AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

In the latest instance of mainstream media manipulation, American journalists have once again linked arms with the Democrat Party to push a series of falsehoods and exaggerations about a piece of socially conservative legislation. This time, they have taken aim at a parental rights bill in Florida.
The Parental Rights Bill in Education (H.B. 1557), which the press has deceptively dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, was passed by the Florida Senate on March 8 and is expected to be signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis in the near future. The legislation prohibits classroom instructors from teaching children in kindergarten through third-grade content related to sexual orientation and gender identity, a response to a disturbing trend of left-wing gender ideology making its way into elementary school classrooms in recent years.
“A school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students,” the bill states. The legislation also bars “school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being” and takes additional measures to increase curriculum transparency and parental oversight of their children’s education.
However, you wouldn’t know any of that from listening to the media’s breathless coverage of the bill as an all-out assault on anyone who isn’t a straight white male. While advocates of the legislation are quick to point out that the bill merely prohibits teachers from exposing children to highly inappropriate sexual discussions at a young age, the left has launched a full-scale attack against what it falsely claims is a homophobic assault on the gay and transgender communities. Gender theory activists have insisted the legislation amounts to a “Don’t Say Gay” bill that forbids the use of the word “gay” in any context—a ridiculous charge that was quickly echoed by leaders of the Democratic Party and further advanced by the mainstream media. Media headlines rarely refer to the legislation by its actual name and have instead adopted the “Don’t Say Gay” moniker invented by left-wing activists.
President Joe Biden even denounced the bill as “hateful” after it was passed by the Florida Senate Education Committee in February. Following the Florida Senate’s passage of the legislation this month, Biden retweeted a post from the White House claiming that the bill is designed to “attack LGBTQI+ kids” and make “growing up harder for young people.” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki similarly disparaged the legislation as “discriminatory” and “horrific.”
Countless other politicians, celebrities, and corporations did not hesitate to weigh on the matter either, castigating the not-yet-signed bill as a revolting assault on gay and transgender Americans. Hillary Clinton joined the chorus and criticized the bill as an instance of “performative cruelty” that “will only serve to hurt children and families.” Democrat members of Florida’s state legislature protested in the Florida Capitol by linking arms and walking down the hallway repeating the word “gay” while activists brandished signs suggesting the law is a source of brutal marginalization and oppression.
DeSantis, however, has not fallen for the media’s trap. When asked about the legislation during a press conference, he immediately pushed back against reporters’ usage of the “Don’t Say Gay” tagline: “Does it say that in the bill? Does it say that in the bill? I’m asking you to tell me what’s in the bill because you are pushing false narratives,” he said. In a later public appearance, he further emphasized his support for the legislation, vowing, “We are not going to allow” anyone “to inject transgenderism into kindergarten.”
“The chance that I am going to back down from my commitment to students and back down from my commitment to parents’ rights simply because of fraudulent media narratives or pressure from woke corporations—the chances of that are zero,” DeSantis said, in a likely reference to the Disney CEO’s statements in opposition to the law.
The media’s maniacal response to the Florida bill is nothing unique. For years, American journalists have allied themselves with left-wing causes and gone out of their way to paint what in another era would have been considered common-sense legislation in the most negative light possible. As conservative commentator Ryan Anderson noted, the media’s perennial dishonesty in response to state-level laws like the Texas heartbeat bill and Georgia’s election integrity law should have cast the media’s credibility into doubt long ago. “Do not trust any mainstream media reports on social conservative legislation until you’ve verified yourself,” Anderson said.
But when it comes to Democrats’ over-the-top reactions to the Florida bill, they may soon find that they have once again overplayed their hand. Just months after Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia on a strong parental rights platform, it is becoming increasingly clear that opposition to parental rights in education could be a political death wish for the Democratic Party. And in a midterm election year in which the left is already positioned to suffer at the ballot box, their vocal opposition to measures such as curriculum transparency and their eager embrace of ideologies like Critical Race Theory and gender theory will likely only increase the potential for a red wave in November.
