AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

In an Election Day interview, Donald Trump quipped something to the effect that if his endorsed candidates won on Tuesday, he should get all the credit, and that if they lost, he should get none of the blame. As Trump surely knew when he made the joke, what would actually happen on election night was always destined to be the exact opposite. From the moment the polls closed, the media pundits and establishment Republicans eager to dispatch the former president from the stage were working frantically to ensure that where Trump’s endorsed candidates lost, he would get all of the blame—and where they won, he would get none of the credit.
But this predictable attempt to make Donald Trump the scapegoat for closer-than-expected midterm election results is highly misleading, and an oversimplification in the extreme.
The results of Tuesday night’s elections do not tell an easy story for those looking to pin the blame on Trump.
Many Trump candidates—including J. D. Vance, Ted Budd, almost certainly Kari Lake and Adam Laxalt, potentially Blake Masters, and possibly (after the runoff) Herschel Walker—will have won their races in highly competitive swing states despite most being outspent by tens of millions of dollars.
Where Republican candidates faltered, it was not just those who were chosen by the former president: numerous strong House candidates handpicked by Kevin McCarthy lost races the consultant class had expected to win, including Yesli Vega running against vulnerable Democrat Representative Abigail Spanberger in Virginia, Rhode Island Republican Alan Fung, Mayra Flores and Cassy Garcia on the Texas border, and many others.
If Washington, D.C. consultants and establishment leaders are truly looking for someone to blame for the lack of a red tsunami on Tuesday, there are far more suitable candidates than Trump. First among them would be Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose allies appear to be behind much of the Blame Trump campaign.
Whatever virtues McConnell may have as a legislative tactician and fundraiser—and they are evidently considerable—the fact is that McConnell failed to use his power over the past two years to shape the political terrain in ways that would support an overwhelming Republican victory. Even worse, he actively undermined Republican candidates at critical junctures.
At no point in the past two years have Americans seen McConnell and other top Republican leaders in Washington pick real and effective fights with the Biden administration. At no point have they managed to focus the nation on controversies that would be politically advantageous to their party. In Trump’s absence, the GOP establishment has reverted to McConnell’s preferred style of opposition, one of passivity and accommodation.
Time and time again, the Senate Minority Leader has proved fundamentally unserious about opposing the overreaches of the radical left. If establishment Republicans believed that the border crisis was the existential national security disaster they claimed in their speeches, nothing about McConnell’s actions in the Senate would suggest they actually believed it. There were no threats of a government shutdown if the border was not restored. There were no real conflicts over spending bills. There was no significant effort to block key nominees or exact a price for the Biden administration’s extremism. Worst of all, there was virtually no effort whatsoever to use McConnell’s considerable power in a 50-50 Senate to set up strategic fights—to force Joe Biden to finish the wall, or to stop the Department of Homeland Security from trying to censor free speech.
Instead, in a Senate that routinely needed Republican votes to pass Democrat priorities, McConnell ensured that Democrats routinely got them with as little fanfare as possible.
Since January 2021, McConnell’s Senate minority has greenlighted some of the left’s most unpopular legislative and foreign policy initiatives—from the $550 billion “infrastructure” package to emptying out America’s arsenals and sending them to Ukraine. Even if he intended to pass the tens of billions for Ukraine, an effective Republican opposition leader would have insisted on including provisions to secure America’s own border in the process. The American people would have rallied to the Republicans’ side.
That would be the kind of leadership that could have forced the media to give some coverage—any coverage—to Congressional Republicans doing something useful.
Instead, McConnell’s theory appears to have been that he could win the Senate majority by default. When asked what Republicans would do if given the Senate majority, he famously replied that he would tell us after they had won. When NRSC Chairman Rick Scott attempted to put forward a positive vision for the party to rally around, McConnell slapped him down.
In retrospect, these appear to have been grievous mistakes. Republican leaders in Congress succeeded only in making themselves effectively invisible and allowing Democrats to drive the subject of national conversation to other issues—abortion, “democracy,” January 6th.
