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The Democrat Leadership Vacuum

Posted on Thursday, January 23, 2025
by Shane Harris

Democrats are facing one very big and consequential question: who leads the party now? None of the options are particularly appealing.

As former President Joe Biden’s helicopter departed the White House South Lawn for the last time on Monday, so did the closest thing Democrats had to a singular unifying leadership figure – although even Biden’s prestige within the party had long since been diminished by his shameful withdrawal from the race and obvious cognitive decline. Fair or not, many Democrats privately and publicly blamed Biden for Kamala Harris’s loss to Trump, leading to open clashes between Biden and Harris aides.

Harris herself would seem to be the obvious choice to take up the mantle and lead the Democrat Party. She has the national profile, the donor connections, and did, after all, earn more than 75 million votes last year.

But there’s no denying that Harris ran a dreadful campaign and got utterly embarrassed by Trump – losing every swing state and performing worse than Biden in every state that both she and Biden won. She was incredibly gaffe-prone and largely tried to shield herself from tough questions until a frantic last-minute media tour that was, predictably, a complete disaster.

Given her failure last year and the debacle that was her short-lived bid for the White House in 2020 (she dropped out before the Iowa caucus, polling at less than one percent) many Democrat power brokers – as well as rank-and-file voters – are likely cautious (understandably) about crowning her the unquestioned future leader of the party.

Even when Biden was in office, the answer to the question of who really led the Democrat Party was still Barack Obama. Biden filled his White House with ex-Obama staffers, and the Harris campaign also had a healthy dose of former aides to the 44th president.

Now 16 years removed from the Oval Office, however, there’s no denying that Obama doesn’t wield nearly the same influence he once did. To be sure, he’s still a major draw at fundraisers and events, and any statement he makes on the state of the party is sure to make headlines. But there’s no denying that his brand was damaged as well by Biden’s presidency, which many regarded as a “third Obama term.” One need only look at the backlash Obama received for lecturing black men about why they must vote for Kamala Harris – and the fact that Trump won more black voters than any Republican in nearly five decades – to understand that the godlike status Obama enjoyed for so many years is now beginning to wear off.

Congress doesn’t provide many answers for Democrats either on the leadership front.

For two decades, including eight years as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was the unquestioned Democrat leader on Capitol Hill. Her replacement, Hakeem Jeffries, has failed to build the same national profile – although that has much to do with the fact that he has been in the minority since his ascension to Pelosi’s old job in 2023.

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, arguably Democrats’ most high-profile House member, is immensely popular among progressives, but could never galvanize the more moderate members of her party, who view her as an electoral liability. 

Over in the Senate, Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been around long enough to have built a national profile, but he lacks the charisma and broad appeal to be the singular figurehead of the entire party. With Democrats now in the minority, it also seems unlikely that another liberal senator could emerge to lead the party.

Outside of Washington, the pickings appear equally slim for Democrats. The 2020 presidential primary made abundantly clear that the party has no “bench,” or a stable of young up-and-coming stars who could become the next Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. The media tried to turn South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg into a rockstar as Secretary of Transportation, but his tenure was marred by multiple transportation-related disasters. Other one-time presidential contenders, including New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, and former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, have similarly faded into obscurity.

The best answer for Democrats may come from a slate of ambitious governors, most notably Gavin Newsom of California, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan.

Some reports indicated Newsom wished to replace Biden atop the Democrat ticket last year before ultimately deciding to throw his support behind Harris. He is widely expected to consider a run in 2028, but will be seriously hampered by the scenes of chaos and violence that have consumed his state during his tenure, most recently allegations of gross mismanagement with regard to the wildfires that devastated the Los Angeles area earlier this month.

Beshear, Cooper, Shapiro, and Whitmer could all be promising candidates who might be able to unify the party behind them, although each has alienated some key portions of the Democrat base on certain issues. It is also difficult to emerge as the leader of the national party while acting as the governor of one state.

Perhaps the most likely scenario is that the next leader of the Democrat Party is someone who currently does not have a big public profile. After all, at this time in 2004, four years before winning the presidency, Barack Obama was a state senator just launching his bid for the U.S. Senate.

While Democrats scrambling to fill their leadership vacuum is undoubtedly an amusing sight for conservatives, Republican politicians must do more than just look on as liberals bicker among themselves.

