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Whose Bag of Cocaine?

Posted on Thursday, July 13, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

During his inauguration, Joe Biden promised to unify the country. 

In a later tweet, he vowed to bring integrity back to the White House.

Additionally, when word of impolite behavior from his team leaked, he angrily vouched to fire any White House employee who was rude to members of the Press.

It seems that was all for show. 

In front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, bathed in a peculiar red light, Biden called half of America Fascists. Recently, the President himself insulted a FOX reporter, with his intemperate words caught on a hot microphone. Then, in celebrating “Pride Month”, the White House’s transgender guests went topless on the South Lawn of the President’s residence. And then, of course, over the 4th of July weekend, a bag of hard drugs was found in the White House. 

So much for unity, integrity, and decency. 

How did this all happen, and how did we end up with cocaine in the most secure building in the world? 

In all simplicity, it is hard to disagree with California Congressman Darrel Issa, when he recently said: “We’ve never had cocaine in the White House until someone with a record of using cocaine visited the White House.” That person is Biden’s son, Hunter.

Hunter Biden’s drug habit is well documented. Thanks to the home videos of him cavorting with prostitutes, while smoking crack cocaine. Likewise, it is a matter of record that he was thrown out of the Navy for drug use. So you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots. 

Despite Karine Jean Pierre, the White House Press Secretary lying about it, Hunter Biden was indeed at the White House on the Friday before the cocaine was discovered. Not only that, the way the story has “evolved” since the drugs were found is most suspicious and speaks to an Administration that has a tenuous relationship with the Truth. 

First, the reports were that the bag of cocaine was found in the residence, in the library. Soon thereafter it had apparently migrated to outside the Situation Room under the West Wing, with it finally being said to have been discovered in a cubby-hole for cell phone storage.

The White House is the most secure building in the world, guarded 24/7 by snipers, plainclothes, and uniformed Secret Service agents. In a video after the scandal broke, as a former Deputy to the President, who had an All-Access pass to the whole White House, I explained just how secure the 18-acre compound really is. So how did a baggie of cocaine wander around the building? Did it have little legs?

We know the Truth. This is an administration devoid of any moral compass. From the top down. Hunter Biden’s moral turpitude is unquestionable. From shady deals with Communist China, to sweetheart deals with corrupt Ukrainian energy companies, to illegally purchasing a handgun and filming himself driving at 172mph, to disowning his own daughter, sired with a stripper. Where did he learn this behavior? From his father. 

How is it forgotten that Joe Biden: lied about his education; plagiarized a British politician; lauded KKK members and segregationists; and led the “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas because he dared to be a black Conservative nominee to the Supreme Court? Need. Say I more? 

If it were but a question of personal failings, that would be one thing. We’ve seen degenerate men serve as Presidents before. From “Camelot’s” JFK who thought nothing of bedding his wife Jackie’s secretary in the White House, or having sex with a 19-year-old intern four days after she joined the White House team. Yes in the building where he lived with his wife. Or fellow Democrat Bill Clinton who was comfortable having sex nine times in the Oval Office with an intern 27 years his junior. Nine times. But this isn’t just about illicit sex or hard drugs. It’s about what people who have no moral center do when they become powerful. 

In the last two years, we have seen the Biden Administration use the FBI to go after parents who spoke out at Schoolboard meetings. We’ve witnessed them leg-shackle former Trump advisers at Reagan Airport before they were strip-searched by the FBI. We’ve seen them raid and arrest a pro-life preacher in front of his 7 children, and deploy armed FBI agents to raid the home of a man who had just left the White House, and who is currently the leader of the opposition to the current regime.  Police State tactics have arrived in America. As the son of those who lived under both Fascism and Communism, I never thought I would say that. But it is now undeniable.

What are you doing about it? 

Remember what one of our Founding Fathers warned us about our historic form of government: it’s “a Republic if you can keep it!” Can we?

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.

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1 year ago

We all know this report is B.S. I was an Investigator for 12 years. Plastic bag accept fingerprints and DNA. No gloves are allowed in the area. Photos are taken 24/7 of all persons entering the area. This is a Secret Service Cover-Up.