To make matters worse, McConnell actively attempted to sabotage pro-Trump Republicans on the general election ballot, presumably because he believed they would not back him as majority leader, and concluded that he’d rather be leader of a Republican minority than part of a Republican majority with someone else at the helm.
At a pivotal moment of the campaign, just as voters were tuning-in late in the summer and many were evaluating the Republican nominees for the first time, McConnell—who over the years has forced upon us any number of losing milquetoast clunker candidates—decided the time was right to publicly attack the Republican Party’s nominees. He baselessly called into question the competence and credibility of candidates like Masters, Vance, Walker, and Oz—thus advancing the left’s narrative that the GOP’s candidates were weird, fringe, and extreme, doing immeasurable damage to their prospects just as countless voters were forming their impressions. In fact, all of these candidates were remarkably impressive and accomplished people in their own ways. The “candidate quality” deficit is a convenient self-serving and blame-deflecting myth. But voters got the message: even Mitch McConnell didn’t think they deserved to win.
For all the venom hurled at Donald Trump by establishment Republicans since Tuesday night, perhaps the most selfish and shocking act of the cycle was when, in the closing weeks of the campaign, McConnell poured $9 million into the state of Alaska, saturating the state’s airwaves not in an effort to ensure that the Republican Party’s candidate won, but that she lost. McConnell spent those precious resources to bolster RINO Lisa Murkowski against Trump-backed Kelly Tshibaka. Murkowski, a McConnell ally, has repeatedly insisted on running in the general election after being roundly rejected by Republican primary voters, and was personally responsible for the imposition of the ranked-choice voting system that foiled Republican voters’ desires this year in the state’s House race as well. McConnell spent big on Murkowski’s behalf, despite the fact that she recently voted to confirm Biden’s radical Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, after she had voted against Brett Kavanaugh. If any Republican candidate deserved to lose, it was her.
What might those $9 million McConnell spent against Kelly Tshibaka have done instead for Blake Masters, Herschel Walker, or Mehmet Oz—all of whom were drastically outspent by their Democratic opponents?
Nor is it at all clear that the candidates McConnell ostensibly preferred would have fared better this week. Many people have attacked Trump for endorsing Oz over establishment favorite David McCormick, ignoring that McCormick was a hedge fund CEO who would have been savaged in the general election campaign and played right into Democrat Fetterman’s fake working-class image. In spite of Oz’s imperfections, he may well have been the best of the available options—and those blaming Trump for Oz’s loss are neither honest nor sincere. Likewise, Trump’s endorsement of Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano—a subject of great derision on Tuesday night—was not made until Mastriano had the nomination already all but secured. Trump didn’t really push Mastriano on Pennsylvania primary voters—if anything, the opposite occurred. The same was true in New Hampshire, where Trump did not endorse Don Bolduc until after he had already won the primary. Would McConnell’s establishment stalking horse in New Hampshire have won where Bolduc fell short? There is little reason to think so. Bolduc won the primary because he was the best of the candidates who actually ran.
Meanwhile, there is little doubt that the Senate candidates who did win on Tuesday embraced a Trumpian brand of politics and Trump’s America First platform in ways that look likely to serve the party well in the long term. Whether every bet turns out to pay off or not, Trump should be thanked for making a serious attempt to infuse the party with new life, energy, and appeal in the form of genuine talents such as Vance, Masters, and especially Lake, as well as outsider figures like Walker. Kevin McCarthy, to his credit, also made serious efforts in recruiting for the House and put forth many fine candidates. The fact that not all of these candidates won their races is not proof that the GOP would have been better off reverting to the country-club Republicanism of Mitch McConnell.
