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What I saw inside the Trump Courtroom 

Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

I never thought I would have a day like I did last week. Visiting New York is always an experience. But to be inside the trial of the century, to have a front seat for the most important case of the modern age, was not what I expected for the momentous election year that is 2024. 

It started well. The NYPD officers on duty recognized me as I approached Trump Tower, one telling me he never misses my daily radio show quoting my signature sign-off phrase “Stay Frosty!” back to me after I said hello. After selfies with the boys in blue, our delegation to the court assembled with the Secret Service Team, waiting for the President to arrive. It was great to see familiar patriotic faces like Troy Nehls, Ronny Jackson, Boris Epshteyn, and Pam Bondi, and to meet new friends, especially the pugnacious Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick. Then into the motorcade, with the ladies riding in the comfy cars and the men, Senators, and Congressmen included riding in the unmarked van. Chivalry lives! Then it was like being back in the Swamp and working for the Commander-in-Chief, with Secret Service and NYPD outriders and squad cars, lights on, sirens on as we traversed New York to the State Unified Court System courthouse blowing through red lights and stop signs. 

Then the arrival and the brainstorming with President Trump. We were ushered past the police cordon, the courthouse being cleared of pedestrians for blocks, up into the elevators and the dingiest anteroom I could imagine for as putatively as important an institution as the one holding a trial the world is witnessing. Worn, telling paint, broken power outlets, full wastebaskets, you name it. And there we were with the man who was President and may soon be again. 

Then it was time for the usual pre-trial press conference from the narrow corridor outside the courtroom that you have seen multiple times a day for the last 5 weeks. Another dingy scene with low neon lighting and no standing microphone for the President with the sound bouncing off the walls, and his guests, standing behind him in solidarity. As usual, due to Judge Merchan’s unconstitutional gag order against the defendant, President Trump was limited to reading the published legal analyses of others in the media instead of seeking for himself. This is even though gag orders are meant to protect defendants, not the protection of the judge. His most powerful line: “I’m doing this for 300 million Americans, not myself.” Then the President turned to us his supporters and surrogate and sarcastically said: “Welcome to Paradise, as he led us into the fiefdom of Judge Juan Merchan, and man you as a Judge have illicitly donated to the Biden campaign and an anti-Trump PAC, and whose daughter had raised $93 million off her daddy’s case for the Democrats. 

The several hours were surreal, as photographers were first let into the front of the court to crouch in front of the defendant and shove their massive lenses in Donald Trump’s face to take pictures, and then as Michael Cohen’s former lawyer was grilled by the prosecution who drilled for hours on the minutiae of emails between Cohen and Costello’s firm, communications that made it clear who the liar is. Clue: it’s the man who served time in prison as a perjurer and admitted on the stand that he had stolen more than $30,000 from Donald Trump because he felt he “deserved” it. 

And the jury? I counted 8 white New York women in their thirties. I think we know who they voted for. None of them, or the men in the jury seemed to understand the enormity of the trial they are a part of. Not one tie or suit for the men. And one of the women was in a hoodie, another in a jean jacket as if this were a traffic court. Then we broke for lunch and the President’s supporters held their own presser with Donald Trump Jr taking the lead. I used the opportunity in front of the jackals of the mainstream media to reveal the 30-page federal court document listing all of the “star witness” Michael Cohen’s crimes, a document that the defense was prevented from entering on the record since Judge March wanted it suppressed. Read it here. Then it was back to the court for the self-same biased judge to hear the requests from the defense and protection regarding the final charging details prior to his instructions to the jury. 

In a back-and-forth lasting for hours, with scores of requests from either side, Merchan accepted every demand from Alvin Bragg’s team and none from the defense. Correction: he said off one request: “I’ll think about it.” As Matt Whittaker, former Attorney General has stated, Judge Merchan should be wearing the jersey of the prosecution. At one point, he even said to the President’s attorney, as he was standing up and preparing to make a point: “Sit down, I don’t want to hear from you again!” 

Is any more proof needed than that for you to believe this is a show trial designed to steal the election before the first ballot is cast? 

