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“Overwhelming Evidence” on China – Now What?

Posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

ChinaThe House Intelligence Committee’s Republican minority – largely lawyers – just released a 21-page report concluding, based on logic and observation, that “overwhelming circumstantial evidence” points to China’s Wuhan Virology lab as a source of the COVID-19 pandemic that sickened 167 million people, killed 3.4 million more people, and cost over $11 trillion.  This compelling document reminds us how China operates – what we are up against. See, e.g.,; see also;

Refresher:  Evidence is “overwhelming” when it leads inexorably to one conclusion – the conclusion anyone, based on logic and observation, must reach.  Liability is assigned by looking at direct and circumstantial evidence, civil liability on a “preponderance” of evidence, criminal when “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

To date, China has denied access to “direct” evidence – not allowing investigators to examine the Wuhan lab, only increasing the power of circumstantial evidence.  Remember, direct evidence is what you see; circumstantial is what you can reasonably infer. So, if you see it snowing, that is direct evidence that it snowed.  If you awake to a white wonderland, you can infer it snowed – circumstantial evidence.  Your conclusion is correct either way.

What House Intelligence found is “overwhelming circumstantial evidence” that China is to blame for COVID-19.  Specifically, there is “overwhelming circumstantial evidence … to support a lab leak as the origination of COVID-19” and “no substantive evidence supporting the natural zoonosis hypothesis.”  So, China’s near-certain recklessness killed millions, cost trillions.

Core findings:

First, according to official State documents, Wuhan lab researchers “conducted experiments involving RaTG13, the bat coronavirus identified … closest to SARS-CoV-2 – 96.2% similar.”  And we know SARS-CoC-2 caused COVID-19. See, e.g.,

Second, Wuhan has a “published record” of “gain-of-function” research, that is, research intentionally bosting viral infectiousness and lethality, presumably to prevent a pandemic – but in this case, all-but-certainly causing one.  See, e.g.,;

Third, China has a “history of research lab leaks” resulting in human infections. See;

Fourth, world leaders got multiple “warnings from U.S. diplomats in China, as early as 2017, that the Wuhan lab was conducting dangerous research on coronaviruses without following necessary safety protocols” and “risked a potential outbreak.”

Fifth, so-called “gain-of-function” research conducted at Wuhan lab “made coronaviruses more infectious in humans.”

Sixth, “several researchers at Wuhan lab were sickened with COVID-19-like symptoms” during “autumn of 2019.”  See also,

Seventh, Chinese military “involvement in the Wuhan lab” is undeniable, and China’s military “has a documented biological weapons program.”

Eighth, the public record is replete with “attempts by Beijing to cover up the true circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak.”  The cover-up began in late 2019 and continues to date.

Ninth, in a double-indictment, while Dr. Anthony Fauci swears the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) did not underwrite Wuhan’s damning “gain-of-function” (potential bioweapon) research, NIH did underwrite $3.7 million in 2014 for a non-profit, which in turn “steered at least $600,000 in NIH funding to the Wuhan lab for bat coronavirus research.”

Accordingly, while we cannot know US money given the non-profit funding Wuhan specifically funded “gain-of-function” (virus enhancing) bat coronavirus research, we know that money left NIH went to the non-profit, from there to Wuhan. Wuhan was doing that kind of work.  See,;

In other words, on top of China’s own military and civilian (Communist) Wuhan lab funding – the US poured money through a non-profit into the lab, presumably to prevent the kind of pandemic it likely created.  And yes, Fauci knew this, said little about it.  See, e.g.,

Tenth – not in the Republican report – many of those who were on the scene in Wuhan, including Chinse medical personnel and journalists – have “disappeared.”  In Communist China, this is how truth is suppressed; you suppress the person who could tell it.  See, e.g.,;

Finally, the Intelligence Committee report concludes “by contrast, little circumstantial evidence has emerged to support PRC’s [People’s Republic of China’s] claim that COVID-19 was a natural occurrence, having jumped from some other species to humans,” and “Chinese authorities have failed to identify the original species that allegedly spread the virus to humans, which is critical to their zoonotic transfer theory.”

Conclusion: “To protect American citizens from future pandemics, the U.S. Government must place more pressure on China to allow full, credible investigations of the source of the COVID-19 pandemic,” “allow probes of the likelihood that it resulted from a lab leak,” and “provide a full accounting of any American cooperation with the Wuhan lab’s coronavirus research, including the support of these projects through U.S. Government funds.”

In other words, overwhelming evidence supports the conclusion that China is the origin of a virus that killed more than 3.4 trillion people and cost more than $11 trillion dollars. 