In the Senate races, the Democrat money advantage almost certainly made an enormous difference. Governors Ron DeSantis in Florida, Brian Kemp in Georgia, and Mike DeWine in Ohio had huge victories Tuesday night. Not to detract in any way from their impressive wins, but one likely reason is that being an incumbent governor of a major state where your party also controls the legislature confers certain advantages—not the least of which is money. This is especially true in states with more permissive campaign finance laws than those that apply to federal candidates. As a result of these factors, neither DeSantis nor Kemp nor DeWine was assaulted with anything like the $65 million spending differential unleashed upon Blake Masters in Arizona. DeSantis raised an estimated $200 million for his reelection, obviously far more than was needed given his margin of victory. Yet while Trump has been subject to constant criticism for amassing his own $100 million war chest (even after relentlessly raising money for candidates across the country), no one seems to blame DeSantis for not diverting his millions to help elect a Republican Senate.
Ultimately, the naysayers trashing Trump for supposedly hindering Republicans in the midterms are precisely the same voices who have desperately wanted to get rid of him for years—and they predictably seized on any unmet expectations Tuesday to go after him again.
When all is said and done, Republicans won control of the House, still have a strong chance to pull off a Senate victory, and have a handful of genuine new stars who now form the basis of a serious national political bench. This comes despite not only the money deficit, but the overwhelming environmental headwinds that Republicans unfairly face in every election. As lawyer Ron Coleman observed Tuesday night: “At no point in US history has every single cultural institution – press, entertainment, academia, unions, public employees, the massive public employee sector, the professions, law enforcement, federal agencies, major corporations, Wall Street, non-profits, mainline Protestant denominations, the military – I could go on – been so profoundly and explicitly aligned the way they have been behind the Left in the last five years.”
With so many powerful forces arrayed against conservatives, Tuesday night was far from the calamity many doomers on the right insist. But if they truly want to know why election night didn’t go as well as they had perhaps expected, rather than trying to exile the one man who has ever successfully resisted the full gale of these forces, the GOP establishment should look back at all the opportunities they have refused to take, and all the fights they have refused to have over the past two years.
The ultimate irony is that as the midterms begin to be seen with perspective, Trump may once again emerge as a hero to the Republican rank-and-file and conservative independents, while those who seized on the moment to indulge their anti-Trump obsession will be left gnashing their teeth that Trump has once again exposed their lack of professionalism as journalists and political operatives.
In the closing days of the campaign, the former president stood in the pounding rain at one of his many large and boisterous rallies, this one in Miami, energetically making the case for the party in an election when he was not even on the ballot. With time, voters will see that Trump truly has transformed the party, most importantly by teaching Republicans how to fight. That realization will only grow, notwithstanding the ridiculous campaign against him this week.
Until the voting system is cleaned up to prevent false results favoring DemocRats (and so far, it appears that the DemocRats are still managing to rig some results in some voting areas, our governance system will still not accurately reflect the will of the citizens in some cases. Voter Photo ID Cards showing name, addy, SSN, and DOB are necessary.
I find it incredibly hard to believe that Fetterman, Hochul and Whitmer won their races legitimately. Either way, we are in big trouble.
Mad at Trump for comments on DeSantis, Just wrong & we wonder why we lost Midterms
DONT need this BS
Unite GOP or lose 2024
Love Trump Policies for sure
McConnell needs to go. He looks more and more like a RINO ever session
The one endorsement that would almost certainly guarantee an eight year GOP hold on the White House is a Trump endorsement of DeSantis shortly after the Georgia runoff.
I found out a while ago that Mcconnell and his wife have close business ties to China. He is a traitor in all respects. How many others in congress have ties to China? President Trump is the only candidate who is truly for the American people. That is why he is always under attack.
It’s mostly lazy Republicans and Conservative voters and independents who either stayed home or split their votes. New York and Pennsylvania, Michigan will get what they deserve and then wonder why people leave.
The whole thing had to be rigged. How could anyone vote Democrat? Who’s in favor of paying more for gas, higher taxes, men in women’s bathrooms, at least 100 different genders, not knowing what a woman is, giving up your first and second amendment rights, and turning into a communist Marxist Nation. Who would actually vote for that? I don’t know how anyone could say out loud that they are a Democrat
I blame Trump. Bigly. He will not get my vote a third time. It’s time for younger blood. DeSantis all the way. Or we can lose with Trump again. It’s your choice America.
