military.com.

5 days ago

I obviously disagree with the majority because it’s our money and I for one could spend it more responsible by investing.
It’s not “our debt” it’s the debt of the congress.
I didn’t do it, they did it

Edward A
Edward A
5 days ago

Paying off debt is only going to give the next guy an empty card to abuse. We need to pervert that with a constitutional amendment:)

5 days ago

Personally I would like to receive a refund check… I’m out of eggs.

Joseph A Hudak Jr
Joseph A Hudak Jr
5 days ago

Every dollar wasted by the Deep State Bureaucrats contributed to the National Debt. The interest on that debt is funded by taxpayers. Reducing the debt with savings created by DOGE audits will benefit all taxpayers. ‘Dividend Payments’ (aka Refunds)’, like ‘Stimulus Checks’ would put cash into the hands of people who pay no taxes at all. BAD IDEA.

5 days ago

Send the refund checks to registered Republican voters only!

5 days ago

It’s not going to matter in the long run since after Trump is gone in 2029 it’s back to basics for the DC Swamp..corruption, fraud, waste, abuse…the things they have been doing for the last 70 years. You say if the retardicans win in 2028 things will stay on course. Not. They are as much a part of the fraud as the leftists. Yes, gimme my $5k because it’s a drop in the 55 gallon drum of taxes paid over 50 years.

5 days ago

I think priorities should first be the one big beautiful bill that trump wants, then holding the people accountable for the crimes committed against our country and the American people. If I got a DOGE check, I’m churning it right back into the local economy for things I need .

5 days ago

If any taxpayer money is refunded, it should be based on a % of taxes paid in by the taxpayer. Giving every taxpayer $5000 is not right. Some didn’t pay very much in.

Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler
5 days ago

20% to reduce the debt and 20% in rebates back to taxpayers is proposed. I am all for 40% to reduce the debt.

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