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The Impeachment of Joe Biden

Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2023
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden waiving while wearing sunglasses and getting into vehicle

This week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced the opening of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. “These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption, and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy explained. The impeachment inquiry will give the House Republicans a better legal defense against claims that any subpoenas they issue exceed the scope of congressional authority. More importantly, it signals to the American public the seriousness of Republican intent to make Biden’s corruption the top issue in the 2024 election.

For those complaining about Republican politicking, turnabout is surely fair play. Former President Donald Trump was impeached not once but twice; neither time did Democrats so much as allege a statutory crime. They relied on the fact that impeachment is a political response, not a criminal one – true as far as it goes, but precedent-setting in the context of prior impeachments. They pursued impeachment inquiries without so much as a vote in the House. The genie is out of the bottle, and it isn’t going back in anytime soon.

The allegations against Biden are already damning. So is the evidence. Biden used his son, Hunter, as a cutout to clear cash from foreign sources on behalf of the Biden family. That’s all part of a decadeslong pattern by which Biden has used his political power and influence to benefit his family. Back in the 1970s, Jimmy Biden, Joe’s brother, somehow obtained generous loans from a local bank to open a rock club, despite little in the way of collateral; Joe was sitting on the Senate Banking Committee at the time and ended up pressuring the bank when Jimmy fell behind on his loans. In 1996, Joe cashed out his home by selling it to the vice president of MBNA in a sweetheart deal; MBNA would also hire Hunter fresh out of law school. MBNA was one of Biden’s biggest donors and a beneficiary of his credit card policy largesse. In the words of Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, “The Bidens regularly intermingled personal, political, and financial relationships in ways that invite! d questions about whether the public interest was getting short-changed.”

All of this came to a head when Joe attained the vice presidency. Hunter forged relationships, with his father’s aide, in China and Ukraine; Joe would call into business meetings to “talk about the weather.” Hunter joined the board of Burisma, where he made an extraordinary amount of money; in return, he promised connection with his father. In December 2015, Biden went to Ukraine, where he demanded that Viktor Shokin, a prosecutor looking into Burisma, be fired, threatening to withdraw $1 billion in American aid. During this time, a confidential human source later told the FBI that Burisma’s CFO said that he had hired Hunter “to protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

That was merely the most egregious apparent abuse of power. There were dozens of others.

Was Joe benefitting from Hunter’s business arrangements? We hear from the media that there is no evidence to suggest he was. But that’s obviously a lie: scoring benefits for your drug-addicted, sexually deviant son is certainly a benefit that accrues to Joe. And we also have a text directly from Hunter to his daughter Naomi in 2019: “I hope you can all do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry. Unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

All of this is predicate to Biden’s behavior as president. Thanks to whistleblowers, we know that the Biden DOJ attempted to cut a sweetheart deal with Hunter Biden to end any investigation into these matters. In this case, the cover-up may be just as bad as the crime.

In the end, the American voters will give their verdict on Biden; with Democrats in control of the Senate, he won’t be removed from office. But Republicans are right to remind Americans that Biden isn’t a decent man restoring honor to the Oval Office. He’s a career-long corrupt politician who simply got lucky in his enemies at the right time.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”


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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Add intentional espionage and treason with Dictator Beijing biden’s
ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION, ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Executive Orders, KILLING OUR ENERGY INDEPENDENCE with the ECONOMY, and SURRENDERING to TERRORIST in Afghanistan GIVING TERRORIST $86 BILLION in U.S. Military Weapons and Equipment with the Largest Airport in the world besides getting 13 U.S. MARINES killed, and GIVING $6 BILLION to TERRORIST SPONSORED IRAN (ILLEGALLY), bowing down to Communist China including Election Fraud, Election Interference and violating the U.S. Constitution and Oath of Office every single day since and before 1-20-21, including ALL the way back to 1973 for Dictator Beijing biden.
Don’t forget to add Communist harris who FAILED miserably as so-called BORDER CZAR and A.I. CZAR including supporting antifa, blm, by Promoting RIOTS, BAILING them out which AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED her while running for VP and as VP. It’s ALL on Record.
The TOP 2 CRIMINALS in the United States are sitting in the White House.
WHERE’S THE DOJ and FBI? Protecting the TOP 2 CRIMINALS in America while trying to prosecute an INNOCENT former President based on ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL THEORIES by the WEAPONIZED DOJ and FBI with EVERY Federal agency.
So, YES. There is PLENTY of EVIDENCE to IMPEACH and PROSECUTE Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris.