The GOP has had the luxury over the last eight years of having a strong leader in Donald Trump who has now consolidated support within Congress and outlined a clear legislative agenda. As Democrats struggle to regroup, Republicans should take this opportunity to pass that agenda before their opponents can mount an effective resistance.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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23 days ago

I wouldn’t worry about the supposed leadership vacuum within the Democrat Party. I’m sure that is one of the major topics being actively discussed at the WEF conference this week in Davos. From what I’ve seen of broadcasts from the event, it’s clear they haven’t learned anything at all and intend to continue with their agenda despite the setback in the United States for them.

The NWO types will eventually decide on which empty suit Democrat to back financially and the MSM will immediately begin touting him or her as the new savior to rescue what they call “democracy” (meaning global Marxism) from the freedom loving people that voted for Donald J. Trump. So, who the NWO types select as the new messiah is less important than realizing the threat hasn’t disappeared, but merely just momentarily retreated to re-arm, re-group and come back at the American public with the same well-worn and tired message they’ve been pushing for over a hundred years.

Hopefully, enough of the American people have learned from their past mistakes of voting for the Democrat Party, no matter who leads it, and make better decisions in the future.

Dan W.
Dan W.
23 days ago

Biden’s absence creates somewhat of a vacuum but then again so did his presence.

Andrew P
Andrew P
23 days ago

Who leads the Democratic Party? The Media does. The puppet put up as the face of the Party is largely irrelevant.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
23 days ago

Oh, please! You could call it a “Democrat” and run a mop for office and 75 party loyalists will vote for it rather then a Republican… let alone one as reviled by them as Trump! If Democrats have a “vacuum of power” its of their own making because by covering for Biden and lying about it, they’ve shown America what they care about: power. Not you, the American people! Expect lawfare and resistance for the next 4 years…

23 days ago

In my opinion today’s democrat party is a servant of satan.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
23 days ago

Vacuum indeed! They certainly SUCK! LOL

23 days ago

The MEGA CORRUPT DAMNOCRAP COMMUNIST PARTY ARE PROUD WARRIORS OF SATAN (and their peon supporters are America-hating ‘cancer’ cells). ALL are hellbent on destroying America, along with Common Sense and anything of good report, or is praiseworthy, or virtuous.

23 days ago

May America’s winner in 2028 be J.D. Vance!

23 days ago

I have to disagree with the author. It’s been known that the liberals reward failure with promotions, so any of the younger liberal turds, even Gavin New-scum with all of his failed agendas in CA, could rise in power and popularity. Don’t forget about Poulos in CO. We The People MUST remain diligent in enforcing election integrity and registering new conservative voters, because the Demonbrats are only injured, not incapacitated. The midterms will be here before we know it.

23 days ago

Who leads the Democratic Party? . . . Hopefully, No One! . . . After Krazy Kamala who’s next? . . . Probably Gruesome Newsom! If he ever got elected this country would NEVER recover though I probably won’t be alive to see it!

23 days ago

Leadership Vacuum, what a true statement, it’s a leadership Vacuum, because they are a bunch of Air Heads, there is nothing there, except for empty space.
There is not on issue that they can think clearly on, their heads are stuck on, open boarders, abortion, wars, transgender, gun control’
They cannot think free speech, freedom of religion, right of self-defense, sovereign nation, American energy independence, and a whole host of other issue’s,
God Bless America

TX Conservative
TX Conservative
23 days ago

Regardless of who steps into the leadership role, and no matter how well or poorly they do the job, we must remember that they are not our chief opponent. We must always be focused on fighting the ideology/values that drive the Left. It matters little who the spokesperson/poster boy is, they’ll only be the latest incarnation in that role, and others will follow until we defeat the movement. Let’s not get distracted by that person and instead stay focused on the real fight. We are fighting an ideology that wants to change America into something else and leaderless or not, they’re still at work trying to do just that.

Emma Watson
Emma Watson
23 days ago

Now 16 years removed from the Oval Office, however, there’s no denying that Obama doesn’t wield nearly the same influence he once did.”
O’Bama left the White House in 2017, not 2009.
Does anyone proofread these articles?