An actually well thought out and well balanced analysis of what is going on behind the scenes by both the MSM and the establishment Republicans to try, once again, to try and eliminate President Trump going forward poliltically. Both McConnell and McCarthy share most of the real blame for why we didn’t pick-up more congressional seats. They both actively either refused to support a number of candidates, but also provided next to nothing in terms of an effective messaging strategy beyond endlessly repeating “History shows us that the opposing party usually picks up seats in the midterms.”, All while doing nothing else to ensure the success of ALL congressional Republican candidates on the ballot.
I might also add that FOX News, under the day-to-day management of Lachlan and James Murdock, has reshaped the network to be much more “progressive friendly” when in comes to how it covers the news. James has especially stated he wants the network to reflect the views of the rest of the MSM, as James is very “progressive” and is embarassed by FOX’s old conservative roots under his father’s control of the company. If you still watch FOX News, you will have noticed a lot more RINOs and Progressive consultants are on virtually every news show. When you see leftist personnel on air as “contributors” from sources such as AXIOS and Politifact to comment on air, you know what you’re getting is standard leftist messaging being pushed as “balanced news coverage”.
Both Murdock brothers are currently attempting to stoke a non-existent war between Trump and DeSantis in the hopes that it would result in splitting the MAGA vote going forward and opening up an opportunity for a more old-style RINO type candidate to emerge as the Republican Party’s candidate for POTUS in 2024. Someone in the mold of Romney, Bush, etc., that wouldn’t be very effective even if he or she actially won and wouldn’t stand in the way of the globalist progressive agenda. That would help assure a much easier path to victory for the Democrats in the 2024 presidential race, that they hope would also kill the MAGA movement. Which would be in-line with their political beliefs.
Good article to contemplate. Trump is a fighter, stirs the pot, loves America ???????? but his narcissistic ego n spoiled brat mouth gets misused much. Can he spell HUMILITY? As 4 McConnell he is a politician pus*^ n needs 2go!! Re DeSantis, he benefits fr the 200000 red move ins fr blue states imho yet I do like him ALOT. W DemoncRAT$ controlling TV media and schooling both public n high ed along w cowards in Corp America ???????? our last hope is 2024 n Repubs better get it RIGHT.
I see the AMAC censor is busy yet again today censoring my comments.
Ok i do like the way Trump ran this country ,, but never liked him as a person ,, i voted for him twice but i wont ever do it again ,, i disagree with this article ,, i do believe we would have had a lot more democrats and independents voting republican if it had not been for Trumps mouth ,,just my opinion ,, i live in Ga. where there will be a runoff for a Trump backed candidate Walker im hoping he will stay away from Walker and GA until this is over ,, Trump is done to me i wish he would just go away now and let the younger blood take over
Oh, I don’t know. I can’t disagree that Republicans’ “leadership” leaves a lot to be desired. There are now several contingents to the Republican coalition: the RINOs (who are many), the Trumpsters (who are also sorta kinda many) and “other”. Our future can’t be with the RINOs; and it can’t be with Mr. Trump, who has a ~45% ceiling on his support. Suburban women won’t vote for him because “he reminds them of their first husbands”. Furthermore, while Mr. Trump was a successful president in spite of illegal headwinds from a corrupt elite including the FBI, DOJ and social media, he is wildly offputting to more than 50% of the nation, including myself. I was willing to put up with his adolescent pranks and big mouth while he was keeping HRC or Joe Biden out of the White House, but his post election crybaby act was the final straw for me and millions of others.
Last, Republicans have a magnificent bench of seasoned, middle-aged candidates who can staff out a truly splendid pushback of the past 20 years, cancelling CRT/DEI initiatives, clearing the regulatory burdens of the fossil fuel industry, which has prodigious beneficial outcomes, closing the border (which DJT, for all his bluster, was not able to do), and ending the stupidity of mortgaging our current affluence and lifestyle options on behalf of making the world 0.1 degree less hot in 88 years but allowing China to keep building 200 coal fired power plants a year until 2030.
