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Obama-Biden-Clinton Nuclear Giveaway to Russia a Decade Ago Comes Back to Bite America

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The U.S. nuclear energy sector’s dependence on Russian uranium created during a failed Obama-era reset with Moscow is coming back to bite Americans as the Kremlin moves to block future exports of the vital fuel. 

Vladimir Putin’s new restrictions on uranium exports to the U.S., announced last week, come as the country’s war in Ukraine continues to heighten tensions with the United States and the West. His announcement created an immediate impact, as uranium prices soared and worries grew that American utilities might have trouble meeting electric demand next year.

It’s the latest fallout from a series of foreign policy decisions crafted by Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton that inexplicably strengthened Putin’s ability to wage economic warfare with energy supplies such as natural gas and uranium.

“Everything the Democrats have done has emboldened Russia and their ability to actually leverage their dirty gas production,” Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told the Just the News, No Noise television show on Monday night. Tenney’s House district is home to New York’s remaining nuclear power reactors.

Enriched uranium is a vital component of nuclear power plants in the United States, which account for a fifth of electricity production across the nation. The United States is also almost entirely dependent on imports to acquire enriched uranium. Last year, the United States imported more than a quarter of its enriched fuel from Russia even as relations have deteriorated during the Ukraine war. 

But the current dependence on Russia was a long time in the making, cemented by several deals signed by the Clinton and Obama administrations that hooked the United States on Moscow’s uranium supply, according to the 2020 book Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.

“[The] United States used to produce its own nuclear materials for bombs and then for nuclear energy, and it was the Clinton administration they made this deal with the Russians way back in the 90s to purchase all of this down blended material from, you know, the decommission nuclear warheads from Russia,” Seamus Bruner, co-author of the book, told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Monday. “That got us addicted to Russia’s supply,” he said, explaining that it led to a cratering of domestic supply. 

Two deals, which took place during Obama’s vaunted “Russian Reset” that began in 2009, cemented the United States’ dependence on Russia nuclear fuel, Bruner said. 

“[The] Obama administration certainly wasn’t friendly. They made the famous deals with Russia, the [123 Agreement]; everybody remembers the uranium one deal, which was about nuclear energy, not nuclear weapons,” Bruner said. 

“And so now we’re in this tough spot. Now we do have domestic producers, who are, you know, producing uranium for our energy needs, but there are no way, there’s no way they’re going to catch up.” 

As part of the flurry of diplomacy between the former Cold War rivals, the Obama administration penned the new 123 Agreement with the Kremlin, which was designed to increase cooperation on civil nuclear energy and further commercial opportunities between the two economies. The administration also signed new arms control and technology cooperation agreements as part of the diplomatic push. 

The deal led to billions of dollars in contracts for U.S. utilities to buy Russian uranium to power their nuclear reactors.

Around the same time the agreements were taking shape, however, Putin’s state-controlled nuclear company, Rosatom, was making moves to corner the global supply. 

The Russian company’s efforts to acquire a Canadian company, Uranium One, became a scandal for the Obama administration because it saw the virtual elimination of U.S. domestic production of uranium and raised corruption concerns about some of its chief officials. 

“The the Uranium One deal was about shuttering our domestic mines, we had all of these uranium mines across…the Rocky Mountains…and closer towards the west, Midwest, that shut down the domestic production there, which was a boon to Putin, who had purchased, in addition to the mines in the United States, a bunch of mines in Kazakhstan,” Bruner said. 

“And those are where he’s able to pull out a ton of uranium and enrich it for civilian purposes, ostensibly, and and then sell it back to us at a premium.” 

Before the Russian takeover, Uranium One was a Canadian company that mined Uranium around the world, with assets in Eurasia, Africa, and North America. Its facilities in Wyoming, Utah, and other states accounted for approximately 20% of U.S. uranium capacity at the time, necessitating a review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to approve an acquisition by the Russia state-backed company. 

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sat on that committee and had a prominent role in shaping the administration’s foreign policy. The acquisition became a scandal that plagued her 2016 presidential campaign after investigative author Peter Schweizer and his Government Accountability Institute found nine Uranium One shareholders funneled $145 million into the Clinton Foundation before the deal was set to be considered. 

The acquisition was subsequently approved, though Clinton’s team has repeatedly denied that the secretary had a major role in approving the sale. 