Will Lady Justice be blind today as the jury considers the demerits of the “case?” If not, what will happen to our Republic? Stay tuned America.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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8 months ago

Well considering the Bragg / Biden DOJ led prosecution failed to identify the so-called 2nd federal crime that is supposed to have elevated this nonsensical case (also unproven any of the misdemeanor crimes by the prosecution during trial) to a federal felony and Judge Merchan’s instruction to the jury is they can pick, in their own minds, from 3 potential federal crimes, none of which were discussed or proven in court by the prosecution during the trial, I think this Soviet style show trial is proceeding exactly as one would expect.

Lady Justice, at least in most deep blue Democrat states, has been carted off and replaced by the power of force demonstrated daily by the Democrat Party. Both Putin and Xi have to be laughing their heads off as our justice system now looks and functions more like that of Russia and China than anything that we would call fair and impartial justice.

The jury pool is made up of 12 Democrat voters, who like the Judge and Prosecutor have only one objective to mind: Get Trump by any means necessary, regardless of the facts, and send a strong signal to the GOP that this is what will happen to anyone else in his country who dares stand up to the regime. So, it is only a question of how long before they deliver the expected guilty verdict. Even though there was no proven crime, it won’t matter. This isn’t about justice, but rather the raw exercise of power to try and crush any opposition to the Marxist agenda of the Democrats.

8 months ago

God bless you, Seb. My husband and I are thankful for the men and women working hard to project the vile evil going on against our beloved President, who loves America and it’s people of all color. Everyone knows this, and many eyes are opened. God opens eyes when He is ready. Blessings on President Trump.

Diane Erskine-Sutter
Diane Erskine-Sutter
8 months ago

Dear Mr. Gorka, I certainly hope we have not lost America, but I’m afraid if President Trump doesn’t get in that’s exactly what will happen besides America we may lose Israel. God forbid keep up the good work Mr. Gorka and God bless you.

8 months ago

It is sad to see how far this Coutry has strayed from the original course of our founding Father’s. I know that many people are having there eyes opened, maybe for the first time. Unfortunately, I see a revolution on the horizon. The Liberals and Democrats have pushed too hard and for too long. They totally ignore the Constitution and with the blessings of corrupt and Liberal judges. I fear the only way that this Country will be saved is with a violent Revolution, the same way that it was formed. The Democrats have proven to everyone that elections do not matter, and the justice system does not work as it should… so what is left? God help us all!

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
8 months ago

Please God help Donald J Trump and America
Deliver us from Evil.., Amen

8 months ago

It is EVIL AND DISGUSTING, that this can even happen in the USA.

Sandra H Haddock
Sandra H Haddock
8 months ago

I(‘m praying for justice, God will prevail. No matter which way it goes, God’s plan will be fulfilled and I believe Trump will be blessed with an aquital.

8 months ago

I pray God will open the eyes of these jurors and they will see what is really going on and vote for Trump’s innocence

8 months ago

I can hope that the people who attended this trial to support President Trump will make a difference. This is a terrible show trial.

8 months ago

It’s a well-known fact that the left are the Give-Me, I-Want lowlifes infesting the earth with their vile slug trails, a gaggle of anything-goes unaccomplished geese who don’t give 2 eggs outta the same hen about anyone except themselves. Society’s all-around and comical losers, laughably poised to make decisions on a man’s life.

8 months ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Hillary paid an $8000 and the DNC paid $100,000 in fines for what Trump is charged with: misallocation/labeling campaign funds to Perkins-Coui to pay for the Steele Dossier, the catalyst for four years of “Russia, Russia, Russia!”. So this is what Democrats call “democracy”, huh?

8 months ago

What will happen? America’s decline is guaranteed with Obiden having a 4th term. If ole Joe is not running Michael will take over. We will become a global world. The elites in Davos have decided.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

This is not unique There ware Soviet Union Chinese Cuban and Nazi court rooms The script is the variation on the theme Different orchestra same conductor

Armed Patriot
Armed Patriot
8 months ago


8 months ago


8 months ago

Although I disagree with some of Dr.Gorka’s foreign policy positions, I have deep respect and affection for him as a fellow patriot and a force for good in our land. America must retrieve itself from the hands of the left wing ideologues who now hold the levers of federal power. Failing that, we are doomed. Our current position is like that of the man attempting to board a rowboat, with one foot on the dock and the other on the gunwale of the boat. It is impossible to maintain that position for long, and at some point, it becomes an either/or proposition or a quick dunk in the sater. The Biden administration, or more accurately, Obama revivified, calls for more and more widespread war against Russia and China while at the same time, denigrating our closest ally in the middle east, Israel, and catering to every whim of the islamist enemies in Iran and elsewhere, yet at the same time, eroding our national defense capability, our treasury and most important, the store of patriotism still left within half the country.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

This trial could just have been done in iran or north korea or other anti conservative countries.How would anyone with common sense feel that a REPUBLICAN would get a fair trial with the democ rats in charge.Then you wonder did soros have anything to do with the outcome,now,just really think about this.