A Trump VS Biden election? You’d like to think that this would be a slam dunk but I’m not terribly confident. And 4 more years of Mr. Potato Head at the helm is not an option if we are to maintain anything like our historical values of limited government and individual liberty.
No, I think it’s time for Mr. Trump, to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude, to exit stage right, and prepare to play with the grandkids and leave the political domain to younger people.
I DON’T BLAME TRUMP for the less than lackluster showing of Republican candidates this Mid-term Elections. I LAY THE BLAME ON THE JACKASS LEADERSHIP OF THE SO-CALLED REPUBLICAN PARTY!
They are quick to abandon him even though he was an extremely successful President and HE WAS CHEATED OUT OF HIS RE-ELECTION! . . . Look, I can easily endorse Governor DeSantis in his stead but Donald Trump DESERVES a 2nd term.
Today’s Republican Party OWES its so-called popularity to him and Governor DeSantis otherwise it would be irrelevant.
The Turtle withheld $$$ from the official GOP candidate in AK and gave to RINO legacy Murkowski. He also disparaged other candidates who didn’t toe HIS line! McConnell is for McConnell! Then we had fools who thought that because someone said “red wave” they could stay home and not vote. And, of course, voting shenanigans AGAIN, AZ SoS who is “in charge” of elections but is the gubernatorial candidate “just happens” to have voting machines with no INK in them in GOP areas.
Look folks. It’s all about the mail-in ballots. Do you know that the state of Michigan just went blue in their state legislature for the first time since 1984? That is not by choice, that is by design. The democrats played the covid ballot game to perfection, and now that the pandora’s box is open, you can kiss goodbye any conservative winning there again in the near future. EVERYONE gets sent a ballot, there is no verification, none, and guess what? People choose the “D” because, well, because that’s what they do when they are uninformed. Mail-in ballots, never in existence prior to covid. See ya election integrity, you had a nice 200 years.
Since the corrupt propaganda media is mainly in bed with the Marxist Democrats, it’s almost a miracle that the Republicans have any chance at all of winning the House. Why do so many Americans still not truly respect the fact that it is impossible to have fair elections when the mainstream media is playing favorites and refusing to cover the actual news fairly and completely? Many Americans are just too apathetic and ignorant to vote based on facts and reason, because most of the news supports fiction and lies. Many Americans are so brainwashed that they will vote Marxist Democrat no matter what is actually happening in our economy and on our dysfunctional, crime-ridden, open Southern Border.
The author is delusional. Trump is completely toxic. If the Republicans want to lose again in 2024, nominate Trump as he is most likely the only candidate Biden could beat. If people are really interested in shrinking government control over their lives they should consider libertarian candidates. Putting democrats and republicans back in office fits one definition of insanity. If AMAC keeps promoting Trump, I will not renew.
It’s not absurd to blame Trump at all – those obsessed with Trump pushed the issue at every opportunity. His branding attack on DeSantis just before election day was simply childish along with his “big news” next week announcement.
Came on Democrats, I dis-like Most if not all candidates that you run for public office and Do everything I can to help my candidate of chose to defeat them. The thing is that a lot of your candidates really do have a shady pass and should be brought out into the sunlight for all to see.
You the Democrats have spent 7 years to going after President Trump with no real evidence, let’s just call them Trumped up Charges. (Pun Intended)
My hope that the Republicans do investigate the real crimes that have occurred under the Democrats socialist rule, the Biden crime family shakedown operation, where and how the Covid get started, and stopping the destruction of our educational system, but more importantly I hope they create policies that promote America, Jobs, Energy, and Border Security and taking steps to stop real crime.
It’s time to move forward without destroying our past and restore civility.
