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Will MSNBC Be Elon Musk’s Next Big Conquest?

Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2025
by Andrew Shirley

Since Elon Musk’s blockbuster purchase of Twitter (now X) in 2022, the world’s richest man has thoroughly revamped the platform into a bastion of free speech. Now he may be setting his sights on a similar venture in the legacy media.

Late last year, Musk fueled speculation that he may be interested in purchasing the liberal cable news network MSNBC when he inquired how much the network might cost and posted memes about buying the channel. MSNBC’s parent company, Comcast, is reportedly moving forward with a plan to spin off its NBCUniversal channels, including MSNBC, into a separate network.

As The Wall Street Journal noted earlier this month, “buying the network wouldn’t be an easy feat” as “Comcast isn’t interested in selling off individual assets.” However, one industry expert told the Journal, “Maybe if the price is right, they would do it.”

For Musk, who is worth more than $400 billion, price shouldn’t be a problem. He purchased Twitter for a cool $44 billion three years ago. MSNBC’s value is only about $7 billion – and decreasing by the day.

Like other legacy outlets, MSNBC has been bleeding viewers in recent years, a trend that dramatically accelerated following the 2024 election. According to Forbes, in the final full week before the election, MSNBC had an average of 1.34 million viewers. By the end of the month, they collapsed to less than 650,000. Similarly, “CNN slid from 754,000 to 398,000 over the same time period.” The only exception was Fox News. As most cable news outlets hemorrhaged viewers, Fox remained well above 2.6 million both before and after the election.

Meanwhile, print media is similarly struggling to stay afloat. The Washington Post has announced layoffs of more than 100 employees, representing about four percent of the paper’s staff. The Post and The Los Angeles Times have also seen dramatic drops in subscriber numbers in recent months.

These legacy outlets are scrambling to find ways to increase annual revenues. Late last year, CNN added a paywall to its website, requiring a $3.99-a-month subscription to view its full library of content. Paywalls are common among print-only publications, but CNN is the first of the “Big Three” news outlets to restrict viewership similarly.

Some liberal activists see this period of uncertainty as an opportunity to double down on progressivism. Legacy media darling Kara Swisher is reportedly “assembling a group to make a bid for The Washington Post.” She confirmed this on her recent podcast while noting that Post owner and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has not indicated he is willing or interested in selling. Her specific justification would be to push the publication to become more partisanly progressive and directly antagonistic toward the Trump administration – a feat that seems rather difficult given the paper’s already militantly left-wing bent.

Musk’s interest in MSNBC may initially seem puzzling from a business perspective, especially considering his previous comments about the network and disdain for the legacy media. He has variously referred to MSNBC as “the utter scum of the Earth” and said the channel “peddles puerile propaganda.” Musk has also reiterated his belief that independent journalists on social media, primarily X, are far more reliable than legacy media outlets, repeatedly telling X users, “You are the media now.”

But there may nonetheless be some allure for Musk when it comes to MSNBC. His abhorrence of the outlet could be viewed as reason enough to purchase it. Stopping the endless stream of left-wing propaganda from its airwaves would likely be both personally satisfying for Musk and help advance the ideological causes that he believes in.

Additionally, Musk has shown time and again that he is willing to take on any challenge, no matter how seemingly insurmountable. He is, after all, the same man whose life ambition is to colonize Mars. He has built reusable rockets, revitalized the American space program, single-handedly mainstreamed electric cars, and is leading half a dozen other futuristic projects. Revitalizing a dying legacy media brand seems relatively pedestrian in this context.

As tarnished as the reputations of legacy media outlets have become in recent years, these institutions still have intrinsic value. The explosion in popularity of so-called “alternative” or “conservative” content platforms directly correlates with the increase in partisan bias emerging at legacy publications.

Americans’ demand for news is only increasing – but that demand is for coverage that doesn’t insult viewers’ intelligence by peddling blatant left-wing propaganda as “news” and covering up rather than exposing the failures of those in power.

If Elon Musk believes he can meet that demand and save MSNBC from itself, history says it would be foolish to doubt him.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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24 days ago

MSNBC is not worth anything. It has no viewers, and the advertisers only advertise because they hate Republicans. The best he can do is buy it and shut it down and take it as a tax write-off, a bad business decision. I want to I want to see him by ABC and shut it down. The content of the view is entirely driven by one pathological Democrat liar. The people on The View can be replaced by four squealing feral Hogs

24 days ago

Wouldn’t it be super if Elon Musk bought MSNBC or (MSDNC) and turned it into MSRNC and changed the programing from the Left to the Middle/Right. Making it Tell the truth.
I don’t want the news to tell me what I want to hear, I want them to tell me the truth, as to what’s going on so I can react and keep America free.
It would be Great for Elon to make MSNBC Great Again

24 days ago

Unlike Twitter, now X, which had a really substantial user base but was horribly left-winged biased and never a profitable company until Musk took it over, MSNBC has very low viewership numbers and is only being propped up by the rest of the MSM using numerous clips of the various hosts and ultra left-wing guests saying the most ludicrous things as red meat to the useful idiots out there. There is a reason why Comcast is spinning off a number of it’s either money losing properties or under-performing assets after all. Just looking at from the purely business perspective.

I’m sure Musk was half joking when he made those remarks about potentially having an interest in buying MSNBC and asking about the price. Just something to poke the Left in the eye that particular day. Unless MSNBC is being sold for something like a $1, it isn’t worth anyone’s time of day to acquire.

