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God’s Hand on Donald J. Trump

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
by Outside Contributor

An inch.

One inch, and President Donald J. Trump would be dead.

One slight turn of the head.

One slight turn of the head saved Donald J. Trump’s life.

The fact that Donald J. Trump is alive today is a miracle. There is no other way to see it. His assassin had a clear line of sight. He was 135 meters from Trump. He got off multiple rounds.

And Trump was wounded. Barely grazed in the ear, bleeding profusely, Trump rose from the ground, pumped his fist, and shouted, “Fight!”

Whatever the reason – and who knows the reasons of God? – God decided that Donald J. Trump would live on Saturday.

And that demands an answer of us: Can we, as Trump has now said, unify? Can we come together as Americans? Because if that assassin’s bullet had been one inch the other way, our country would have found itself in an unprecedented crisis. The leading candidate for the candidacy, the ex-president of the United States, a man targeted by his political opposition more than any figure our lifetimes, would have been murdered on national television.

What would have come next?

It is almost impossible to imagine. Given the obvious questions about the failures of the Secret Service to secure the roof from which the assassin fired his deadly shots, given the crisis of confidence in our institutions, given the fact that Joe Biden has run an entire campaign on the basis that Trump is an existential threat to the republic – could we ever come together again? Or would the assassination of Trump have ushered in an era of extreme violence in our politics? Would it have presaged the breaking apart of our social bonds, the actual dissolution of our national ties?

God didn’t just save Donald J. Trump on Saturday. He may have saved the United States as well.

What comes next?

What should come next is a realization that Americans are, in fact, compatriots. That we share a country and a future together. The language of dissolution – the line that “if (INSERT CANDIDATE) wins the presidency, there will never be another election” – must stop. It is a lie. It was always a lie. Neither candidate on the ballot is Hitler. Neither candidate wishes to end America’s elections or send his opponents to concentration camps. I want Donald Trump to win. I’ve given money to his campaign. I think Joe Biden is the worst president in modern history. But I do not believe that Joe Biden will end America itself if he wins. America will continue to exist, and my political side will continue to fight for its principles

Joe Biden had the opportunity to deliver such a message in the hours after the Trump assassination attempt – and he failed signally. He reminded Americans of “the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics” but didn’t say the one phrase that might have given such a statement credibility: “everyone, including me.” And indeed, just the next day, he gave an interview to NBC’s Lester Holt in which he denied any role in ramping up the hysterical tone of America’s political rhetoric. Instead, he suggested, that hysterical tone was all the fault of Donald Trump. In essence, it was Trump’s own fault someone tried to shoot him.

This is an absurdity. More than that, it is morally disgraceful.

This week, Trump has the opportunity to do what Biden wouldn’t: unify the country. He says he wants to do just that. And he can do so by reminding us of the better angels of our nature and by decrying the catastrophist rhetoric that has infected our politics. He can point out that while he disagrees with Joe Biden – while he thinks Biden is the worst president in American history – Joe Biden will not be the end of America.

We will continue to live together, to work together and to be a nation.

God gave us all another chance on Saturday. We ought to take it.

Ben Shapiro‘s new collection, “Facts and Furious: The Facts About America and Why They Make Leftists Furious,” is available now. Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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John Bass
John Bass
6 months ago

Can we come together as one nation again? For me, I say yes. So long as those that have tried to destroy this great nation are punished to the full extent of the law.
There should be no getting off the hook like with Hillary or Mayorkas in the past. These people, these Democrat’s and Rino’s have committed treason, subverted the rule of law, and the will of the American people. There needs to be punishment that fits their crimes… they should no longer be able to walk away and thumbing their noses at the rest of us.
Remember they keep telling us, no one is above the law…except them.

If we can do that, then yes we can come together as a nation again and be one again.

Trump, Vance 2024!

6 months ago

Yes, the nation may have been a second chance. Will there be unification of the voting public? The ADVERSARY will continue its campaign of misdirection and cheating at all levels. Will the people wake up or remain asleep? That remains to be seen.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
6 months ago

We are very lucky! I thank God every day for saving our great President. If Trump was killed Saturday, the country would have fallen into a deep dark place. There is only one way back and that is with putting President Trump back into office. Vote like your life depends on it because it literally does!

6 months ago

Jesus stopped Peter after he missed killing the guard instead cutting off his right ear because the time was not right. The time is not right for President Trump either or this country to loose another president via assignation. God still has more for him to do.
Sad and tragic though that it cost one person’s life and two others injured. Prayers for their families for comfort and peace, for quick recovery with no lasting physical damage. I pray those traumatized get the help they need to recover emotionally.