Kids in K through 3 don’t exist in social and cultural isolation. They know about Gay couples getting married, they know LGBTQ people, some of them have same-sex parents. If the subject comes up in class, I guess the teacher will just have to say, “I’m sorry, but I’ll be fired if I talk about it.”
This is simply part of a long-term strategy to dismantle to public education system. Conservatives have been at it for a very long time. They’ve been trying to get rid of the U.S. Department of Education for over 40 years. Right now the goal is to intimidate teachers so much that no one will want to teach, for fear of having parents screaming bloody murder about how their little darlings are being “indoctrinated.”
Eventually the only kids who get any kind of an education are the kids whose parents can afford to send them to parochial or private schools..
Thank God for Gov. DeSantis’ strong stance on this bill, and pushing for parents’ rights for this age children. Yes, there has been a concerted long term effort to force parents, now their children to accept whatever comes their way, now in schools. Parents, RISE UP, and defend your children from this indoctrination! It is up to you to talk to your children, not the school system. If we are ever to stand strong, it starts with taking back our rights as parents, and Gov. DeSantis knows this.
Perhaps people who want to comment on the bill should read it first.
Education- Being raised in the 60’s with the collective pride of American exceptionalism and world Test scores in Math and Science to prove it, we have truly lost the mission of education. While we fall on the world scale, others advance as they still put Math, Science, Coding and Languages.
Our culture has become obsessed with social justice issues and our kids are the pawns.
Children cannot help but be aware of these agendas, yet it has no place in class. Schools are now indoctrination camps. Our tax dollars at work. We need to get back to “education “ not shrinking the young.
I commend the Florida Senate for passing the Parental Rights Bill in Education. The educational curricula has been commandeered by liberal elitists who are obsessed with indoctrinating our children with radical leftist theories.
It is no surprise that the left is once again enraged. Are these people ever happy? I am convinced that liberals must be the most miserable people on earth. They complain about everything. This bill does nothing to denigrate gays. Its intended purpose is to protect innocent young children from being taught subjects that have no place in the classroom.
I am tired of hearing the left tell us to follow the science while making up their own pseudo facts to fit some cockamamie narrative. From the dawn of creation, man has not had the ability to determine his own sex. Humans and animals are either born male or female. Earthworms are asexual. Humans are not. To teach children that they can decide their own sex is an outright lie, an insult to their intelligence, and a sure way to destroy our children’s innocence. If parents want to take their child down that path, so be it, but it should not be a topic of discussion in an elementary school room.
When my uncle and two aunts were teachers, NEA was a “professional organization.” It is now a hard-core leftist union, which doesn’t give a d*** about anything other than promoting socialism and immorality and fattening members’ bank accounts.
Once again, Biden and his supporters are making up stories and telling falsehoods in order to push their progressive, woke agenda. Sadly, telling the truth is a luxury with Biden and his supporters. If the woke agenda isn’t pushed, the progressive Marxists see nothing wrong in manipulating the public to get what they want. The Democrats have been changed into a revolutionary idea machine. They will only tell what’s actually happening if it fits their ideology of overthrowing a Constitutional Republic. Most of the media supports this idea of destroying America, because they are mostly run by socialists and communists who are unfairly blind with cynicism and hate to the ideas and events that made the USA a beacon of liberty, humanity, and freedom.
I am with the governor of Florida 100% and the parents should take their Children out of the public school any way because it’s not the school business to teach the children about their sex.
I am so sick of the lies, the false accusations and the determined destruction of conservativism and our country. This is just one more attempt at controlling EVERYTHING America stands for. The time has come to put a stop to this nonsense.
This is an old story of the democrat aligned media doing the work of the corrupt and criminal democrat party. Governor Desantis from the free state of Florida, has had the right idea of how to deal with the corrupt democrats from day one. Meet them head on and do not hold back. The truth hurts the democrat narrative. G-d bless Governor Desantis.
