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Time for Post-Sharpton Agenda for Black Community

Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2025
by Outside Contributor

The pushback has begun from Black Americans against Al Sharpton and other self-appointed liberal “community leaders.” The National Black Church Initiative, a coalition representing 27.7 million people and 150,000 Black churches across the country, recently announced that the payment from the Kamala Harris campaign to Sharpton “puts a moral stain on the integrity of the Black Church.”

The group, which said it is “very concerned” by the “growing scandal,” urged MSNBC to “launch an investigation” and expressed support for the “Rev. Sharpton’s suspension until the investigation is complete.” This is a good first step, as we are long overdue for new leaders with fresh ideas that might actually help the Black community.

Of course, the ethically questionable collaboration between Sharpton and the failed Harris campaign is but one example of the lucrative race hustle game he and others have played for years. Rich white liberals, seeking absolution for their perceived “white privilege,” provide the cash — and plenty of it — but they also provide the bad ideas that for 60 years have damaged the communities they were supposed to help.

The list of harmful measures is long — defunding the police, open borders, eliminating school choice, climate change regulations that boost energy bills and destroy high-wage manufacturing jobs, welfare policies that discourage home ownership and wealth creation and, worst of all, diversity, equity and inclusion programs that impose racism in the name of fighting it.

Sadly, well-compensated, liberal Black mouthpieces have always been easy to find, and the media give them more of a platform than they deserve.

The race hustle game re-emerges every election year. The same old big government “solutions” coupled with the usual scare tactics over racism and white supremacy would manage to keep Black voters in line. However, the problem is that it always came at the expense of economic progress. In fact, one could argue that the agenda of the race hustle game is to keep Black people poor so the elites can capitalize off their grievances along with the nongovernmental organizations that profit from their misfortune. Why else would they continue pushing ideas that have a decades-long track record of failure?

Now, the results of the last election show that a growing number of Black voters are realizing that the old agenda does not work and are ready for real change.

In the new Trump era, Black Americans need to move past the politics of victimization and toward the politics of economic opportunity, upward mobility and self-sufficiency. We need to stop listening to the nonsense those rich white liberals want to force on the Black community and look at what they actually do in their lives. They send their kids to the school of their choice; we should get the chance to do the same. They spend extra to live in safe neighborhoods or even gated communities, and we should have the same level of safety. They buy homes and accumulate generational wealth and so should we. And they benefit from a true meritocracy, and so can we.

Likewise, race hustlers, such as Al Sharpton, tell us to fear white people all while working side by side with white affluent liberals, living in all-white neighborhoods, while sending his kids to private schools.

His influence is over because we will no longer listen to “do what I say and not as I do.”

Donna Jackson is the membership director for Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She wrote this for

Reprinted with permission from Review Journal by Donna Jackson.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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1 month ago

Sharpton aka Mr. Charlatan is the worst kind of con man … and has been laughing all the way to the bank for years and years

1 month ago

Sharpton is nothing more than cop-hating, imitation reverend for Satan. He’s a complete fraud, a corrupt, white-hating racist, power-hungry, egotistical, lime-light loving, cop-hating LOUDMOUTH. And an agitating trouble maker, ALWAYS stirring the pot of victim-hood for losers. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for this miserable disgrace.

Gregory John Rausch
Gregory John Rausch
1 month ago

Sharpton is a GRIFTER.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

His brethren condoned his malice and poison spewing, he lived nicely off it in luxury and comfort, laughing all the way to the bank. Community in ruins is a bonus to him, more ammo against racism.

1 month ago

It’s a shame that this man has been making money on all his bruthers and sistas. He belongs in jail.

Tom Adair
Tom Adair
1 month ago

This is long overdue. Race baiters like Mr. Sharpton have made a considerable amount of money, for themselves, promising to help their people. In reality they just divided an already divided nation even more. Instead of inspiring black youth to excell they encouraged black youth to rebel. They had help in doing this in the form of white race baiters, playing off each other in the name of profit. If Mr. Sharpton really cared, he would address and condem black on black violence in communities like Chicago. Communities that elected black democrats to represent them, to protect them. First its their job to protect everyone. Second they failed to do it for anyone. But, they became rich as well. I can’t help but believe we can get along. We can’t do that until people take responsibility for themselves, their families, and call out bad behavior no matter who is committing it.