1 year ago

The FBI was able to identify anybody anywhere near the White House on January 6th but they have no idea who left cocaine in the White House. If this would have happened when Trump was President he would already be impeached. And not only that end of Investigation we’re not going to look any further. Let me think about it Hunter Biden’s a cocaine addict. Christopher Ray ve vehemently denied the FBI’s protecting the bidens. He needs to go to jail. Along with Merrick Garland and the rest of Senior Management FBI CIA IRS EPA all of them it’s all corrupt and the media covers for them. When this blows up I hope all of them go to jail but I don’t think they will. Democrats have carte blanche they can do whatever they want to and they’re constantly protected until the revolution. It will come they keep acting like this two-tier system of justice, justice has a way of working out

1 year ago

The Biden boys are pieces of garbage & an embarrassment to our country.

1 year ago

What makes it worse is I don’t believe he was elected by the people but was put in by a cheating demoncrat party.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Hunter brought it in, but it was left for Joe to use. It’s the only way to keep a person with severe moderate dementia on track for more than two hours. Joe’s almost in severe dementia where he won’t be able to do a thing for himself. I’m sure Jill was supposed to get it from there, but she forgot it.

1 year ago

The story of Joe’s blow will just go away. It would seem that if the Secret Service can’t figure out who left the stuff, they would at least tell us that they couldn’t get finger prints off the baggie, DNA evidence was not present, the cameras showing those who entered malfunctioned, Hunter wiped the computer, something. But we get nothing? Unbelievable.

1 year ago

Unfortunately I am afraid if we don’t capture the White House, Senate and House in 2024 things will get much much worse. I try to speak to people on the fence about how to make informed voting choices and give them references and info so they can make an educated decision. Will see how things go. So many do not understand There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch! “Free” things from the government equals slavery.

1 year ago

This is the most corrupt, criminal administration in the history of the USA. It is as bad or worse than Stalin’s USSR. The whole world holds us in contempt.

1 year ago

Just my thought process. Some days we have President Biden stumbling bumbling and then we have days where he’s very alert. There’s only one drug. I know that can do that cuz I used to watch my brother use it

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Mr Gorka truer words were never spoken. I saw this coming when the COVID planned pandemic started. And little by little everything I felt was going to happen has come true. I wholeheartedly wished it had not.
I almost had a nervous breakdown before 2020 election. I was so worried that the hatred and anti Trump movement had taken hold and now we know it did. The American people voted for a personality not for what is good for America and I am afraid this will occur again in 2024.
What are we going to do about it to save America? I don’t have the answer short of a civil war. Freedom isn’t free you have to fight for it every minute of every day. I have said this before but when computers came into being that would be the end of the world as we know it. And here we are.

1 year ago

All I know is you never heard of this happening, until a known drug addict sleep on the president’s couch (and takes up residence). Very coincidental.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Read online that only First Family can bypass WH security
All others cant from ex SS agent Dan Bogino

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
1 year ago

Amen Mr. Gorka, If anyone is speaking, from the White House to the incompetent staff, they are lying. They know very well who’s coke it is. The FBI to CIA and all agencies in between need a complete overhaul starting at the top of the food chain. If this doesn’t change soon, we will no longer have a Republic!!

1 year ago

Been wondering who they are gonna throw under the bus for that little white powder in the bag.

1 year ago

Well we know Satan is a liar, a distraction and his days are numbered. Battle already won Jesus got the keys????✝️❤️

1 year ago

As soon as I’d heard the cocaine traveled around the W.H., that was enough for me to identify a cover-up. The Bidens have no shame. The mainstream media is unprofessional and unreliable. The DOJ and FBI are shameful and consider Americans gullible. And KJP is being used by all of them; she’s a disaster. I don’t know what’s become of logic and common sense. It’s going to be difficult to turn this country around without decent leadership that wants what is best/truthful/fair for ALL Americans.

1 year ago

I want to know who left the bag of cocaine in the House We the People own. We the People want answers, now.

1 year ago


'grandma' Jeanne
'grandma' Jeanne
1 year ago

How true…keep speaking up and put this article on CNN and GOOGLE….(of course they won’t let you.)

1 year ago

No way is someone not on video leaving that bag! Nixon could have served out the rest of his term with this bunch of clowns in the secret service, capitol police and cover-up media!

1 year ago

Probably end up with them saying that it was left by the last administration.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
1 year ago

Somehow Trump is responsible, I’m sure.

1 year ago

Casper the Friendly Ghost, played by Hunter Biden, brought.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

WHY do I have to log in every day??? I’m not fond of the new look either.

Barbara Seling
Barbara Seling
1 year ago

I have thought for a long time that Joe uses cocaine. It is a performance enhancing drug. He goes from jabbering senile imbecile to fairly coherent individual.