It seems to me that we citizens of the United States have fallen victim to our collective degrees of tolerance. This needs to stop right here and now if we are to survive as a healthy nation. Everyone of us have at times run into an individual who takes every fiber of our being to tolerate. Our government is that individual right here and right now. We are being played by not patriots but, actors. Media actors, Inside government actors, day to day actors all of whom eat away at our peace of mind, our pocketbooks, and our sense of what is solid and true.
We cannot afford this one minute longer. I will vote out every damn representative who assumes to define my life. I will never again vote for a candidate who is more actor than anything else. I will no longer watch my country being run by those who use it for their own power, shoving aside any truth that gets in the way. I will get up and walk away from every single fast-talking politician who has even an ounce of controlling my own mind. I will fight them to the core. I will no longer be duped by moneyed star makers. No one, not a single person in power will bow on the floor of congress as a sign of my approval will ever get it. No one who hints of the the power of controlling me will ever get my vote. No one who tears down my liberty will ever get my vote. No one making crooked money out of my tax dollar will get a single cent of my savings. It is time to say “What the hell is going on and take a hard look at the bedfellow’s we have chosen. No more actors, no more tax cheats, not a single minute more of those courting power of the voting-body’s mind. We have been pawns of the media for too long, witness to a governmental soap opera controlled by whom, “the controlling”, that’s whom. I never once have approved of mind control let alone paid for it willingly! I simply cannot imagaine a bigger ruse than that of the users in own government have let alone the controlling body of either mine or my childrens and grandchildrens futures have. I have paid my way absolutely honestyly like the majority of citizens have year after year after year. I have not been primed by anyone or anything other than my own mind and conscience. And, look where we are now? We have the world’s fool in office representing not us but everthing most of us despise as under the table crap that none of us outside of politics can even imagine as a leader. WE are victims of two parties both which have fallen prey to money, power, and, yes; corruption. It’s time to get up and walk. Time to say to the preying mantices that we are not to be prayed upon. We see right through all of the crap about defining our whom-dom. We need to cut bait and get back to representing who we really are. We are not bigots, we are not racists, and we are fed up to the gills with political parties weilding the whole deck of who and what we are. Both parties are crooked as hell and we who have tolerated them need to stand for “STOP IT, THROW OUT EVERY LAST DAMN ROTTEN APPLE’, and move back to a foundation of truth, with responsibility and dignity. That’s the land I want for my grandchildren. “NOT ONE OF MINIPULATORS, ELITESTS AND ROCK STARS, NO MORE EGO-DRIVEN PARACITES SPEAKING EVERYTHING BUT TRUTH”.
OMG!!! This article needs MASS Exposure NOW! Thank You for this Piercing TRUTH!!!
Easy to blame Trump, msm, dems, rinos and the left always blame Trump because it’s the thing to do. Well, I blame the repub party for not showing how good thing were when Trump was President and how bad things are in just two years of the joe/dem administration. Either poor leadership, or just happy with the way things are, look in the mirror and you’ll see who’s to blame!
I agree with the people who Republicans need to remove the word BAN from abortion discussions or get hit in the mouth with a bat. Don’t change your belief on abortion but don’t keep preaching the ban at people who will never elect those politicians. It reminds me of years ago when the most DUMBA**ED Republicans were preaching abstinence as a worldwide thing for countries to get money from the U.S. when there are countries who think abstinence is stupid.
The quicker we can get RINOs like Mitch McConnell out of office, the better we will be. He gave money to the candidates who aren’t Trump supporters. This is why I don’t contribute to the National Republican committee.
Too many, maybe all or almost all, politicians are too power hungry and aren’t interested in what we want or need.
In the New Hampshire Senate primary race, Don Bolduc got Trump’s endorsement by saying the 2020 Presidental election was stolen, and he thus beat the stronger candidate in the primary. But in trying to win the general election, Don Bolduc then said that the 2020 Presidential election was NOT stolen. Don Bolduc came across as a self-serving hypocrite, and lost what should have been a race won by a Republican. This happened in races across the country.
