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Trump’s Task: Restore and Grow America

Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2024
by Barry Casselman

The challenge facing the incoming Trump administration is not unlike the challenge facing a farmer whose arable farmland has been severely depleted by years of crops that have degraded the topsoil.

“Progressive” politics and the policies of the Biden administration over the past four years weakened the topsoil of the federal government so much that the national electorate refused to give Mr. Biden’s Democratic Party and his last-minute replacement on the ballot the historically traditional second four-year term.

A major part of this weakness was Mr. Biden himself. Already frail when elected in 2020 at age 78, his continued decline was largely kept hidden by his White House staff, Democratic Party leaders, and a biased establishment media until just before the election in a TV debate with his Republican opponent that exposed the deception unequivocally.

But the Democratic administration’s weakness was not due to Mr. Biden alone, nor his replacement on the ticket by his unpopular and unimpressive vice president, Kamala Harris.

Mr. Biden had won a controversial and narrow victory in 2020 by presenting himself as a moderate figure, the kind of Democrat like Bill Clinton in 1992 and especially 1996, who had by necessity governed from the political center in cooperation much of the time with Republicans led by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

But from the outset in 2021, Mr. Biden veered to the progressive and radical left, appearing more like a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren than a Bill Clinton. The Biden administration also encouraged an environment of identity politics, arbitrary redistribution of wealth, and political and verbal wokeism that depleted the economic and social topsoil of U.S. capital opportunity, education, free speech, and traditional values.

Democrats had been confident that voters would not return Donald Trump to the presidency, yet nontheless they employed a series of questionable criminal indictments and trials in a further attempt to undermine his chances in 2024. But the blunt transparency of their motives only made him a sympathetic figure and increased the likelihood of his successful political return.

Meanwhile, the credibility of U.S. economic and military power was deliberately diminished by continual progressive and radical policies and inept diplomacy during the Biden administration, causing the majority of voters, and not just Mr. Trump’s base, to vote for a new direction for their national government.

When farmers restore their land, they follow policies of letting the land replenish itself combined with planting crops which do not have such a negative impact on the topsoil.

For the incoming Trump administration, this means restoring a fragile economy with judicious tax cuts, and constructive reordering of public expenditures so that Americans at all economic levels will prosper and share in resulting economic growth. It means removing arbitrary restrictions and policies in education and language usage and restoring a fair playing field for commerce and competition. It means also reforming and strengthening our military — including our capabilities for land, sea, and air power —to restore our defense credibility and ensure our ability to promote peace over war, and deter conflicts like those in Ukraine and the Middle East which have sprung up under Biden’s watch.

The nation remains divided as the new administration takes power in Washington, D.C. In a republic such as ours, there will always be disagreements and political differences. But the voters spoke decisively for change in the election just concluded, and generally responded positively to the promises by the Trump-Vance campaign to cut taxes, reduce the size of the federal bureaucracy, restore the military, promote traditional values, remove arbitrary social restrictions, and to grow not only the economy, but the quality and fairness of our political system and its hallmarks of freedom, opportunity, and free discourse.

Fulfilling these promises won’t be without opposition, establishment media distortion, and rigorous debate. The voters said they want change and positive results. They were given a program for change, and the largest number said yes to it.

Mr. Trump and his colleagues have a limited time to deliver. As long as their opponents fail to understand why they lost in 2024, successful delivery should be ultimately fulfilled.

It’s time for the U.S. to be restored and grow again.

Barry Casselman is a contributor for AMAC Newsline.

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Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
16 days ago

Even though the GOP had a great election result, the progressives throughout the country are vowing to stop Trump in any success with cleaning the mess Biden and his comrades left. It is appalling what Biden and his ilk have been doing while preparing to leave office. He is much more than a man in a declining of dementia, he is spiteful and full of vengeance. He did a lot of damage and now is trying to top it by making Trump’s presidency very difficult from the start.

anna hubert
anna hubert
16 days ago

Mr. Biden’s incompetence and frailness was obvious to everyone who is not legally blind from the day he took office into which he came by fraud. It only escalated ,as for his legacy, it will take more then 4 years to overcome. He still is doing his utmost to cause as much damage as possible before he leaves in total disgrace.