23 days ago

It is the WEF that will prop up a candidate for the left. They thought they would prop up Biden one more time in 2024. Only his dementia was getting worse and worse. The DEI puppet Harris was put in his place. Who could read a teleprompter but had no further ideas how to create policies, give a press conference. And the deep state were no help either. They misjudged Trump at every turn. What they tried to make of him never ever happened. They still have no idea why they lost. It is very difficult to run a country via power playing cartel. Sooner or later egos come to the fore and a power struggle within the cartel destroys it. The only thing they are United in they hate Trump and those that voted for him. The destruction of the country is their goal and eliminating the White race. That is why they allowed anyone to enter our country. Spend all their money budgeted for the citizens of this country on them. We only have to point to N.C. for their failures to help the citizens of disaster. There was an order to FEMA to not help those people who had a vote for Trump sign in their yard. Talk about hatred and division. Where was the mercy by democrats then Bishop Budde? Butchering small children to transition is not mercy. Deporting criminals back to their own country is not mercy. Everyone of these 20 million people broke the law and Biden broke the law by allowing and flying them in. By allowing the drugs and human trafficking to occur every day of his administration. 325,000 unaccompanied children are missing. Where is the mercy for them. I really have no interest in the disarray of the dem party. Publicizing and investigating the horrors of the Biden regime of the past 4 years is much more important.

USN Retired
USN Retired
23 days ago

I suggest a cardboard cut-out. Would be just as effective as their last front man.

23 days ago

Face it, we all know that the only reason Harris was chosen for VP was that she was an available black woman that was already a politician. It sure wasn’t for her intelligence.

Fred Smith
Fred Smith
23 days ago

Demonicrats never learn from their stupid mistakes and will probably attempt to have some freaky transgender or some insane far left witch like Gretchen Whitmer step up! Either way, Americans had better wise up and never ever vote for Demonicrats until they overhaul their entire idiotic party and give up their uber fascination with race, gender and climate garbage!

22 days ago

dems created their own problem and have learned absolutely nothing. Now their goal will be to try and block everything President Trump wants to accomplish. dems and repubs need to pay attention and learn the lesson of what we the voters have chosen. IMO

Pat R
Pat R
23 days ago

PA’s governor, Josh Shapiro would be the Dem voters best bet for likeability. But I doubt he’d be a ‘yes man’ for the power players, especially like Biden was. Whoever the Dems select, they will have their work cut out for them after Pres Trump Makes America Great Again. The majority (Dems as well as Repubs) will not have forgotten the previous four years under Democrat rule with Biden.
I totally agree with Shane’s last sentence. The Repubs need to come up with some moxie and strength to fight (not literally) for Constitutionalism and our REPUBLIC (we are not a democracy as Dems continually assert).

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
23 days ago

Been vacum since Joe took office

23 days ago

Obama and Pelosi ran the Biden administration

23 days ago

“Biden and all who support him are accused criminals, take advantage of American citizens (e.g., to vote a pay raise without telling the taxpayer), and need to be unelected, barred from government office of any type including Congress, and prosecuted when evidence will get them convicted.” “This is word on the street and it is loud, loud, loud and rising!”.

Dr. Nancy
Dr. Nancy
23 days ago

Don’t forget the Democrat leadership vacuum is being filled by possibly SorosGoobalist-funded RINOs like Governor Brian Kemp and SOS Brad Raffensburger who love the easily cheatable Dominion machines and deny the 2020 election was cheated using voting machine fraud and other traditional Democrat methods like stuffing ballot boxes with illegal votes. “Raffy” has already received the Georgia Chamber of Commerce’s endorsement, led by that friend of diabetes, Coca-Cola. Our Georgia Speaker had a GOP pro-Trump Senator arrested as he tried to legally attend Kemp’s State of the State address. Very strange things going on in Georgia.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
23 days ago

“…Democrats…blamed Biden for…Harris loss…” The blame game seems always to be their reaction to the outcomes of every issue about which they support and do not prevail. What is obvious is that their candidate was one of the poorest choices in recent history for all the reasons most evident. It is doubtful the votes for her were a recognition of her qualities of ideas and leadeship abilities. More than likely, hey were a spontaneous rection to years of social conditioning and political indoctrination. She “earned” nothing—except defeat.
Rather than attrributing the coincidence of Obama’s ex-aides and staffers somehow representing his surreptitious personal control of the affairs of the nation by his pulling strings behind the scenes, consideration that these individuals co-ordinate their activities among themselves to effect their shared agendas is equally probable, beholden to no individual but adhering to their own political agendas. Crediting one person for all that influence is just too simple.

23 days ago

The vacuum is in Democrat skulls.

