AMAC Exclusive by Aaron Kliegman

Five months in, the Biden administration continues to upend America’s alliances in the Middle East, betraying all of our historic friends while cozying up to our longtime foes with moves that may prove disastrous for American interests for decades to come.
In its determination to revive the Iran nuclear deal at all costs, last week the Biden administration lifted economic sanctions on several Iranian officials and companies amid stalled attempts to resume negotiations with the regime. This decision came after Biden said he would only lift sanctions if Iran stopped enriching uranium beyond the limits of the accord. Iran hasn’t stopped, but Biden is evidently desperate for an agreement. So, he caved.
A nuclear Iran is not only a danger to the United States, but also an existential threat to our closest ally in the region, the state of Israel. Biden has apparently sought to cool relations with Israel since day one. He waited an entire month to call the country’s prime minister. The delay would’ve seemed like less of a snub if Biden hadn’t already spoken with the leaders of so many other allies — and touted those calls publicly.
Then the Biden administration went to work to undermine the Abraham Accords, a series of historic peace agreements between Israel and Arab states brokered by the Trump administration.
According to reports, Biden’s State Department has been discouraging employees from referring to the accords by their official name, erasing the name from official communications and instead using the term “normalization agreements.” The administration has also interfered in Israel’s blossoming relationship with the United Arab Emirates and foolishly returned the Palestinians, who had long kept Israel and the Arab states apart, to center stage in Washington.
Israel isn’t the only American ally in the Middle East that Biden has betrayed with his crusade to revive the Iran deal. Virtually all of America’s partners are against it — especially Saudi Arabia, which rightly sees the Iranian regime as a grave threat and regional rival.
Biden, however, does not appear to care what the Saudis want. In fact, he promised during his presidential campaign to make the Saudis “the pariah that they are.”
As president, Biden has already done much to alienate Riyadh. He imposed a freeze on American arms sales to Saudi Arabia. He released an intelligence community assessment linking Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to the 2018 murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi—a provocative and entirely unnecessary action. And he ended America’s support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
The last point is critical. For years, Democrats and the media have decried Saudi Arabia’s campaign in Yemen against the Houthis, extremist rebels backed by Iran. They argue the campaign is responsible for Yemen’s humanitarian crisis. Therefore, they’ve demanded the US cease support for the Saudis’ efforts and called for downgrading the alliance.
To be sure, the Saudi war has at times been conducted incompetently. But in decrying the Saudis, many American elites, especially on the left, miss the bigger picture in Yemen: Iran is using the Houthis to create a proxy force on Saudi Arabia’s southern border that threatens the country’s physical security, just as Iran uses Lebanese Hezbollah to threaten Israel from the north.
For all the criticism western elites level at the Saudis, the Houthis also have been vicious and brutal in their conduct of the war. They recently fired a ballistic missile at a government-held city and killed at least 17 people, including a five-year-old girl. They have failed to repair sanitation services, worsening Yemen’s cholera epidemic. They have confiscated food and medical aid from civilians to support their fighters. They have used child soldiers to field more fighters. And it is the Houthis who chant the slogan “Death to America, death to Israel, curse upon the Jews, victory to Islam!”
Nonetheless, Biden and the Democrats continue to pretend that America’s ally, Saudi Arabia, rather than America’s enemy—Iran—is the aggressor in the conflict.
As to the Biden administration’s ostensible concern for human rights, it is no secret that Saudi society has a vastly different conception of human rights than most Americans are comfortable with. However, as the Trump administration proved, efforts to encourage change are best conducted quietly, as a committed ally—not by lecturing and shaming in the manner of the Obama administration.
Bolstered by just such an approach, Saudi Arabia made significant changes over the course of the Trump administration, progress which has continued into the Biden administration. The Kingdom just announced that it has officially allowed women to live independently in a house without permission from a father or any other male guardian. The Saudis also recently said that women can now take part in the holy Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia without needing a male guardian accompanying them.
These developments herald significant progress, but neither story is being covered in the American press.
The Biden administration’s completely disproportionate hostility to the Saudis also ignores that the alliance is critical to American interests. Saudi Arabia is an important partner in counterterrorism and a significant military power in the region, a power sustained by large purchases of American arms. Saudi Arabia is also a pillar of the global oil market, which still greatly affects the American economy (even if the US imports less oil from the Middle East than it used to). And most importantly, Saudi Arabia is a crucial counterweight to Iran, which, unlike Saudi Arabia, is ruled by a regime that is fundamentally anti-American and has been waging war against the US for decades.
President Trump recognized Saudi Arabia’s strategic importance, which is why he didn’t spend his time publicly denouncing and demonizing the regime over how Saudi women dressed. Trump saw the Saudis were making progress and gave them the latitude to continue that path without embarrassing them or undermining the alliance.