1 month ago

Remember…..Vote blue..they are for you….NOT!!!!!!!!!! Unless you are an “illegal”

Coy Stilwell
Coy Stilwell
1 month ago

Interesting article to bad it didn’t include Jessie both of these men have become wealthy sucking up to the rich white democrats.Before I became a Independent I thought that the democrats were trying to help the black community then I started listening to what the republicans were saying we don’t need special laws just enforce the law for all races the same amazing what you can learn when you stop and read the information GODBLESS

1 month ago

I’d like an investigation into the amount of $$ Al Sharpton owes the IRS (us).

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 month ago

The racist Sharpton has done more to harm the black communities than anyone in history, except maybe for Obama. By his actions he has insured that his blacks, not all, have been retained as the slaves of his rhetoric. At his death I hope that the rest of the blacks decide to become Americans.

1 month ago

Al Sharpton the polar opposite of Martin Luther King. Sharpton has feathered his own nest as spokesperson for the African American community or as I call them the Citizens of the United States. He is a Biden Harris imitator. Al Sharpton does nothing for free. He sold his brothers and sisters for a handvol of dollars. Under Trump they had jobs, could afford to buy a house and even send their kids to college. Not anymore. Chicago, New York, Seattle, Portland, LA all have shooting parties every weekend and some during the week thrown in. Anyone compiled the statistic on how many have been killed or injured in the past 4 years by a handgun in these cities? The mayors of these cities did nothing, the governors of these states holding these cities did nothing. Biden did nothing and Sharpton was too busy extracting money from dem organization he would support. For a price of course. Sharpton has to go. And many more of that ilk in the dem party and especially in MSM and mayors and governors. They are only in it for the money.

1 month ago

What is conveyed in this article was was obvious to me by the time I was 17 years old (1987). Why has it taken people so long to see the race hustle for what it is?

Donald King
Donald King
1 month ago

Sharpton is a race-baiting phony. In 1987 I worked in New York City and followed the Tawana Brawley scam – scandal closely as it incited demonstrations, some violence, and racial tension. In the end, it would result in the death of one of the accused who was totally innocent of any wrong doing. Sharpton was, and is, nothing more than a phony headline grabbing civil rights industry crackpot, but the liberal press absolutely is in love with him. His entire life has been devoted to working the system.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Al Sharpton = the Don King of Racial Relations. The original “Show me the money!”…

1 month ago

He should be put in jail. He is a thief hiding behind skin color narratives.

1 month ago

About D*&#N time. We can all finally agree—race baiting is a huge loser.

Robert uldrich
Robert uldrich
1 month ago

How and when are these networks that constantly push racism going to be held accountable for their racist agenda? They are the definition of hate speech.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 month ago

Sharpton has always been a con man and corporate shakedown artist, the only thing missing from his acts has been bottles of snake oil.

1 month ago

Indeed, the “Rev.” Al Sharpton. Watched a video taken by possibly a person who’s home had been burned down along with so many others during the “black lives matter” ugliness. The “Rev” Sharpton was marching down a street at night in a black neighborhood some on fire with his despicable band of blm thugs dutifully marching in lock step shouting, : “What do we want!?” Response from blm thugs: “”Dead cops!” When do we want ’em! “Now!!”. Sharpton showed his evil and frankly should be jailed for the rest of his pathetic little life for the destruction he led…not to mention, has one of these thugs ever been charged? But then add “newscasters” standing in front of over turned burning cars, burning houses and chanting “mostly peaceful protests.” Forward to the officer desperately trying to bring order in an intersection when a blm punk in a stolen car sped up and hit him, throwing him several feet. If this officer survived it would have been a miracle. Not just Sharpton but every single one of those blm thugs as well. Over 30 citizens lost their lives, how many officers did? How about fire trucks trying to get to a burning home only to be blocked and threatened by these thugs…thugs who should also be charged and imprisoned. The left has shown it’s true dark nature over the years and especially this past untenable 4 years of disgusting attempts to destroy kids lives by telling them they could change their sex…Evil barely describes this straight from hell scenario they’ve pushed.

