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GOP Primed to Win Governors’ Mansions

Posted on Thursday, April 8, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

GOPWritten By: Herald Boas

The under-reported fact of current U.S. politics is that Republicans continue to control more governorships and state legislatures than the Democrats do, and this was enhanced in the 2020 election. Looking forward, the GOP’s prospects might get even brighter.

Currently, Republicans have 27 state governors, and Democrats have 23.

Two governorships are up in 2021, 36 are up in 2022. These include 9 who are term-limited — although only 3 of these are likely competitive. At this point, several races could be considered potential battleground races which might be pick-ups for Republicans, including California, Kansas, Maine, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Additionally, a competitive race could develop in Minnesota if the state GOP can nominate a strong opponent to the so far unimpressive liberal governor.

Democratic Governors Laura Kelly (Kansas), Janet Mills (Maine), Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan), Steve Sisolak (Nevada), and Tony Evers (Wisconsin) are considered so far to be the most vulnerable incumbents, and there is an open race in Pennsylvania where a controversial incumbent Democrat is term-limited.

Democrats are favored to win the two gubernatorial races scheduled for 2021 in New Jersey and Virginia, but Republicans will likely have an unexpected opportunity for a pick-up in California, of all places. The state’s unpopular Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom faces an imminent recall election. Should the voters remove him, he would be immediately replaced by someone then chosen by voters on the same recall ballot. That successor could be one of several strong GOP candidates, including Kevin Falconer, the current mayor of San Diego.

The two largest states, California and New York, have a recent history of voting heavily Democratic in presidential elections, but not only is California’s liberal governor mired in controversy, so is New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo who faces impeachment after multiple scandals which have also caused many of the leaders of his own party to demand his resignation.

If Cuomo leaves office now, he would be succeeded by a little-known lieutenant governor who would have to run in 2022.  In that case, the complicated multi-party New York ballot might enable a strong  GOP candidate to be elected governor. Both California and New York have a recent history of electing GOP chief executives–for instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger and George Pataki.

It is still early in the 2022 national mid-term cycle, but retirements from Congress continue to be announced. Some of these retirees might opt to run for governor. Reapportionment will eliminate the districts of some incumbent U.S. house members who, in turn, might also decide to run for governor.

Incumbent Democratic governors running for re-election could also face primary challenges in 2022, especially if current party divisions persist, and these could provide opportunities for Republican challengers in the November general election.

Kansas is conservative, and if strong GOP candidates are recruited in the five other battleground states, Republican pick-ups are quite likely — especially if the economy and the Biden administration falter.

Many Democratic governors, such as Whitmer in Michigan, Evers in Wisconsin, and Walz in Minnesota have seen their popularity decline in response to their rigid pandemic policies during the past year.

There is a continuous historical tension between state and federal power and prerogative — as well as the traditional tensions between the three branches of the federal government. With many strong men and women governors, a divided Congress and Supreme Court, and a new president, a rare confluence of all these tensions at the same time might become increasingly visible as we proceed to election day, 2022.

Continued Republican gains in 2022 state elections in response to Democratic efforts to centralize federal power in Washington, DC, would be a signal that the 232 year-old U.S. constitution is still alive, vital, and well.

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3 years ago

“The two largest states, California and New York, have a recent history of voting heavily Democratic in presidential elections” … and might Voting Machines be responsible for this??? The Leftist agenda is making it into the light of day. The blind are beginning to open their eyes.

3 years ago

Vote Governor Polis out of Office in 2022!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Good article, unfortunately I don’t trust the socialist party nor their voting systems.