AMEN ! and AMEN !!
I applaud the Governor for taking a stand against the indoctrination of children. Just teach them reading and writing and math and leave out the politics and social engineering.
The lunacy and insanity in the media and at the White House is just toooooooo much! It stuns me how they can twist, contort and then regergitate their convoluted perceptions! Our country has really deteriorated the past 14 months. I’m sickened and sad. ????
This stuff just doesn’t stop from the woke left. This is all part of the Marxist agenda to put a divide between people starting with children. The gay population adds up to probably about 3%-4% if that in this country and has the biggest platform yet. There should be more push back from the cowardly conservative community of parents. Our children are too young to be dealing with these obsurd issues let alone it being shoved down there throats. Heres an idea if the gay community wants their kids to be educated in this area why don’t they just have gay schools then parents could have their choice on where to send their children. You probably wouldn’t have enough children in the class anyway. After awhile it gets a lil much with Sleepy Joe and his band of ignoramus misfits
I’m sure the Lord is coming soon. So many things point to it. So much prophecy is coming true, and His judgments are increasing. When He rules, it will be wonderful. However, if you haven’t accepted Christ as your Savior, and end up in the Tribulation period, don’t mistake the world leader of that time for Christ. That will be the antichrist who will cause you to take the mark of the beast to survive. He will seem nice for a few years before he demands to be worshiped. Check out two Timothy three, verses one through five.
Teaching children Adult topics is downright ridiculous! The frontal cortex of the human brain is not ready for life changing decisions until maturity. Note, I didn’t use an age, everyone of God’s children mature when they mature. We cannot allow the sickoo members of society to shove their wrongheadedness down our throats! Would you let Jeffrey Epstein babysit your teenage daughters? Would you allow your children to go camping with a group of pedophile priests ??? It’s really amazing to me that we are even discussing these abnormal issues!!! The moral compass of humanity has tipped heavily toward darkness. I’m not a bible thumper but I am a dad raised by a decent dad and I for one will fight this madness to the death of it!!! Wokeness and political correctness are destroying civilization!
The reality is, the country is in real trouble. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t need legislation like this!! The Biden admin is absolutely pathetic…
Every young boy goes through the “Yuck Girls” stage, 5-7 year olds have much more in common with each other than girls, who seem to be of another species! Liberal Leftists seize on this stage to medically castrate or influence at this time to indoctrinate. It matters not that the sme “Yuck Girls” young boys discover something entirely different in High School; in fact, that is why they want to indoctrinate in Elementary School. Before it it too late for their purpose.
Just another reason to vote out the Democrats. Then we need to extinguish that Party forever. They are no longer Democrats, they are Socialist Liberals.
You never heard of any crap like this in the 40’s. Kyle L.
Don’t say, Gay, say sodomite.
O don’t say Gay- I say QUEER. I also don’t buy Ben and Queeries ice cream. These Godless people took a sign GOD gave man –THE Rainbow and try to desecrate it. Contrary to what these people say– The BIBLE is explicit that GOD does not hate these people BUT GOD does despise that despicable excuse for a lifestyle!!
And here they go again…..jamming their left wing craziness into the conversation without regard to the truth……the repeated tactic that should have all citizens to the point they just won’t tune in or listen to the media at all…….citizens need to start shaming these leftists and the media with every chance they can…..on every forum they can. Enough is enough. Or at least is should be.
The MSM has to run cover for the Democrats by creating endless distractions, that they hope the American public will fall for. That is what a good propaganda machine is supposed to do for their employers. Thus allowing the Democrats to do more things to undermine this country without public scrutiny, while the American public is preoccupied with this nonsense.
This so-called “Don’t Say Gay” media invention is simply the latest installment from the MSM. Nothing but more lies and distortions to stoke the flames of division the left in this country relies on. Simply listing out the top 5 items addressed in H.B. 1557 would show that nothing the MSM is claiming is actually part of this bill. End of discussion.