Unfortunately, while these findings – overwhelming circumstantial evidence – would be ample to convict China in most courts of law if China were a private party, the combination of foreign sovereign immunity laws, weak international judicial institutions, and China’s indifference to international law and norms means little can be done legally, although some are trying.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) and Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) are proposing a bill entitled “Holding the Chinese Communist Party Accountable for Infecting Americans Act of 2020,” which would “allow Americans to sue China and the Chinese Communist Party for damages,” in effect creating a waiver to the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. See, e.g.,, China%2C%20initiated%20by%20private%20groups%20in%20the%20U.S.; see also,;

The real take-away – as with China’s other unaccountable economic, military, and diplomatic behavior – is that free peoples everywhere are on notice.  China does not play by the rules, does not “own” damage done, is irresponsible, and is committed to global dominance.  Not to see this – as the Intelligence Report implies – is not to understand the stakes.  The public health, safety, and freedom of the world depend on understanding how China operates – and blunting it.

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Mike B.
Mike B.
3 years ago

Every country in the world should hold China responsible for COVID-19. They should be sanctioned, and fined for the damage they have caused to the people on this whole planet. Talk about reparations! Unfortunately, this will not happen . Yes , Cotton, and Crenshaw are proposing a bill to hold them responsible, but do you think this administration will side with them? China Joe ? China will snake out of this as they did with all the other diseases they created in the past. What an evil country to do this to the people of this planet. Karma will catch up with them. Maybe not in my lifetime, but it will .

3 years ago

Well said!!!

3 years ago

PRESIDENT TRUMP was right again, must have the demo-RATS heads spinning.

3 years ago

The Chinese gov’t holds a lot of our debt. Perhaps we should reduce that debt to cover the financial losses suffered by the US? I’d love to see the world take on China with sanctions but China has bribed so many politicians and educators, I don’t think we’d ever see it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Cant do anything due to Biden, Fauci, Chamb Commerce & Woke Biz in CCP pocket

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

What few are willing to admit is the fact that this whole thing was an undeclared act of war! It was an attack on us and other free-world countries that spilled over world-wide. The inscrutable Chinese Communist party are smirking at the world as they are preparing the next planned act of terror, again with enough plausible deniability to placate the Biden Clown-Show. Unless things change, you better learn to speak Chinese, as our future will be like the Uighurs.

3 years ago

 “Evidence is “overwhelming”= China is at war with America
” Evidence is “overwhelming” Fauci Lied, Americans died

Helena Brus
Helena Brus
3 years ago

I think this # needs to be corrected:
In other words, overwhelming evidence supports the conclusion that China is the origin of a virus that killed more than 3.4 trillion people and cost more than $11 trillion dollars. 

3 years ago

This was a biochemical weapon and I believe it was intentionally released….China wants to be #1 and they wanted Trump out…still not sure that the Democommunists like Pelosi and Fauci were not involved. Every country on Earth should have bombed China out of existence as this was clearly an act of war that their military had a lot to do with.

3 years ago

The main point still gets missed. The main point is, once the virus got out, however that happened, the Chinese government PURPOSELY spread it around the world when they prohibited travel within China to and from Wohan but allowed international travel to continue. THAT’s the issue that never gets discussed.

Runell S.
Runell S.
3 years ago

Thank you for your report. I shared this post to my Facebook page but they are apparently blocking it from showing up. No comments or likes from my friends. They did not take it down but have effectively censored it.

3 years ago

Trump was right all along. People better start noticing what is going on around them instead of turning a blind eye hoping that someone else will take care of it or it will just go away. For the other group of people who keep trying to hide all that’s going on from the public, they better get a grip on reality before it bites them in the rear end

Average Joe
Average Joe
3 years ago

I enjoyed Rand Paul tearing into that swamp weasel Fauci on the deadly shenanigans he was into while under two previous administrations (and now as Resident Slow Joe’s mouthpiece). He can’t BS Paul on the details of this evil virus because the guy is a graduate MD versus half those senators with law degrees who don’t get it and even protect this weasel. And Paul is pulling more and more evidence that he and his minions at NIH were pushing money into the Wuhan lab for what? “Gain of function.” In other words, let’s amp up SARS to be more deadly, harmful than it already is!!! Again, for what?? This weasel makes more money than the President, hasn’t seen a patient in over 25 years, tells us to wear diapers on our faces, always is willing to get in front of a CNN camera but now this!!! Covid killed my healthy brother this month. It’s a biological weapon released by an evil dictatorship in China and from what I see Dr. Doom, lifetime swamp weasel Fauci shares the blame!

3 years ago

Article contains a typo suggesting worlwide death toll from COVID-19 as being 3.4 trillion people. (Same article relates the documented death toll as having been 3.4 million people.)

3 years ago

CCP is doing everything they can to destroy America!!!!

3 years ago

China is the new Hitler’s Germany, they have concentration camps killing and torturing hundreds of thousands of people, they are engaging in biological warfare…what was done when we had information about the Jews being persecuted? Nothing and we are doing nothing now, because the swamp monsters are in bed with China and we have a criminal in the oval office who sold America’s soul to China to get rich.
Declare war on China, and get going, they want world dominance and are going to get it if someone does not stop them; this is worse than a cold war! China is an insidious, communist marxist evil to the world. Now I know why we fought the Vietnam war, to stop the spread of evil communism!

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