3 years ago

We will be removing the failure whit-less in Michigan.
Her accomplishments are currently #1 in new covid cases ,#4 in covid senior deaths in nursing homes, was #17 in vaccine distribution which she blamed on President Trump( A REAL Leader)
She’s lies about following science, but has NEVER produced a fact, hasn’t fixed ANY roads, fired and paid off officials to hide covid death statistics.
Useless half-whit is a democrat partisan hack and an abject FAILURE!
BYE BYE gretchen

3 years ago

Oh yeah, top five covid state disasters, ALL DEMOCRAT govenors!!
Ny,nj,Pennsylvania, Michigan and california!!!
Not a scientific bone or understanding among them.
Self serving Failures!

Marlin Cayton
Marlin Cayton
3 years ago

Conservatives miss out by not PREACHING term limits. Back in the ninties it was limited to Congress, but we could push for it on the state level as well.

3 years ago

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Mary Barnes
Mary Barnes
3 years ago

What about Virginia?

3 years ago

WE WILL throw Wuhan Communist Governor Wolf of Pennsylvania out soon !

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

Easy to win elections—————————–when you rig the elections !!!!

Karen Millhouse
Karen Millhouse
3 years ago

Todd Gloria, our San Diego Mayor, is as democratic as they come. He is NOT a GOP candidate. He is a progressive through and through.

3 years ago

A vote for the GOP is a vote for the democrats. Support only those who challenged the election or you will be playing the RINO game all over again!!!

3 years ago

If a Republican happened to win in California and New York it would be like a prison for them because those states have an over abundance of Liberal sum in office that would tie his hands and make their life a complete nightmare. Nothing will change because the Liberals will see that it doesn’t.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Don’t count the chickens until they hatch. Long term weather forecasts aren’t very accurate. If it is to be, somebody is going to have to work hard to make it happen. You ready? Some are coming quickly. Some have legal issues involved. Some have time to work on them. Hot air and wishful thinking won’t do the job. It will be nasty.

3 years ago

Keep the faith and do not be ruled by fear. Steel your determination and you will prevail.

Oty Rodriquez
Oty Rodriquez
3 years ago

They have rigged past elections and are making plans to rig it again. They are in control. I feel hopeless.

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
3 years ago

I want every US State to be strongly Governed by a US TRUMPlican candidate

as immediately as possible

❤????????CHRISTrumpOwens and all his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022/2024 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????????❤

3 years ago

don’t count Virginia out for GOP. A lot of us are disgusted with our baby killing women raping current

3 years ago

we are trying desperately to remove Newsom, one big problem is rinos too, we need real constitutionalists in office to save America

3 years ago

Todd Gloria in San Diego is not running for governor and more importantly he’s a huge Democrat. We would never elect him as governor

3 years ago

“Looking forward, the GOP’s prospects might get even brighter.” That is dependent upon the GOP stopping the Democrats from election fraud

Jean Rosenbluth
Jean Rosenbluth
3 years ago

Thanks for the article and laying out the prospects of a GOP run in 2022 for Governors! Hope is on the way!!!

Dr. C
Dr. C
3 years ago

I would like to see Connecticut “cleanse” the socialist Demo o’ rats from its Government, but then I awaken to find that, this is nothing but a dream.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
3 years ago

It takes prayer. God will. Not let us down!
Put Something around the house like pennies, medals etc to remind you to say GOD PLEASE HELP US He will not let us down but you have to ask!!!

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

If we give the Demsheviks enough rope, they will eventually hang themselves. This will be especially true if the electorate wakes up to the façade the Demsheviks have created when in fact they have been selling a dystopian society that is directly out of sync with what America is all about and what it stands for. There is a real urgency to restore some sanity to our nation’s politics.
Governors Gruesome (Newsome) and Kumquat (Cuomo) are now in the process of imploding. Let’s hope they continue to do so and crash and burn in flames onto their self-made political pyres (with permanent good riddance to both). I expect we will also see other politicos likewise falling by the wayside as their scandals and incompetency become obvious to the electorate.
While there will be a gaggle of voters who will always vote Demshevik regardless of reality, there will hopefully be many who will come to realize that they made a terrible mistake in voting for Biden and his Demshevik handlers in 2020 and will correct that faux pas in 2022, and hopefully more so in the 2024 Presidential election.