16 days ago

Trump can accomplish great things, IF he is actually allowed to be President (he certainly never was back in 2017 and 2018 while Republicans had a House majority. I believe that our country can ONLY be great again if we can all “moderate” ourselves. Both extreme sides (maybe its just me but I see way more far extreme coming from the left than from the supposed right) need to move more toward the middle. That will entail some crow-eating (it can be quiet and no one really needs to know) by the left. The pressure for members of Congress to wake the hell up and do the job we are paying them to do will HAVE to come from we, the people. Every person needs to start holding our elected officials accountable for their actions. Make phone calls, send emails, texts, whatever it takes to let them know THEY ARE BEING CLOSELY MONITORED. Then, do it, the monitoring, I mean. There are countless websites that give details on votes cast, or absences. Just think, the rep in Texas who has been in a nursing home for six months had absolutely NO ONE watching over her office. Her staff was lying to anyone that did call. Missed votes for six months would have shown up. Someone in that district could have notified the paper, asked the family (no one’s addresses are secret any longer). No one did. Its up to US!!!

16 days ago

Biden’s profound lack of integrity and personal maturity have dishonored our country and the voters who actually voted for him. Needless to say, he did not legitimately win that 2020 election, so, those who aided that election fraud should no longer be living in freedom in our country.

16 days ago

Good observations, and there is much to look forward to from President Trump and the new administration. Hopefully, the left will see that any more of their obstruction will only increase the damage they have already done to their own image. The people elected Trump decisively, so, the choice of the people should be honored.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
16 days ago

Biden was”shoed in”by the democ rats because he was easy and easier now to program and manipulate by the likes of barryO,soros,peloosli and the rest of the leftist”cult”.

John TeGrotenhuis
John TeGrotenhuis
16 days ago

Biden did not win. The election was stolen.

George M
George M
16 days ago

Your article ignores the sheer incompetence of the Biden administration (or wasn’t Afghanistan a spectacular failure). Very few in this Country want to pay for a bloated bureaucracy implemented to serve the WEF, our politicians and the extremely wealthy.
Biden had no discernable foreign policy and the dems usual ploy of identity politics has worn thin on almost everyone! Biden himself seems to have been behind the very unpopular gender identity nightmare (the death of Title 9).He may have gotten political support (billions) from the donor who helped Obama “realize” there was money to be gathered by ignoring the rights of average Americans and pandering to these folks.
You failed to spend much on Biden’s decision to discard the rule of law. To the best of my knowledge we have never seen a politician do more to weaponize the legal system than the Biden administration has done. Most of us had assumed that the rule of law was sacrosanct in the United States but clearly it was not as this corrupt administration has tried everything to cling to power. Hopefully the new DOJ will take a hard look at Biden’s “Lawfare” and take action to make it very clear to lawyers, elected officials and politicians that the use of our legal system (Local, State or Federal) to target specific citizens is totally unacceptable, and will be severely punished.
You also let the media off pretty easily. Mainstream media is so crooked and corrupt that they have lost a giant share of their audience during the time this corrupt administration has been in power. The good news is they don’t seem to understand why, so it seems likely that they are near the end of their viability as businesses..

Clairetta Anderson
Clairetta Anderson
16 days ago

Given the outcome of Biden’s destructive last four years, I’m looking forward to the Trump administration.

16 days ago

If Trump can stop the war in Ukraine in 24-hours like he has campaigned, that that is a great victory for America on day One. World Peace is beneficial to America in many ways.

John Shipway
John Shipway
16 days ago

Coming into a financial situation that could equal the great depression…….well President Trump MAY have a single year to accomplish anything at all. Now if he is wildly successful he may then get another half year but it all stops when the campaign season for the mid terms starts up. Then the media and the RINOS and of course the insane Democrat liberals will go into full cannibal mode and we will then have to prepare ourselves to put President Trump in our rearview mirrors. And if you think Vance is the “real deal”, my God you are STUPID.

trump; progressivism
Joe Biden
Tehachapi Fires. Wild fires in Tehachapi, California with wind turbines in the foreground.
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