1 year ago

“…Democrats are the Garden of Eden of Incompetence!” Groucho Marx

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Don’t forget about the Communist Chinese Police Force here ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY in NYC and other cities across the country putting up Communist Chinese Police Stations left and right HARASSING AMERICANS while Dictator Beijing biden does NOTHING except Bow Down to Communist China, makes jokes about the horrible Fire in Maui and the horrible train wreck in East Palestine, OH, sign Illegal and Unconstitutional Executive Orders while taking vacations or leave the country to SELL OUT AMERICA more just as obama did while he was in office.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

I hope that McCarthy already has the airtight evidence in hand and the votes lined up on the impeachment itself because that’s his end game knowing that the possibility for conviction is dead on arrival in the Senate.

If McCarthy can’t drag the impeachment vote across the finish line, he (and we) are going to look pretty stupid.

1 year ago

I hope to God that they will get this demented pervert! It is time to fervently pray for God’s help, in the name of His Son Jesus; if things don’t change soon, it will be too late.

1 year ago

If Biden were a Republican, the Dems would already have had the White House O Dark Thirty FBI raided in a battle with the Secret Service, and him dragged through more mud than there originally is, staged a kangaroo show trial, hired multiple DAs to bring a myriad of other cases based on allegations by paid plaintiffs, and well compensated witnesses, had him mugshot photographed, fingerprinted, perpwalked with wrist and ankle bling, convicted, sentenced to 6 billion years in federal prison, and making license plates already the last three months. Alas, Mr. McCarthy is still in the painful process of exploring the possibility of him, maybe, under certain circumstances, possibly growing a spine, if he can find the votes among other jellyfish! Disgusting! For the non biologist inclined jellyfish are creatures without a spine, or brain that live only to feed themselves, much like some members of congress.

1 year ago

It’s now apparent that the Biden criminal empire is about to come to an end. I only hope that this will have a domino affect on Obama and other Democrats who were aware of these crimes will also pay the price. It has exposed the entire Democrat Party to their corruption and abuse of power. It also exposes the media to their coverups, non reporting of this story and their collusion to protect Biden and the Democrats. The Democrats opened Pandora’s Box when they tried unsuccessfully to Impeach Trump twice. Now they have one of their own facing Impeachment with indisputable evidence of political influence peddling.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

McCarthy can serve articles of impeachment to the Senate. However Biden will not be convicted in the Senate. Most politicians in Washington D.C. have their own Crime Family Syndicates. They, on both sides of the aisle, are more than willing to turn a blind eye on Biden’s corruption.
Impeachment on his handling of the Southern Border would stand a better chance of Biden being convicted and removed from office. Harris and Mayorus can be impeached to the same grounds. Let’s see if the Border States Senators both RINO’s and Democrats would vote to convict Biden to save their political careers. How would Mark Kelly vote? He’ll vote the way Chuck Schumer tells him to!

1 year ago

The Democratic Party and Democrat politicians are very tolerant of corruption, as long as it is committed by Democrats. Main Steam Media has joined with the Democratic Party to ignore, cover up or deprecate the obvious significance of real facts. When obtaining and holding political power is more important than good governance, our nation is on the brink of disaster. When one considers the stupidity of open borders, turning off fossil fuel before we can actually replace it with renewable fuel, de-funding police and telling parents that government knows more about taking care of children than parents do, one is lead to believing that the Democratic Party wants to create a miserable life for everyone. The tools of American justice are being perverted to impact an election. Swat teams descend upon certain suspects to create spectacle while other crimes are ignored or covered up or just not charged by Federal authorities. When such distinctions can be observed to impact differently along political party lines, astute Americans know what is happening. Are there enough of us to make a difference? The House of Representatives can show us, but we need a real house cleaning at the ballot box in 2024 to make significant change.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

When the smoke that is fire from the Biden conspiracy is revealed and indicted, I’ll actually hold my breath… until then: this is as useless as chanting “lock her up” was!

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Yeah, blah blah blah of course we know all of this to be true. The problem is the overwhelming majority of republicans in both the house and senate are a bunch of spineless wet noodles who tuck their tails 9maybe they shop at Target?)and wimper away when faced with a real fight. Mark my words, they will cave yet again to the demands of the Biden regime rather than shut the government down over a budget battle. Maybe the republicans need to clean out their closets and find some old skeletons long forgotten in there. One may have a spine they could use. What is the difference between voting democrat and voting republican when both do noting but dangle a carrot in your face then move it a little further when you reach for it?

1 year ago

God doesn’t like UGLY. There is a reckoning day coming. Repent or pay the eternal price!
Please read your Bible

Donald B.
Donald B.
1 year ago

In the last year we have seen proof that he and his son have been using America to fatten there pocket books. More and more proof keeps showing up and in my opinion the House has been dragging their feet on getting rid of this—Traitor—and putting his son in jail. If any regular American citizen did this they would not see the light of day for at least 5 years.