23 days ago

Hey folks, who could fill the vacuum in the democrat party? Here’s a name for you. Our wonderful Govenor Hochul of the once great State of NY. She is as far left as one can get. Throw her name in the hat or the trash can. The Democrats want someone to continue their policies of destruction, well here she is. At least it might get her out of the State but would turn her loose on the rest of the country. She would make Biden’s term in office look like he was a success. Good luck to the party of destruction. They’ll be back.

Melinda C
Melinda C
23 days ago

Kamala does not have leadership qualities, Schumer is a useless relic. The rest, we’ll wait and see what they say, and most importantly, do.

22 days ago

Harris, Tampon Tim, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and the list goes on and on. These politicians are and have been a joke. Good Riddance!!

23 days ago

The first criterion: the person must be an extraordinarily adept liar. He must be able to bite his lip, look into the camera with bleary eyes and blatantly lie, like clinton or swear that if you like your doc you can keep your doc (obama) . Dem robots like being lied to but demand expertise.

anna hubert
anna hubert
23 days ago

The hodge podge of leftists and statists who call themselves democrats are seemingly without a leader but somehow they still manage to stay together so there is something, someone who manipulates this sordid ensemble.

23 days ago

I believe they should disband! We should become a one party government focused on policies that affect more than a few people (DEI) and approve of less ridiculous projects ( ).
There has been identified $1 trillion in government waste, including things like ice-skating drag queens, a $12 Million Las Vegas pickleball complex, $4,840,082 on Ukrainian influencers, and more!
Many of these are tucked inside very important bills! Bills that are presented should be for their intent ONLY! It’s crazy how much pork is added! That HAS TO STOP!

21 days ago

The democrat party will cease to exist as we now know it. I’m sure right now they (and their globalist handlers) are trying to figure out how to re-brand the party so they can look a little more conservative and still have the radical agenda that will bring down this country. If Americans fall asleep again, they will be back. Pray that the democrats that have suddenly “seen the light” and come over to the Republican party won’t weaken it from within.

21 days ago

I know nothing about Beshear but as a North Carolinian I can attest to eight years of the awfulness of Cooper! The others are better known to all mostly for all the wrong reasons. I am especially glad that Newsom has had his brand severely damaged. Perhaps this time he can finally get recalled from office?

David Swink
David Swink
21 days ago

The Dems have to decide: Are they going to continue pushing their Obama-style fascism and alienate the general population, or are they ever going to go back to being a rational alternative party? They seem not to realize that their anti-populist actions are the reason for Donald Trump being elected, and that Americans (and the Europeans) have finally waken up to the disaster of Progressivism.

23 days ago

The “democrats” might consider coalescing around Charlie Manson’s remains, if available, to send the requisite, psychotic party messaging… with the silent, stillness of it adding a powerful air of serenity…

23 days ago

CAn trump get WEF influence out?

ahem tonto
ahem tonto
20 days ago

The root cause of the democrats, socialist democrats, failure to have a national leadership persona is the same reason their party has been the party of the Civil War, Jim Crow, the KKK, the party that did not overwhelmingly support the civil rights legislation, etc., etc. Their leadership positions at every level of government have always been America’s oligarchs. They have no national pride, no esprit decor for the United States and our magnificent constitution and peerless bill of human rights. Power grabbing and reaching for more power supported by immense wealth is who they really are. The individual has no part in their vision of America.

21 days ago

Don’t you believe it. When the enemy go silent, one must re-double the sentries and patrols. The lefties are not bumping into each other or the scenery. Witness the Pete Hegseth nomination… they managed to recruit 3 GOPpers to vote with them!

21 days ago

The space between Lyin’ Biden’s ears is a vacuum.

23 days ago

send all the democrap politicians to the gallows

Mark Lancaster
Mark Lancaster
20 days ago

Obama was groomed for the position of president from the day he was just an activist (agitator).

21 days ago

One person has emerged in this election is the brilliance of our vice president, J.D. Vance. There is no doubt to me that he will be next president,no matter who the Democrats nominate.

Trena Eiden
Trena Eiden
21 days ago

It’s been 8, not 16 years since Obama has been in office.

Larry Hall
Larry Hall
23 days ago

I want all conservative voters and democrats with a brain to write in Donald J. Trump in 2028.

23 days ago

Harris should definitely lead the Democratic party.

Linda Mcmahon
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