1 year ago

I’ve read that cocaine can make you more active, alert, talkative. I’ve asked some time ago what they give biden before he speaks, on the few times he appears cogent. My speculation is if he takes it before he has to speak. Just wondering!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

What difference at this point does it make whose bag it is The true culprit is protected some poor little nobody will take the fall for a reward and all will be well again in Absurdia

1 year ago

I agree they have more state of the art cameras that can zoom in and see an ant crawl across the the floor but cant see a person and cocaine and what about all the dogs didnt they bring them in? Anywhere else they would have. This is the most politically corrupt admin to date, they circumvent congress, and the judicial system. What a sad day.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

WH is supposed to be SECURE! What would happen if someone brought some ricin in the WH? Would the SS be able to find out who that was?

1 year ago

This is laughable. What a farce.

1 year ago

And other “news” reports say “nothing was found”, and “the investigation was called off”! Never know who to believe or what to believe when it comes to the Biden administration!!!!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

look the white house refuses to say so you know ti is someone in the first family. While jill and joe are strong possibilities you have to assume hunter is the person who carelessly left the cocaine laying around.

marta alvarez
marta alvarez
1 year ago

I find it very interesting that nobody, I mean nobody, on either party has said a word about Colombia’s narco president’s recent visit to the White House. I have written many times on social media about this shameful chapter, for two reasons: 1). This thug has a record of charges that go from kidnapping when he belonged to the narco guerrilla M19, now recycled in whatever names they have chosen for themselves, to participating in the mass murder of judges in 1983 at the Justice Palace in Bogota, to burying kidnapped citizens alive, you name it. Never paid on day of jail for his atrocities.He should never had been allowed to set afoot in this country 2). Earlier in the year and before his visit to the WH, he came to the US to make a case for the legalization of cocaine before the UN. What a coincidence that there was cocaine in our White House on July the 4th. Where are the voices of decent people protesting for this preposterous behavior on the part of the Government?

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

What a disgrace, why has he not been impeached.

1 year ago

They are not lying when they say it found in the library, outside the Situation room and in a cubby hole for cell phones. Solution: three bags placed by Hunter for Dad.

1 year ago

… the US$64 thousand question: who’s the supplier? All indications the secret service suppressed the investigation, you are free to assume the worst, that president Biden is likely a user, as well as his dope fiend son.
The only ones who could possibly be supplying the Biden family dope parties going in in the white house, would be:
1). an FBI mule –
2). capital police –
3). the CIA –
4). the secret service themseves –
5). President Biden’s wife, Dr. Jill –

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

The biden apples don’t fall far from the tree.Come to think of it this seems to be a democRAT thing and not only the politicians in D.C.,I feel that this lying and two sets of rules extends from coast to coast,border to border.These people sure seem to have a problem with honesty and the love of AMERICA.I see it in the state that I live in.I can’t name the state,but it’s controlled by chitcawgo,old native AMERICAN name !!!

1 year ago

Maybe, just maybe it was a delivery to a certain cackling female from Hunter…

1 year ago

It’s a no brainer… it belongs to Hunter. Everyone, except a die hard leftist, knows that it’s Hunter’s. Just another case of corruption in the Federal law enforcement agencies of this government and this administration.

1 year ago

This President has such contempt for the American citizen that he thinks we are all ‘ mindless sheep’ believing social media and liberal, lying fake news outlets. I am embarassed that so few people actually believe that the same FBI who tracjked down criminals and people at January 6 COULD NOT lift any fingerprints or use the footage of the 8 cameras in thism the West Wing,
Unlike the TV show the West Wing, very few people have the clearance necessary to BE in the West Wing. It is NOT an area abuzz with people. Every outside person, by invitaton only to the West Wing, is thoroughly vetted before they enter the secure area where the BAG OF COKE was found, And everyone who has an INVITATION to the White House West Wing also signs in prior to enterting the West Wing.
So, now you know you were lied to and told to your face, shut-up and move one. Nothing YOU will see here. The corruption and politicization of the FBI, DHS, Secret Service and the NIH is deep and we the people of the US are sick of this.

Jim oneill
Jim oneill
1 year ago

Does that include Obama and company?

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago


Chris B Grodhaus
Chris B Grodhaus
1 year ago

What is the problem? Cocane would probably make Biden a little bit better President. Just my opinion.

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