What I think the Rinos do not understand is that you are either pro-America or Anti-America. That simple. Rinos have done great damage to our country. I despise them as equally as I do the radical democrats.
When you blame, you are acting like a child. A child blames someone for something bad happening in their world. Therefore, blame is referring to what a particular person is accountable for something. When you blame, you are playing the victim game. Stop the black and white thinking. It is so easy to blame someone else for your problems but this does get you anywhere. Playing the victim only hurts yourself. We can be victimized but we can refuse to play the victim game because by playing the victim game we only hurt ourselves. First, there are more registered voters who are Democrats than Republicans. For a Republican candidate to win those voters who consider themselves to be Independents must vote Republican. Secondly, the Republican party lacks the will to govern. Every time the Republicans have a majority in Congress they squabbles among themselves and little is accomplished. The Republicans like being the minority party. The truth may hurt but what I just said is valid. Mitch McConnell has on many occasions not been a strong leader. And Mitt Romney has been a big disappointment. The Democrats vote in unison on issues and they win. Trump’s influence on the Republican Party should be commended not and, belittled because before Trump the Republicans lacked leadership and the desire to fight. Because of Trump, people like Kari Lake and Ron DeSantis are fighting the good fight to the Democrats. And, the result of all this lack of leadership some people are afraid the Republicans if they get a majority will again do nothing significant.
weak leaders are swamp-rinos and marxists. they are how we got here. Trump 2024!!!!
LAW & ORDER, Our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS, FISCAL RESPONSIBLITY, & our PURCHASING POWER were running, NOT Donald John Trump. OUR candidates made the mistake of thinking that the disaffected Democrats and Independents were as well versed as the Republican voters. THEY were not. They were also too lazy to do basic research. Otherwise, they would have seen the “abortion & Social Security” lies and voted with common sense.
Well, it is what it is!!! I still don’t give a rats a** what people think of Mr. Trump. I STILL LOVE THE GUY and will be voting for him, period! #AmericaFirst
I for one, think it’s time to unload the McConnells of the republican party
TRUMP 2024
DeSantis 2028-2032
FOX News= RINO Propaganda outlet
McConnell should never agin lead the Republicans in the Senate He has been an albatross on the Party for support, funding and morale. McConnell is for himself only and proved that, esp. this go-round when he derided Republican candidates and refused to fund their campaigns while supporting atrocious ones such as Murkowski simply because she would vote for him as Leader. He needs to be ousted and replaced with an honest and forward-looking person who will be loyal, sincere and wise about taking the offensive and building the Party brand throughout the country.
that’s what dums and rinos do best – tear apart. blame, chastize, and so on and so on. stupid people believe them meanwhile our country is going to trash heap
I voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020. He did a good job as president. Nevertheless, he deserves blame for saying stupid things like Ron DeSanctimonious and calling out Blake Masters 3 days before the election concerning his views about the 2020 election. These were strategic mistakes. Although I like President Trump, he is too undisciplined with his mouth. There is no doubt McConnell is a huge loser. He could have blocked Ketanji Brown Jackson but did not. He should not have supported Lisa Murkowski over Kelly Tshibaka. If anyone should be forced out of Republican leadership, it should be McConnell, not Trump.
Is it true that Trump is claiming to “unload gossip” about DeSantis if he runs for President? I saw it mentioned on a conservative site. Also, I heard that he refused to support 2 Republican senators in the recent midterms because they favored DeSantis. Is he for the Republican party and agenda or for himself? When he criticizes conservative Republicans , he helps the Biden agenda.
I just watched Molly Hanaburgh of the Federalist on Fox News, and she is absoultly right the RNC failed the Republican voters! You can’t sugar coat it, you can’t give it a Gold Star, and you sure as hell can’t buy enough lipstick to make this pig look acceptable.