8 months ago

It is a horrendous misjustice that DJT is on trial at all and I pray that Biden and friends are severely paid back for this dishonest corrupt LawFare. If there is any justice at all, DJT will take the WH in a landslide in November and be in a position to take power away from these corrupt power-crazed, greedy, frenzied beings that call themselves Democrats but are truly Left Socialist Communists.

John Cofiell
John Cofiell
8 months ago

I know what needs to be done. But if I say it the FBI would be coming for me.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Was the courtroom COLD?
See how the Judge treats Defense vs Prosecution
Old Russia days right

Patty P
Patty P
8 months ago

If anyone was in court who could discreetly run a short video of jurors faces or photographs, then anyone can find each one’s identity.
and possibly lean
Each, one by one.

8 months ago

Praying that our Sovereign God will intervene and put a stop to the evil and disgusting actions taking place by our government. It has been the most shameful 8 years of our country’s life as those in power have made a mockery of everything our Constitution stands for. Only God was able to bless President Trump with the ability to be as successful as he was in leading what was once the greatest nation on earth.

8 months ago

Very good and interesting article Very unethical court and unconstitutional and unacceptable THANKS for sharing experiences ????

8 months ago

Sadly my fellow Americans, this so called trial was a three ring circus! From the start Donald Trump wasn’t afforded the opportunity to defend himself!
This is the very thing the Greatest Generation went to war for, with many shedding their life’s blood and in large part, giving their lives, for the cause of Freedom! Hard to believe that it’s happening all over again, right here in our beloved Country! If ever there was a time for every patriotic American to come to the aid of the Republic it’s now! We the people are truly in a political fight, one we cannot afford to lose! We must do everything short of violence, to defeat the Democrats plans to subvert the USA, turning it into a dystopian society in which only the elite will thrive.

Becky Hill
Becky Hill
8 months ago

Clearly the so called trial was a travesty and meant to hurt our President and his supporters‼️Once again the hatred that the evil ???? left displays toward President Trump and our country clearly shows the Devil has invaded “the land of the free and the home of the brave!!!”

8 months ago

The demon rats are the internal enemies of America! The U.S. cannot beat China, Korea, Russia, and Iran (Hamas) until the Democrats are defeated. FJB and maga forever!

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
8 months ago

It is NOT the pomp and circumstances, the visuals, the pandering, being seen, etc.; it is really about corrupt officials who must not be allowed to do this dastardly circus whose intent is clear and sick!

L. C.
L. C.
8 months ago

What became of “jury of your peers”. But, what concern do the Democrats have for rule of law in any case! Let’s get our nation back.

Louise R
Louise R
8 months ago

Very interesting to get this insider perspective. Thank you!

8 months ago

This trial would make Mao and Stalin blush.

Fredric Ducolon
Fredric Ducolon
8 months ago

Take it to the Supreme court

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
8 months ago

It’s sad that we have to participate in the democrat game ‘Suppress Constitutional voting’. I am frankly tired of playing the game … because their administration cheated to win control, the make up the games, the make up the rules, and the executioner (a registered democrat) is standing idly by with a smile on his face, making sure the noose will fit and the trap door will open. Perhaps in a constitutional republic, it is fair … that the republicans could do the same once they get into ‘power’. But I think (in my memory) the republicans mostly act their age, going beyond the childishness, and beyond the tyrant behavior that will ultimately lead to the end of our republic.

8 months ago

To Gorka: You need to read up on what a Gag Order is and what it is for. In this case, it is needed to protect the jury from attacks. Also, your remarks on what jury is wearing is way out of line, as not everyone makes enough money to wear expensive clothes. You should apologize to the jury for that statement.

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