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
1 month ago

A looong article ???? to say, there’s zero sharp about Al but there’s a ton of Godless UNbiblical self n skin melanin CON struct peddling for ca$h by him, right!? Shameful SINister n subversive is the LIE that ones epidermal tone has ANYTHING 2do w RACE. ????
If only the lamestream media, the poisonous press, and pontificating pundits weren’t aiding n abetting such NON sense.
RACE is one’s “Birth” Nationality, Language and Tribe… I’m an English speaking American fr Kentucky. Q, what color am I?
STOP those ILLEGAL Applications that ask: Are You: Hispanic, Asian Pacific, OR black… or white? Smh
Anyway, not surprising, AS getting pd for blah yadi nothing.

Joyce Buckley
Joyce Buckley
1 month ago

I have always wondered why Black Americans could follow such a transparent and evil man. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to uplift the communities because there is no money in it for him. I’m wondering how many houses he owns; Jessie Jackson is a rich man too who garnered many a jackpot damning White racism; Lest we overlook the Emperor Obama who has 4 mansions that look like hotels. These civil right fakes have kept These people in literal chains for decades. When Trump ran for pres he Said he wanted to put Trade Schools in These communities. Hillary’s response was “Racist Racist”, typical Lib-Dem-Elitest and Sharpton buddy.

Gayline Clifford
Gayline Clifford
1 month ago

Sometimes it’s a good thing to try something (in this case someone) new. He’s old school. Time to do what’s right and not what is best for his pocketbook.

1 month ago

The likes of Al and Jessie make their livings by keeping racism and division alive in the Black community. They’ve convinced the last couple black generations that they are victims, that there’s nothing they can do about it, and that it’s always the fault of someone else. They immediately arrive on scene when a black person is killed by a white person. But they don’t give a crap when a black person kills another black person.
And meanwhile, they become millionaires at the expense of their black brethren.

Victoria b Postelmans
Victoria b Postelmans
1 month ago

Dont forget Obama

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
1 month ago

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are nothing more than black extortionists. Shake down artists. You pay us money or we will picket your business, yell racism and shut you down.They extorted money from businesses a s large as Toyota, never got called out for what they were doing and made millions. You try to call them out on and and guess what? You are a racist . . . The magic word of the democrat party today

Pat R
Pat R
1 month ago

Best idea I’ve heard regarding Al Sharpton for 40 years. It is a welcome acknowledgement that he isn’t “in it” for black communities. He’s in it for himself and his ‘preaching’ racism has been instrumental in causing it. Working with white elites in the process is no surprise either.
Hopefully this will become a campaign that will send Al Sharpton to the sidelines of history.

1 month ago

Al Sharpton go and, F —– Well my hand keeps twitching and won’t let me type the rest, maybe it’s best I don’t anyway, it would just get deleted.
He is just another Swamp Rat!
He is just another America Hater!

1 month ago

Let’s give credit to the effort of addressing racial issues, but it’s time to move on from the familiar faces that have been in the spotlight for years. We need open minds and new ideas, and we should be asking questions about their positions to unite us. It’s crucial that we find new leaders who are dedicated to standing up for everyone. I’ve seen impressive candidates in states that are thriving. Let’s stop the cycle of fighting each other with hate. It’s time for a change of heart, mind, and spirit, focusing on building communities grounded in love.

1 month ago

It’s sad to see American Blacks cloak themselves in the position of victim. Just like other disadvantaged peoples in America, like the Irish, Italians etc. who were discriminated against and had to persevere against the odds to take the opportunities America afforded it’s peoples for education and hard work to make a better life for themselves and their families. Many Black families relish their “victim mentality” as an excuse for their drug use, lack of motivation and committers of crime. Sharpton loves to enable this mentality.