Boy am I glad that my children are grown and I only have one grandchild left in this poor excuse of what the evil socialist demons call school system! She is being home schooled and has three more years of this bs that they call education. I offered to pay for her to go to a local Christian school if she wants to attend a classroom setting. What they are teaching in school these days are everything that the Bible warned us about this world
What the children should be learning is reading, writing and arithmetic. Gender studies in 1st thru 3rd grades; are you kidding? The media lies and the democrats swear to it. So unfair to the parents and their children. The WOKE destroys everything it touches!
We must continue to pray for Governor Ron DeSantis and his family. I do not trust those deviants on the Left one bit! Many many of them are Sociopaths and mentally ill. Even Kamala Harris along with others like Maxine Waters are mentally incompetant to be encouraging violence in the country. To witness on a national stage Mad Max tell Leftists to harrass their opposition at restaurants is unconscionable!! That woman is insane. And the fact that other Commiecrats are all for it supporting thugs like BLM and Antifa, shows they are all insane. The lives of people who stand up to these demons are in danger! I truly believe it. Probably the reason we don’t see any of OUR representatives taking a strong stand against them; they’ve already been threatened.
I believe Governor DeSantis is still alive because God is protecting him.
I back this brave man 100% and pray that with all the attention he’s getting that he’ll stay true to his faith in God.
I pray for our Lord to destroy His enemies which are our enemies.
Just now in our State of Oregon, the demons in the legislature just passed a bill to give PPH over one million dollars to secure a womans right to kill her unborn child. These people need to be taken out!! It’s even worse in a part of Virginia where they passed a bill to allow a newborn to suffer and die on the birthing table up to 28 days after the woman gives birth. They are legalizing infanticide!!
This is TOTALLY Satanic, and they need to have more people get in their faces. And if they want WAR then we need to hit them head on with everything we’ve got!! God helped our War Machine when they needed it. Wars were won because God was our guiding light back then. We need Him now more than ever before in our time! So I hope Americans will start standing up in the millions against Satans army on the Left, and that God will bring us victory to His Glory.
And dear Lord God in heaven please help our babies and all the children in our country. Amen.
Children do need to be warned about aggression most would never have thought of otherwise.
If parents explain what they know their children are able to understand about every attack that could occur (and has occurred in someone’s life) and that saving their own lives is their job, they have a chance to grow up.
Books, even fiction, can increase a child’s understanding. However, there is such a difference between informing and promoting.
do ray me fa gg ot s
If nancy p can institute a rule to fine members of congress, then why can,t congress institute or pass a law to fine news outlets and reporters who blatantly spout lies and deception. a
I guess all democrats that have young kids 4,5 and 6 will want their babies learning something that they would not understand at a young age.
High time NOW to:
CANCEL “cancel culture”
Put to sleep forever “woke culture”
Retire all “reimagining”
GET back
The Lame-Stream media of straight skin suckers matter not.
I’ve had to correct so many of my liberal friends on this one. It’s very frustrating.
Don’t white Democrats realize that when they say that white people are racists that they, being white people, are racists too? That includes Biden and his family and Pelosi and her family.
The GOP needs to aggressively and succinctly compare, contrast, and communicate the truth vs the MSM’s made up allegations. This needs to be a regularly scheduled process to make sure there is a clear alternative and should be as free of hyperbole as possible. Use tables like Ross Perot did so people can see and digest the contrasting info. Just a suggestion!
Nicely done DeSantis and the Florida legislators. Who would want to traumatize kindergarten kids with age inappropriate sex education?
The DemonRats are the Devil’s advocates. They are evil and want the downfall of America. In no way would my conscious let me vote for any of them.
Kids in K through 3 don’t exist in social and cultural isolation. They know about Gay couples getting married, they know LGBTQ people, some of them have same-sex parents. If the subject comes up in class, I guess the teacher will just have to say, “I’m sorry, but I’ll be fired if I talk about it.”