If you seriously look at what the primary audience for MSNBC consists of, you’ll find there isn’t much from which you could ever expect to turn a profit financially. So, MSNBC has little to no real monetary value in its current form and to re-make the network into something profitable would entail firing virtually all its on-air and off-air assets and essentially building a whole new business from the bottom up. Given cable in general is already a stagnant or dying medium, in terms of decent revenue growth year over year at this point, there isn’t much upside for Musk in buying a 4th rate, failing, left-wing wing propaganda outlet only to have to spend at least a couple of hundred million to create something new.

The author is once again just indulging in a bit of wishful thinking.

Dan W.
Dan W.
24 days ago

The only reason that Elon Musk would buy MSNBC would be to shut down the liberal echo chamber that nobody watches anyway.

He should focus his efforts on expanding speech on the right rather than shutting down speech on the left.

Pat R
Pat R
24 days ago

If Elon buys MSNBC, he would no doubt do to it as he did to Twitter (X). He would put journalism back to what it used to be (factual news). Programs would be returned to honest information and non-politically biased entertainment.
Viewership would explode and CNN, NBC, ABC would lose viewers to the new MSNBC (or Elon’s new designation for it). Those networks would have to change or also go out of business. I can see Elon being the major driving force to begin, hopefully, returning this country back to civility, common sense, and maybe even carrying about others instead of total selfishness.
We can hope and pray for positive change. That’s what I’m doing here.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
24 days ago

Tough job to turn that slug around. But he could do it. Notice he’s avoiding investing in newspapers- clearly their days are numbered.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
24 days ago

did it ever occur to kara swisher and others of her ilk that the more partisanly progressive you turn a media outlet the more viewers or readers you drive away?

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
24 days ago

Why waste your money when we already have enough Conservative News sites to get our news and the right news that we can trust from. There are way too many news sites, in our country overpaying to many blow bags so let them go. Save your cash Elon because we do not need them.

24 days ago

I don’t see an advantage to buying msdnc. There are so many other outlets out there already addressing the Conservative market (OAN, NewsMax, etc.), that his money would be better spent aligning with one or more of those, and adding to their breadth of content and reach.
The current msdnc audience is dwindling and would never follow Conservative programming. It would be a waste to buy a dying asset, in my opinion.

24 days ago

Why would Musk want to throw his money away on something as useless and inconsequential as this street sewer level leftist mouthpiece?

Carrie Mataraza
Carrie Mataraza
24 days ago

How about The WA Post and LA Times and other left wing media outlets just report the news as it happens OBJECTIVELY and then maintains editorial pages where they can sermonize and lecture us about their leftist progressive ideas? Non-partisan outlets would be back on top and those who offer real journalism as opposed to propaganda would be back o top.

L G Hardison
L G Hardison
24 days ago

Musk should buy and refurbish ABC-TV. That would take it out of DisneyWorld and their leftist/licentious bent. ABC also has better image of a “news” standard than MSNBC. Either way it would be a very expensive endeavor, yet so very much needed.

24 days ago

Musk should buy MSNBC. First thing after that is fire all the talking heads like Maddow, Joy, morning Joe and his bobble head co anchor. These people make millions of dollars to spout the communist propaganda as the Gods honest truth. Nobody deserves to make that much money and then trying to make the masses believe they have their best interest at hand. MSNBC is a communist outlet for the ultra left in the Democratic Party. They were voted out in November. They lost only it hasn’t registered yet with Harris Biden et al. They believe they won. And will be back in 2026 and 2028. I think not. Trump isn’t even sworn in and he already made a ceasefire in the Middle East. The only one that doesn’t know this is Biden and Harris. The rest of the world knows it even Biden’s state dept acknowledged that fact. We need to eliminate those who want to destroy America. And MSM is the first ones that have to be eliminated.

24 days ago

I would love to see Elon musk by MSNBC and turn it into a true news station. I would watch eagerly. I have shied away from Fox news, because the owners are liberals and often use the channel to do subtle damage to Trump and Maga. No reflection on Sean Hannity and Greg Gutfeld, of course. How about calling the new channel MBC, short for Maga Broadcasting Corporation?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
24 days ago

Hey takeover these:
American Heroes Channel
Discovery Channels as well
Can Help

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
24 days ago

Elon Musk, the Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson of today, would fire the whole MSDNC crew as NONE of them is a real journalist! Rachel Madcow gets something like $25 million a year for her cow excrement; she’s back on 5 nights a week! Of course, the totally corrupt Sharpton and Reid run their racist scam every night as well. Is there ONE person who has any impartiality and honor at this “network?”

Charles George
Charles George
24 days ago

He who controls communications and space rules the world even without a title

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
24 days ago

Buy MSNBC? Oh, my! Where’s all the outgoing Democrat liars going to find jobs then? I mean, CNN only has “this many” job openings after any lost election.

24 days ago

If media cannot stop being partisan, biased, and nimrods, then shut them down for they are not honest, nor report truth and not some ideology of hate. Sick of them and so do the people growing in numbers. E. Musk can turn it around, will, and needed.

24 days ago

Not a good idea as Musk is “Censoring “ speech on “X” and would most likely to same with any other broadcast he owns!

24 days ago

If Musk is going to “Censor Speech”. As he IS doing with “X” as reported on various news broadcast, then not a good choice!

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