Both Congress and President Biden, who had a front row seat to the reset, at least appeared to recognize the danger caused by the past missteps, but could do little to wean the U.S. off Russia’s supply before now. 

Shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Congress passed and Biden signed the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act ostensibly to free the U.S. nuclear industry from dependence on Russia. Yet, the law only requires an end to U.S. imports of nuclear fuel from Russia completely by 2028, providing a waiver system in the intervening years. 

“It was a terrible decision to make us dependent on on imports of uranium from Russia,” former Trump National Security Council Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz told the John Solomon Reports podcast.

Fleitz said the waiver system established by the law revealed how underdeveloped the United States’ domestic uranium production is, something Putin eagerly exploited last week. 

“But utilities could ask for waivers, with the understanding it will take a long time for us to establish domestic sources of your reactor grade uranium,” Fleitz said. “The Russians knew that, and they’re going to cut this off, and our reactors will have no where to go to get uranium.”

“A real bind”

Experts warn that the restrictions come at a time when the U.S. nuclear industry is completely unprepared. 

“We don’t have enough enriched uranium here,” Chris Gadomski, the lead nuclear analyst for BloombergNEF told Bloomberg News. “They should have been stockpiling enriched uranium in anticipation of this happening.”

Fleitz gave a starker warning, saying the fuel shortage could lead to brownouts by next summer in states with a higher reliance on nuclear power. 

“[It] puts us in a real bind, because there are I just talked to a nuclear expert just before our call to get the specifics on this, and he told me that this decision will lead to brown outs in the summer, because there simply won’t be enough nuclear fuel for certain states to run their reactors to generate electricity,” Fleitz said. 

“So this is going to be a pretty vital issue for President Trump to deal with, and I wonder whether Putin did this to get some leverage in peace talks on Ukraine,” he added. 

Even after the war in Ukraine further soured relations with Russia, the U.S. remained one of the largest importers of Russian uranium fuel in 2023, giving the Kremlin a useful lever in any peace negotiations. 

Despite the Biden administration’s efforts to reverse the imports of Russian nuclear fuel, American nuclear plants still remain heavily dependent on supplies from abroad, leaving the administration vulnerable to Putin’s tactics. 

Reprinted with permission from Just The News By John Solomon and Steven Richards.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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2 months ago

Hillary, Obama and Biden should all be in Gitmo for life.

2 months ago

The administrations of the past 20 years forgot to put USA first and now a heavy price is going to be paid for that negligence. Putin has an advantage right now, but Pres. Trump will hopefully correct this Democrat error. Again, it will be a bumpy road but as long as the nation comes together, these situations will be smoothed out.

2 months ago

The nuclear and enriched uranium give aways were done by design. It was Obama plan to downgrade the US standing in the world. Not sure if Old Hillary’s goal was the same or if she just wanted to “enrich” her own wealth.

Patti Zelenack
Patti Zelenack
2 months ago

I want to know why these politicians are never arrested for their crimes and actions, while making millions of $$$$?

Donald King
Donald King
2 months ago

We still have a whole lot of coal and our coal operated generating plants have done a pretty good job of scrubbing. Maybe we should tell Greenpeace [ the American version] to back off a bit until we become more self-sustaining. I’m not opposed to any of the alternative energy sources, but let’s build up a solid reliable energy base before kicking coal to the curb

Mike Stertz
Mike Stertz
2 months ago

And the “environmentalists” Don’t want to mine anything in America.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Anybody who doubts government is corrupt Google “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Uranium One Deal”- NY Times article dated April 2012. Its the article I posted over & over on Twitter in 2016 that got me suspended for “violation of community standards”! After that Google exactly what charities the Clinton Foundation supported… besides Chelsea’s wedding & reception!

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 months ago

I can’t remember exactly what it was, but I seem to remember a deal in which Hillary was involved in selling a lot of our uranium to Russia while she was Secretary of State. So, now we are buying it back? Probably at a large markup too.

2 months ago

Hillary Clinton’s failed policies once again put America in a bad spot. One can only thank heavens that she never rose higher in our government than Sec State.

2 months ago

These revelations about uranium, as well as the recent, 7th failed audit to reconcile expenditures against the Pentagon’s $824 billion dollar budget (YES, I said 7th attempt at reconciliation) are clear signs of nonfeasant or malfeasant oversight of some of our most critical programs, assets and associated financial management. These circumstances are inexcusable, and, there is reason to fear far worse, as discoveries of “democrat”-managed assets fully unfold.

