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Weingarten Report Ep. 3: Fatal Flaws in AntiRacism and Why Wokeism is Taking Over our Country

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021
by AMAC, Ben Weingarten

In this week’s episode, Ben is going to explain the fatal flaw in quote unquote antiracism, which is one, if not the central pillar, in the Wokeism that is taking over, and destroying, virtually every major institution in our country from within. Antiracists are completely fine with outright discrimination—violating our rights, treating us as unequal by law, and rigging opportunities—if it advances their supposedly noble cause of equity. The core of the Woke ideology is the elevation of equity over equality.

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Janis Jordan
Janis Jordan
3 years ago

I’ve always been taught that you can be what you want to be and with the opportunities available in America race should not even be considered for a person to achieve.

linda 6521
linda 6521
3 years ago

To curb any lingering racism in colleges or many jobs, all applications should be first and last initial with a random number as name. No gender, race, birth date or address except state included. Then all initial decisions would be made strictly on merit. Even first interviews should be in written format.

Monika Butler
Monika Butler
3 years ago

I immigrated to the United States from Germany. Being white I was accused by a black coworker of having bought in to the slave injustice by my ancestors. I told her that being born German I could not be responsible for the killing of 6 million Jews and also the slave trade. Especially since I was not born during either atrocities.

Larry H
Larry H
3 years ago

There’s nothing more racist than what’s happening in this country right now – one race exploiting other races for political and economic gain. That has happened in the past in this country, as it has in other countries. It just so happened that there were people in the middle of the 19th century, like Frederick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, and others, who envisioned a future where equality rules the day. People have been working for that day ever since the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. However, what is taking place in this country now, the policies endorsed by the current administration and backed by big tech, is nothing more than propogating racism on a new and dangerous level. Unless there is a radical effort to educate the people regarding the true motives of the Leftist, the Democratic Party, and Big Tech, there will be no coming back from the abyss. By the way, I’m considered white, but my paternal great grandmother was mulatto (half black), and my maternal great grandmother was native American. I know there is still ethnic strife in this country, and I don’t believe it can ever be totally eradicated., as hard as we may try. I also believe there is only one race of people – the HUMAN race! ALL LIVES MATTER! Even unborn lives! My hope is that we can live together in peace.

3 years ago

Wokeism only exists because we have so many people in this country who are just plain stupid.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

‘Wokeism’ is a storyboard; manufactured by ‘liberals’ to create a ’cause’.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

Just a new and inventive way of being a communist without having the title, as it should be. Remember their goal it to disrupt till there is no unity, then they can control!

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