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
1 month ago

Sharpton is the typical democrat. He himself is a Radical Racist and is always trying to stir up racial confrontations against whites. He has been taking money from black communities for decades, yet he has never once offered money from his bank account to help blacks in need. Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are 2 of a kind and both are the sorriest excuses of Reverends one could ever find. I sometimes wonder if they are even Religious at all because both of them should know that even they will have to stand before Jesus Christ and God and explain their lives and everything they have done just as the rest of us will.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 month ago

Sir sharpton,waters,jackson and many,many more are race baters for profit.

30 days ago

The same with Maxine Waters and Sheila…and the last Chicago Mayor, and the Mayor of LA (now being recalled). It’s just a ‘game’ to them. They’re NOT Patriots caring for the Citizens They’re just ‘in it’ for THEMSELVES! and no one else. And they’ve been doing this for Decades!!! It’s LONG PAST TIME for our Blacks to realize they’re being Duped!

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
1 month ago

Al Sharpton, the wolf who is portrayed as a “civil rights leader and Reverend more notable achievements;
In november 1987, Tswana Brawley’s false accusation of being assaulted by four white men was provoked by Sharpton.
In December 1995, Freddy’s Mart, a Jewish clothing store in Harlem, was firebombed with killings resulting from this man’s National Action Network assault.

1 month ago

BRAVO MY SISTER! Say it LOUD and Make it CLEAR Al Sharpton’s days are OVER!

1 month ago

$harpton thrive$ on Raci$m. He NEED$ Raci$m. Raci$m is hi$ bu$ine$$.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 month ago

Sharpton and others like him are a severe blemish on black community. There are real issues that his self serving activities mock. Those who think handing him money for absolution are also part of the problem. If they really care they would find a legitimate service organization in the black community.

1 month ago

Just took them 60 years to figure it out to some degree. Many will continue to be followers. ????. God bless America ????????????

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

END the Sharpton Reign & owes Back Taxes

Kay Brown
Kay Brown
1 month ago

Good for you!! About time that some of these people are called out for the hypocrisy they spew.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

Four words for “reverend Al:” Tawanna Brawley, Crown Heights. The mastermind of the Brawley hoax has ZERO credibility on anything. Add to that Sharpton’s agitation in a simple traffic accident that led to the murder of an innocent Jewish citizen by thugs. What is wrong with NBC for allowing such a HATER on their networks?

Terry Materna
Terry Materna
1 month ago


1 month ago

Race baiter and shill of the demonrat party. The “reverend” sold his soul and sold out his race.

Edwin Black
Edwin Black
29 days ago

There are many on the Left (black and White) who continually pick at the wound of our racist history. Just like any sore if you keep picking at it, the sore will never heal. The evil players like Sharpton do this for no other reason but to make themselves somehow relevant to other haters and perpetuate the division of American against American.

Bryan K
Bryan K
1 month ago

If Sharpton and the other self appointed black community so called leaders actually did what they say, then the black communities would be thriving just like any other community. But Sharpton and his cohorts have profited off the black community while doing nothing to actually help the people he so called says he represents. He and his cronies are false prophets. I hope more in the black community will see them for what they are and exile them

George M
George M
1 month ago

Sharpton is a joke with no redeeming qualities. I’m not sure if the black community listens to him at all (I hope not) but these big corporations that look to (pay) Sharpton, Jackson and so many other grifters for redemption are every bit as useless as he is. Any corporation worth a s___ could easily identify a much more effective way of helping that community.

1 month ago


Melinda C
Melinda C
29 days ago

Very good article to shed light on Sharpton’s influence on gullible minorities. He has been promoting himself for far too long with the help of much of the media. He is a shyster, taking advantage of ignorance.

Tommy Molnar
Tommy Molnar
29 days ago

Doesn’t ole Al still owe millions in property taxes too?

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
1 month ago

Amen and Amen!

1 month ago


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