3 years ago

This article was amusing, if nothing else. The idea that Governor Cuomo might be replaced by a Republican candidate in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by more than 3 to 1 is a nice day dream I will give you that. Yes, Cuomo is a train wreck in progress, but talking with dozens of New Yorkers, their automatic response, despite all the damage that Democrats have done to the state over the years, is to look to elect another Democrat. As they say, “you can’t fix stupid”. The nasty truth is that how NYC votes, which is increasingly voting for extreme socialist candidates at all levels on the ballot, is how the State sadly goes.

As for California, even if someone like Rick Grennell were to run on the Republican side, which he is sounding less and less inclined to do, and win the Governorship, there is still the matter of the State Legislature that is overwhelmingly Democrat. A Republican Governor would have very limited powers to get anything of substance done in California, unless the people of that state also replaced enough Democrat state legislators to break the Democrat lock on the state.

In states where the voters are more evenly split, I will admit that Republicans should have a clear advantage in the next set of Governor races. It all comes down to whether people look at the issues and performance of the candidates or whether they simply robotically march into the voting booth and vote for the last candidate’s commercial they saw on TV. I’ll ignore for the now how all this would of course become moot, if H.R.1 is enacted into law. Coin toss anyone?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Need United GOP to achieve & dump the RINOs big time
Need battle plan for 2022.
Ready now for then BUT keep looking Long Range

3 years ago

Last time I looked, Todd Gloria was a Democrat, and highly unlikely to switch parties

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Don’t count a Republican to fill the Governor’s Office in Virginia just yet. We republicans are working hard to make this happen. There has been a petition for some time to recall our Democratic Governor Northam. He is not liked by anyone I know especially when he calls for infanticide to be approved – that is let the baby be born and keep it comfortable until the mother decides if she wants to keep it, then if she doesn’t stick an option in its head and kill it. This is MURDER to me and most Virginians I know. So let’s hope that we get a good conservative Republican in that seat.

3 years ago

Any “republican” who might get elected in NY has to be almost as worthless as the democrats. At his best Pataki was barely acceptable. At his worst , he wasn’t much better than Mario or Hugh Carey was.

3 years ago

and the problem in Texas is that we elected a Republican majority to the house only to have them put in the most liberal rino they can as speaker (Again!) and to put the most liberal, leftist Democrats as chairmen of important committees & as the pro-tem speaker! When called about it, they act like it’s not a problem! Republicans screwed the pooch in 2020 & will have a hard time making any headway. Conservatives, are what we need, not more Rinos like Cornyn, Phelan, Bonnen, etc.!

Norm Busenitz
Norm Busenitz
3 years ago

When the ballots are honest.

Kaye B Johnson
Kaye B Johnson
3 years ago

I would love to see you move the red button for this post. It’s always in the way when I play the games.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
3 years ago

I’m from Michigan where Gretchen Whitmer is governor. In my opinion she’s one of the worst governors Michigan has ever had; at least in my lifetime (70+years)! I hope that those Republicans running for Governor of their home states win–and win legally.

Michael Speer
Michael Speer
3 years ago

Mississippi Gubernatorial candidate

Laura Palmer
Laura Palmer
3 years ago

I would say that BIDEN and HARRIS have already faltered badly – my goodness! Who knows where all of these immigrants with diseases, terrorists, and what-have-you going to? Rochester had many here under BO. I say IMPEACH, IMPEACH the one in the WH and the veep before they do any more damage to our country. AND impeachment should be for the governor here in NY. He is no darn good and I knew that from the beginning. He loves raising taxes. There will be more millionairs leaving as the Golisanos did 4 years ago or so. Lets get President Trump back so he can Make America Great Again as we are going downhill fast and furious.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

The administration is making unforced errors and replacing them should be coming. I fear that politics is becoming more and more unattractive. Few people are ready and able to be statesmen. There is great opportunity to quit going downhill, but rising to the occasion is vile and hard.