The Republican’s had everything in their favor, a brain damaged Joe Biden, a Failed Economy, High Gas Prices a Heating oil shortage, a boarder that looks like Grand Central Station, High Taxes, National Debt as far as the eye can see, Crime out of Control, and all you can muster is a mediocre Win in the House and a Senate that probably want be decided until November.
What the RNC is really good at is Badgering the registored Republican Voter for money we don’t have, all the while giving us the old middle finger when we give advice on how we think you should go about leading the party, in the past I have gave them money along with my advice, guess what, they took my money and waved at me with less than all the fingers on their hand, this year I refused to answer the Phone, I wasn’t about to get burned again.
When the leader of the RNC CANNOT get her old TIRED Uncle Mittens RINO Romney to get of his backside and help Mike Lee in his fight to remain a Senator, that shows how effective she is.
Changes need to be made before another election cycle or we are doomed as a Republican Party
If it weren’t for Trump, Dr Oz would never have won a primary in Pa and we would now have one more Republican in the Senate. I blame him and will never vote for him again.
Republicans do not campaign effectively. Ask Mitch McCon-job and Kevin McCarefree why they love to have power more so than supporting conservativism and liberty.
I think you are right on. Mr McConnell has betrayed his constituents, his colleagues, and shown off for Chuck Schumer in style for many years. When I see his steely eyes, and his half-smile, I can’t forget another Speaker who complained about the smell of those people who were touring the Senate Office Building in Summer. They forget they were candidates and beholden to voters once upon a time.
I voted for Trump twice (AND I AM A STAUNCH CONSERVATIVE!). While McConnell can certainly take some of the blame, some of it is on Trump too. The fact that this AMAC op-ed can’t ascribe some responsibility to Trump tells me that you can’t be objective in your views or reporting. Shame on you. 3 days before the midterms Trump called DeSantis a name and told him that he shouldn’t run for President in 24 and that he had dirt on him. Is THIS what a leader does 3 days before an election? Trump is all about Trump and as long as he thinks the party supports him he’ll be a Republican. Personally, I think we lost the Senate in the 2020 election (the two Georgia run-off elections), because of the comments Trump made after the 2020 election. Again, it was all about him and not the party nor conservative principles, not about winning the election. I believe that Trump did a lot of good things when he was President. If he was able to curtail his mouth a bit he would be in office today. He just can’t understand how he should act. It’s time for him (and McConnell too) to go. We need to turn our leadership over to DeSantis or another standard bearer.
This article just re-emphasizes what is wrong with career politicians who are only in their position for the money and the power. They will do whatever it takes to hold their position but never to better conditions for their constituents. It doesn’t matter what party and this is the type of politician that needs removing from office
All trump had to do is keep his yapper shut until after the midterms BUT no he reminded the public that they don’t like the chaos he causes wherever he goes.
SO I DIRECTLY BLAME TRUMP and can’t wait to primary him away. He will ruin things for everyone.
In politics, or any other “Arena”, the “Blame Game” is a complete waste. In any undertaking of this scale, when unexpected results come about, there is always plenty of “Blame” to go around. The stars who shine brightest are never those who b*tch loudest. But rather, those who step to the podium and humbly claim responsibility for their mistakes. These are the ones with the strength to forge ahead, and make a new beginning.
Trump is one of the best presidents we had, everything he said he was going to do he did. He is not a politician but someone who cares for the American people. 4 years the Democrats tried to destroy him. They also were trying to destroy democracy and they finally won a victory by massive election fraud. The Justice system was corrupt just like the regime that stole the elections in 2020. And so, the real blame is massive election fraud that continues to send this country into socialism. We failed to stop them in 2020. That is what happed in 2022 and will happen in every future election. Say goodby to democracy and the American dream. Who would vote for a party that in the last 2 years have caused rampant inflation, open borders, high gas prices, and 401k values plummeting, etc. The democrats new they could do all that for their socialist plans to wipe out the middle class and still win elections!!!! (FRUAD) Pray
Trump should get the blame the credit for win or lost should on citizens who didn’t vote and to elites in the Republican Party!
Please reject my last entry!