2 months ago

We have O and Biden and miss H to thank for this disaster. Another way to impair the citizens in their daily lives. We can’t afford the food due to high inflation and the little we can buy we won’t be able to prepare due to no electricity. And the talking heads at the DNC and MSM still call Trump dangerous. With Biden sending missiles to the Ukraine the tension has escalated to code red. The American people voted against Biden and this is his revenge. Time for him to resign.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

The Democrat Party: the Party of corruption, criminality, racism, hate, and treason.

2 months ago

Time to restart the natural gas and coal powered generation plants. Dems really going to help the environment by shutting down all forms of energy production other than solar or wind. Neither one here.

Mark Lancaster
Mark Lancaster
2 months ago

Of course, Obama-Biden-Clinton will never be brought to justice for the traitors they are!

2 months ago

The left screws up everything they touch.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

DIMMs have farmed out most of our necessary raw materials. China makes most of our pharmaceuticals; what would we do if they embargoed us? Hillary approved Russia’s purchase of plutonium. Remember the Clintons were in thick with the Chinese Communists through their Chinese fundraisers. DIMMs are still financing Iran’s nuclear program and their terrorist proxies who have killed [and are killing] our service personnel and enslave US hostages in Gaza.

2 months ago

The illustrious senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire earned $68,000 for her vote on the Uranium One deal.

michael hess
michael hess
2 months ago

treason, i think, should be treated as a crime instead of lovedoveyness. those traitors should be charged, tried, convicted and hanged immediately after conviction.

2 months ago

The combined integrity and intelligence of these three has been appalling to all Americans who care about the well being of the United States Citizens. It is obvious that none of them cared.

2 months ago

So , once again , the socialist /communist democrats get rich at America’s expense , so many ways . Just pure treason AGAIN by clintons , obama & biden & their criminal swamp cabal , & they all STILL walk free to do even MORE !

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Been so since Obama for sure

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

It’s rather obvious that the democRATS are in the equation for power and dollars for them and them only.I feel that the sleeping giant in AMERICA woke up and now we just might see the real AMERICA as it should be.That is if sloppy joey doesn’t start world war three.

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
2 months ago

comrades obama, biden and fraulein Hillary belong in Leavenworth. Along with the entire biden crime syndicate.

2 months ago

When are people going to realize that the Democrats hate America and WANT to see her fail. That would allow for bigger government to step in and take more control over everything. I remember thinking to myself what Hillary Clinton did at that time was treasonous….and now we see that it was. Democrats are despicable.

2 months ago

Why didn’t we “lock her up?” And, can we lock HIM up?

2 months ago

Democrats have always been on the wrong side!

2 months ago

We gave up on the nuclear industry. Helped get the Ukraine to GIVE the nuclear weapons to Russia. Give up on American independence on imported oil. Let’s just wait, don’t leave Afghanistan earlier. Voting Trump back into presidency was a start. BUT what is going to happen to America in the future, serves us right. Including me and people like me. I/we only bitch about it. I am 70 years old and in poor health. I hope that I croak sooner than later. CHRIS

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 months ago

The three dummies did a lot of dumb things back then but do they care NO and I am sure there was big money involved with them helping out Russia but all they did was say RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA when it came to President Trump but who the are the real ones that are with Russia the ones that gave Putin our weapons and they think nothing about it the Dems in Washington cover it up. What a sad time for our country Dems should never be in power.

2 months ago

Democrats are so damn stupid. Biden’s latest move on the Ukraine war is just another example.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 months ago


2 months ago

Treason. Simple as that.

2 months ago

I wondered at the time just what was the USA thinking? And can Obama or Clinton explain this deal today? And I do not remember much backlash from the media and public over this deal. This is just another important lesson on why foreign countries should not be allowed tp pwn any land in USA at any time!