This is simply part of a long-term strategy to dismantle to public education system. Conservatives have been at it for a very long time. They’ve been trying to get rid of the U.S. Department of Education for over 40 years. Right now the goal is to intimidate teachers so much that no one will want to teach, for fear of having parents screaming bloody murder about how their little darlings are being “indoctrinated.”
Eventually the only kids who get any kind of an education are the kids whose parents can afford to send them to parochial or private schools..
Thank God for Gov. DeSantis’ strong stance on this bill, and pushing for parents’ rights for this age children. Yes, there has been a concerted long term effort to force parents, now their children to accept whatever comes their way, now in schools. Parents, RISE UP, and defend your children from this indoctrination! It is up to you to talk to your children, not the school system. If we are ever to stand strong, it starts with taking back our rights as parents, and Gov. DeSantis knows this.
Perhaps people who want to comment on the bill should read it first.
Education- Being raised in the 60’s with the collective pride of American exceptionalism and world Test scores in Math and Science to prove it, we have truly lost the mission of education. While we fall on the world scale, others advance as they still put Math, Science, Coding and Languages.
Our culture has become obsessed with social justice issues and our kids are the pawns.
Children cannot help but be aware of these agendas, yet it has no place in class. Schools are now indoctrination camps. Our tax dollars at work. We need to get back to “education “ not shrinking the young.
I commend the Florida Senate for passing the Parental Rights Bill in Education. The educational curricula has been commandeered by liberal elitists who are obsessed with indoctrinating our children with radical leftist theories.
It is no surprise that the left is once again enraged. Are these people ever happy? I am convinced that liberals must be the most miserable people on earth. They complain about everything. This bill does nothing to denigrate gays. Its intended purpose is to protect innocent young children from being taught subjects that have no place in the classroom.
I am tired of hearing the left tell us to follow the science while making up their own pseudo facts to fit some cockamamie narrative. From the dawn of creation, man has not had the ability to determine his own sex. Humans and animals are either born male or female. Earthworms are asexual. Humans are not. To teach children that they can decide their own sex is an outright lie, an insult to their intelligence, and a sure way to destroy our children’s innocence. If parents want to take their child down that path, so be it, but it should not be a topic of discussion in an elementary school room.
When my uncle and two aunts were teachers, NEA was a “professional organization.” It is now a hard-core leftist union, which doesn’t give a d*** about anything other than promoting socialism and immorality and fattening members’ bank accounts.
Once again, Biden and his supporters are making up stories and telling falsehoods in order to push their progressive, woke agenda. Sadly, telling the truth is a luxury with Biden and his supporters. If the woke agenda isn’t pushed, the progressive Marxists see nothing wrong in manipulating the public to get what they want. The Democrats have been changed into a revolutionary idea machine. They will only tell what’s actually happening if it fits their ideology of overthrowing a Constitutional Republic. Most of the media supports this idea of destroying America, because they are mostly run by socialists and communists who are unfairly blind with cynicism and hate to the ideas and events that made the USA a beacon of liberty, humanity, and freedom.
I am with the governor of Florida 100% and the parents should take their Children out of the public school any way because it’s not the school business to teach the children about their sex.
I am so sick of the lies, the false accusations and the determined destruction of conservativism and our country. This is just one more attempt at controlling EVERYTHING America stands for. The time has come to put a stop to this nonsense.
This is an old story of the democrat aligned media doing the work of the corrupt and criminal democrat party. Governor Desantis from the free state of Florida, has had the right idea of how to deal with the corrupt democrats from day one. Meet them head on and do not hold back. The truth hurts the democrat narrative. G-d bless Governor Desantis.
AMEN ! and AMEN !!
I applaud the Governor for taking a stand against the indoctrination of children. Just teach them reading and writing and math and leave out the politics and social engineering.