Biden, however, is pursuing a foreign policy that divides the world between autocracies and democracies, with no room in between (except for dictatorships such as Iran, that is). But foreign policy is not a moral vanity. The US has important allies that aren’t democracies, especially in the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia being near the top of the list.
As Trump saw, the proper approach to foreign affairs is partnering with countries that both advance American interests and support the American-led security system (which happens to advance democracy and human rights) and opposing those countries that don’t.
Unfortunately, with Biden in the White House, it is increasingly clear that it doesn’t pay to be America’s friend — certainly not in the Middle East. The results will almost certainly be bad for America, and bad for human rights as well.
This return to “business as usual” has far greater implications for the United States and its allies around the world than just what you describe in the Middle East. The Biden administration’s resumption of the “managed decline of the United States” started under Bill Clinton and accelerated under every President up until Trump sends a clear signal to the rest of the world that the United States is passing the baton of world leader and international power broker to China. The appeasement of the United States to almost every item discussed by the G7 and then Biden’s pathetic meeting with Putin just showcased it all for the world to see.
Seeds for Ez 38 war, OT Bible
In very short order the Biden administration has brought decisiveness & mistrust around the Middle East once again…Out of pure hatred & disrespect towards Trump & his very talented group of people directly involved in bringing peace to the Middle East is nothing short of mind boggling…That Biden actually has the misguided gall to change the name of the Abraham Accords to ” normalization agreements ” clearly illustrates his ill way of thinking, sadly. Biden pours salts into the old wounds by publicaly supporting the group HAMAS with money to purchase Iranian weapons & once again showing his support to the Palestinian cause with all those peaceful missiles raining down on Israel as all of this is by design once again under a Marxist driven Biden administration for the world to witness…
Like is former boss said & I quote: ” Leave it to Joe to f**k things up. ” This is the only true statement to ever come out of Hussein’s lying pie hole…
Trump, ever the statesman, ” Peace through Strength. ” A clear ability to navigate the rough waters of working with non democratic nations, without humiliating them, i.e. the Middle East & his 100% support of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. Making Jerusalem their Capital once again as promised by former presidents but never kept. ” Promises made, promises kept. ”
These events & so many more, truly defined the Trump Presidency & he will forever go down in history as the most accomplished President in United States history…
God Bless America & President Donald J. Trump along with his wonderful family…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
The Democratic Party is now the Party of Anti-Semitism, just like the “National Socialists”, otherwise known as the Nazi Party in Germany. The likes of Ilan Omar and all her “Squad” of Jew haters have left very little to interpretation as they’ve made their ill informed rantings and have been excused and covered for by the Pelosis and Schumers. We can’t say “All Lives Matter”, because Nancy Lugosi, uh I mean Pelosi says it diminishes the BLM message. When an anti-semitism bill is introduced in direct response to her Muslim Representatives use of old stereotypes and memes, Pelosi changes any mention of “Anti-Semitism” and replaces it with the Ultra generic “Hate Speech.” How come this message isn’t being diminished? Understand the term “double standard” and maybe understand why you’re so poorly thought of, Nancy ? I know you don’t care because the end justifies ANY means. Sol Alinsky would be so proud, his playbook has been followed almost to the letter, with incredible success. Pretty soon saying you’re proud of America will be tantamount to admitting a crime in the Leftists America. Now I understand we have to replace the racist American Flag. These people are all out of their minds.
More of the Obama’s Administration Stupidity! What a disgrace, Biden is to Israel! God Bless Israel!
Good article. This should tell you who is really running our federal government. With names like Hussein, ilham , Omar, abrams, kamala. I think you all can get the picture.
Biden can not think for himself all of this crap is Barak Hussein Obama and his former COMUNIST Administration.
Biden is an (American?) traitor and will sell our country down.
It must be true, Biden sold his soul to the devil. How else can you explain his irrational behavior? He and/or his handlers are out to destroy America. Now he is trying so very hard to turn our allies against us in order to be friends with our enemies! This man is insane!
Who are we really dealing with here biden is one sick twisted deranged individual to do all these evil things its just beyond anything close to normal nowhere close to reality and harris is just as bad they all enjoy causing pain and suffering this is so messed up!
Communist party idea
PaulE has stated it exactly right. Read his comment again and take it it to heart. This is the new paradigm. It’s no longer Democrats vs Republicans. It’s constitutional patriots vs Marxist globalists. The question for us is, “How much damage are we going to allow before we say, No More! Enough! and start working to reclaim our republic?”
The light at the end of the tunnel is that the grime reaper is just steps behind thus ass wipe.
President Biden is undoing so many of the good friendships America had with other countries but unfortunately helping those countries that are our enemies.
Joey, you are going to hell!!!!!