1 year ago

It’s about time!! Now, they can’t accept some small pittance that the dems may throw their way. Let’s face it, there are far too many Rino’s and far too many pols all playing the same game, just wearing a different jersey.

1 year ago

We do need justice to prevail but President Harris. God help us. We all need to hit our knees and pray asking for God’s forgiveness for sins individually and our Nation’s collectively. How we dare force a trans person on the Ukrainians! I’m not for the war mind you but pushing that immorality on them is demonic.

1 year ago

First of all, Trump wasn’t impeached twice. He was put through the process and nothing was ever proven. Unlike the evil that is running our country today. There is so much proof on the imposter in the White House at the moment that it is pathetic. The people who need to hear the truth about what he is will never hear it because they just keep listening to the bs coming from the regime and the media personalities who are being either paid off or bullied into reporting the bs. I’m just fed up with all of the elected people who are supposed to take an oath upon accepting their office. I wonder what is going through their minds when they take that oath. It sure isn’t living up to holding the oath that is for certain

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

What goes around,comes around.This should be just a start.Next look into treason for destroying AMERICA and misleading PATRIOTS about what the obama/soros/biden are doing to totally screw our once great country up.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

don;t impeach him once. impeach him separately for each charge.

1 year ago

The reason ole Joe got away and gets away with all his crimes, the elites needed this puppet in control of America, except in name only. He has no say except keep brainwashing us that everything is fine. Bidenomics works, no it doesn’t. The border is secure no it isn’t, thousands come here every day and many just walk in, you know the get aways. Every city and state feels the effect of this and it only it is getting worse, for years to come. More and more Americans will be living in the streets. Inflation is still rampant and people are living paycheck to paycheck. But our rosy leader sees only great accomplishments. He is like the boy who cried wolf. And we all know what happened there and ole Joe is no different. He will pardon Hunter and resign. Keep his riches and no one can touch him. Unless they make a civil case against him. He has his money and forget what he did to America and Americans.

1 year ago

Pray that we can finally defeat the efforts that our current regime in destroying our once Great Nation.

1 year ago

Anyone thinking dem robots care about any of this are delusional. I just heard a stat- only seven % of dems polled cared about this vs two thirds of Rs. All this is going to accomplish is to bind dem robots more tightly to potus. Maybe thats the plan. Iow, to forestall a hero or heroine riding in to take the nomination. But then, thats probably giving the house Rs too much credit.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Spot on article in all its statements ref the Biden family, Joe and Hunter.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

Impeachment costs more to American citizens than any good it does. It’s all well and good for Republicans to want to get even with what Democrats did, but not at the expense of tax payers. If the intent is to get Biden out of office only to have Harris become president, I oppose that completely. If there are other benefits that are actually worthwhile, such as being a step toward indicting Biden for all of the criminal actions he’s taken, then go ahead and impeach him. We the People need to get something tangible for our tax dollars, not just make Republican representatives happy at our expense.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Only Hunter got indicted for gun charges to date

1 year ago

You didn’t mention how the prosecutor was deemed by Joe to be “corrupt”, thus leading to the firing. Meanwhile, the White House, the State Department, and the EU all had listed him as doing an admirable job.

1 year ago

Facts don’t lie.

1 year ago

So they are finally investigating the 500 lb gorilla named mr obvious

1 year ago

Excellent article. So refreshing to see the truth of one 0f the most corrupt politicians American history. The worst except for Obama. They both have given politicians a very bad reputation.

The forgotten man
The forgotten man
1 year ago

Removing the dummy Joe you get dummy Kamala Harris. This whole regime needs to be purged from this country. With swift and just punishment for all the criminal politicians. From Hillary Clinton to Nancy Smiroff Pelosi. The big problem is the secret counsel that controls this so-called government We need to sort them out and see who they are.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

When those in government ignore the law, they breed contempt for the law by the masses!

1 year ago

Useless joebama obviously is not fit to serve, is as corrupt as possible for his 50 year political career, and needs to go.
BUT., the marxist democrat party is FULL of many just like him. The ENTIRE group of anti America marxist democrats, ANY/ALL who seek to destroy Our Country need to go!
It’s even hard to believe that these traitors can speak and act against Our Country, it’s history and sovereignty and continue to hold office.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

No it was Russia, Ukraine and China that have Hunter billions of dollars to “invest”

1 year ago

Leader McCarthy made the point that the inquiry is to have grounds to ask questions we need answered. Impeachment inquiry would not be necessary if there had been reasonable answers to reasonable questions as they arose. Yes, American voters will decide, but based on the best facts congress can bring forth (not suspicions).

1 year ago

Comrade, just so you know, it’s really about educating your fellow Democrats who only listen to the lying mainstream media and are brainwashed like you are!

That all
That all
1 year ago

I just came here to see the old dementia patients cry in the comments. Lol

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