3 years ago

The conservative may pick up a few seats but the battle for freedom is never ending. My hope and prayers are simple ; that the new generation can see the through woke and the US government intent to reinstate racism through CRT . We have huge problem with US company’s in bed with the Chinese Communist Party. Not sure the nation can survive President China Joe

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

Elections are no longer honest and we will never win another.

3 years ago

Until Every State Removes All Internet Connected Ballot Voting, Tabulating Machines, Laptop, any type computer and All States Voter Rolls are all completely Cleaned up, USA Election will Not Be Trust able. Legal ID Should Always Be Required it is To Do Everything Else in The USA. Every Vote that is Cast in The USA Goes overseas to hard drives, this can only happen with WIFI connections. China & Iran Flipped Millions of Trump Votes to Biden, There a many thousands of pages of Irrefutable Documented Proof of this. Also Many of these Blue States Never Clean up their Voter Rolls, take Ga. for instance, They have over 1 million Illegal Voters listed, That Secretary of State Refuses to remove them, everything from dead voter’s, to underage voter’s, to no longer live in State, not Valid Citizens, and on; on. Pennsylvania has over 20k dead voter’s, just reported this past week. This may be going on in all states to some degree or the other. Voting has to comply with the Constitution Period, if not it’s not Legal. Biden up there Signing Executive Order’s that clearly Violate the Constitution, Non of Those Executive Order’s that do this are Enforceable.

3 years ago

Until we have voter I’D in place, we can’t be confident in our election process of the future. Also, until we have term limits in place for every politician in power, we will continue having fraud in our government. Some of these politicians get so comfortable in their seat of power, they get lazy & would rather agree to everything as a group instead of challenging some of the issues. It requires they put forth a little effort to debate an issue.

Michael S Bares
Michael S Bares
3 years ago

Obviously nothing in my state / Illinois will change. The corruption has been here since I’ve been a little kid. Most governors go to jail here, and the fine people of this state keep voting Democratic. Voter ID laws would help, but I can’t see that happening. I’ve stated before, that Chicago is the problem, not the surrounding counties. I vote all the time, and lose all the time. Hopefully these governors will be replaced. Our governor destroyed all his toilets in a mansion he bought prior to getting elected, to get out of paying higher property taxes. He’s part of the Hyatt family. Do you think he has any idea what a blue collar worker is ? So congratulations to all the people who voted this man in. Enjoy your tax hikes, and COVID shut downs.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
3 years ago

The GOP can win IF the HR1 bill that federalizes election rules is killed and if the states make it possible for only qualified voters to vote by tightening their laws.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

Not forgetting that the steal could have been and should have been stopped in real time in 2020, it might be possible for the GOP to again win but for the actions that have taken place to keep the steal in full motion.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Voting IN PERSON is the key to stop the thievery. I personally feel that the nation known as America is dead.

3 years ago

Republicans did not support Trump when they had the chance. Now we have Biden Harris.
Sorry GOP, the “Do Nothing Republicans” cost us our country. Look what is happening.
Are we supposed to believe more RINO BS?

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

All I see is civil war starting in the metro areas then ‘bleeding toward outlying areas. This communist rule has to be stopped by “someone.”

3 years ago

Hmm too many republicans have been in power too long. Decades too long. Too much self-interest, do they care about the American tax payer. Hmm NOT……….. They don’t even fight for voter ID. WHY?

3 years ago

For too long, both parties have had power and it has cost the US dearly, push is needed for term limits greater now than ever before. REP’s and DEM’s have the power to make the US the greatest nation in the world in all aspects, but really, what have we got in return for supporting either? Term Limits is the way to go. People have the power, support term limits for all government legislatures.

3 years ago

Without election integrity this conversation is idle chatter.

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