2 months ago

Garbage like this and the approval of Biden to use U.S. missiles to attack inside Russia are looking like a deliberate attempt on the part of the left wing komrads Obama, Biden and Clinton to chop the knees out from under Trump and make it impossible for him to end the war in Ukraine as promised. All the while providing a means of serious enrichment of the komrads listed.
Seems to me we need people like Matt Gaetz in a lot more positions than just AG. There are many more komrads in DC than those listed. And they all need to be investigated, charged, tried, convicted and placed in cells, and treated just as the J6 folks have been treated, for the rest of their natural lives.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 months ago

Excellent article. Would you expect anything less from the Top 3 democrats of 4 (harris) Losers since they Sell Out the United States day in and day out? Don’t forget that great reset by h. clinton in Russia with a piece of plastic button junk that wouldn’t even work. So why would anything else work if obama, biden, and clinton had to do with it?.
Just look at the results today. We are facing WWIII because of these people and our country is in shambles because of them.

TX Conservative
TX Conservative
2 months ago

Sounds like Trump should threaten Putin with confiscation of the mines/processing plants located on US soil. Auction them off to the companies providing the other 70-75% of our supply. They should have little trouble ramping up production. Reprocessing of spent fuel rods could make up any shortfall.
Putin may have just helped us speed-up getting off of Russian Uranium, no need to develop new mines from scratch.

2 months ago

Obama was the worst thing to happen to the U.S. in 200 years.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
2 months ago

Now we see the ramifications of flawed decisions by Obama, Hillary Clinton & Biden that will lead us to WW111. May God bless us all with wisdom to support your chosen leader for our country Lord, an to see the malicious propagandas of our corrupt media. Amen.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

What do we hear from the press and all media? Trump is dangerous, Jan.6th insurgents are dangerous supporters of Trump put country and democracy in danger. Embezzlers and traitors continue to do well .Not a hair bent on their heads.

2 months ago

Everything the everything the Democrats touch turns into a dumpster fire. They have absolutely zero redeeming qualities. All they know how to do is lie and cheat. Their goal is to burn this nation to the ground. They hate Donald Trump and will destroy the world to prove it. As long as they can rule over the ashes they don’t care

2 months ago

Send dementia Joe to his basement away from the nuclear buttons, before he gets us all blown up.

leland patterson
leland patterson
2 months ago

yes, this is the type of stupidity the dumbocrats vote for!

2 months ago

This should scare the sh** out of America, but sadly most will never know or understand the terrible strategic military parts of this huge act of treason by the Clintons, Obama and Biden that put America’s security at risk for money. Meanwhile Bidumb has for 2 more months to end America and he is racing to do just that! It’s hard to wait for Patriot Trump to enter office again and turn our World right side up! Starting with the mass deportations of all illegals!

2 months ago

What hasn’t bitten us in the butt under this administration. The Marxist/democrats; just doing what they do.

2 months ago

From what I understand is the US has enough uranium to last bought 90 years..The problem is to “enrich”it takes many deep strides with the EPA…permits and litigation and time,which we are running out of. Funny how the Green people were so against nuclear production years ago but know embrace it. We gotta get “juice” from somewhere if they want everything to go electric…any suggestions ????????

2 months ago

Well We tried to get the TRUTH and Warning about all this, long before it happened.
Crazy how everyone used to say that people like me are, Conspiracy Theorists.
So now after the facts are in plain view, do you believe us now? Let me tell one more thing that is really important about our nuclear power programs.
Are you aware that the spent nuclear fuel rods are laying on top of the reactors? Do you know why? So, several Presidents back, the USA ???????? decided to not reprocess the rods. If we did, they would become about the size of a coke can. We sometimes buy ours from a neighbor that still does it.
Want to learn more? Hey AMAC please do more to help the American Citizens to this message.

2 months ago

Because of what The Clinton’s, Obama

2 months ago

Yes, let’s make us dependent on our long time enemy for nuclear fuel that powers our navel vessels.

2 months ago

Such a poorly written article. Incomplete sentences, double words, commas thrown about. This sounds sounds as if it was written by a 5th grader using Wikipedia. Come on AMAC. You are better than this.

Dennis Math
Dennis Math
2 months ago

I can tell you rival Einstein where intelligence is involved Mr.Soloman, but let me get this right. WE sanction Russia for being forced to deal with a corrupt Nazi infested nation on its border that WE created by funding and initiating a coup there then spent hundreds of billions arming up that corrput Nazi infested country and now somehow because we constantly weaponize our currency which IS leading to its dissolution via BRICS, we find ourselves in a “pickel” and from the tone of the article that is somehow the fault of Russia?
Free trade is the backbone of a true democracy Mr Soloman. In destroying free trade we are destroying the fiat currency we have been scamming the globe with for the last 80 years.

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