6 months ago

I disagree that the dem party doesn’t pose an existential threat to this country. For evidence i need only cite the recent vote in which the vast majority of house dems voted AGAINST requiring citizenship to vote. Could anything be clearer? They need only import X numbers of illegals to form a permanent majority. They seek absolute power and are willing to commit treason to get it.

6 months ago

I hope the republicans get out of their Archie bunker chairs and VOTE

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
6 months ago

Being able to communicate , with allies and with. political opponents, is vital and intelligent , clear and honest communication will strengthen the Nation and. lead to positive ways of thinking and doing things. This is a good article Ben . Those of us with an appreciation of what being responsible is all about should appreciate this article. I do believe this close call for Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania is very possibly a work of God for giving us all another chance to. make things right .The strength, courage, wisdom and understanding to help build the National Character will be aided by people thinking intelligently , having courage and encouraging resourcefulness and the elements that make for good character . The United States of America is a great idea . So the enthusiasm in doing what is right and honorable should help in doing things responsibly to uphold the values that are God given , remembering the Declaration of Independence will provide the right spirit.

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
6 months ago

God blessed us again, as well as Donald Trump! Thank you Lord. Let’s pray that unity prevails and the people don’t soon forget. One of the speeches at the RNC convention Tuesday night spoke about how things, ethics, standards and traditions were in the past in our precious country, how we were basically on the ‘same wave length’ and how things had changed so radically over the past few years. We need to get back to our original basic values which our country shared for over 200 years!!! Our country was founded and grounded on Judeo/Christian beliefs and we lived by that even if we weren’t Christians, per se. No other country in the world has come as far as the USA in such a short time which shows how blessed we were!
May God bless the United States, her people and Donald Trump.

6 months ago

Trump was protected by God.
Ephesians 611 (time the bullet hit) The Armor of God.
11 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the dark powers of the world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground (fight, fight, fight) and after you have done everything to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.
15 and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of Spirit which is the word of God.
We pray for our future President as we pick up the sword of Spirit and charge forward to help him win on November 5th.

Rollin Bird
Rollin Bird
6 months ago

Great article. I do believe if the democrats stay in power and get the majority in the house, we’re doomed to becoming a 3rd world country with no common sense.

6 months ago

When Obama won, I didn’t like it. Either time. When Joe Biden “won” in 2020, same goes. But I never even considered resorting to the absolute tyrannical and crazed behavior that some of the Democratic party have let become normal! They are simply out of control and believing their own lies. They really do believe it. They have so brain-washed some Americans that those people will vote for a practically brain dead Biden. I can’t believe that anyone that will in fact vote for Biden actually loves America.

6 months ago

It seems that every single day, Biden disappoints and distresses me. Even those of us who are solidly in Pres. Trump’s camp, want to see something, anything, positive from old Joe, but he continues to prove he’s not worth a dime as our president nor even as a decent human being. He pontificated about lowering the temp and then went on almost right away to call Trump “a threat to democracy” and worse and then when Vance was appointed VP” candidate, both he and Kamala went on the attack about Vance with more nasty, absurd claims about him. (They should be as smart and talented and accomplished as J.D. Vance!) Truly despicable and contemptible behavior — do they even listen to themselves?

6 months ago

Thank you, Lord, for protection — and a 2nd-chance. Thank you, Mr. Shapiro, for your reminder. Will The People wake up and do their most to keep this USA in tact? May we all be in prayer and song to give thanks and to prep for our future.

6 months ago

God has given the United States of America a chance to redeem itself. Let us worship God and mend our ways. Make us what we were during the years of the “Greatest Generation”. Togetherness and faith in God…..

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 months ago

Even Benjamin Franklin– a supposed Deist– acknowledged that God is involved in the affairs of men. Like Ronald Reagan and John Paul, maybe God has a specific purpose for sparing Trump’s life. May he be wise enough to find out what it is!

6 months ago

Joe Biden will do whatever his “string puller” tells him to do. I think if we concentrate on removing non citizen influences from our society. Send the back where they came from. Joe doesn’t have the intelligence to do all of the things deep state believers say he does. Neither does OsamaBama.
What we need is real Americans in office. Real Americans would not allow string pullers control.

6 months ago

Wonderful thoughts, Ben. Although I can’t tolerate Biden, I feel we can’t blame him for what he says; he’s not in his right mind. Those around him are to blame for allowing this charade.

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Excellent article. President Trump is a man of GOD and GOD did save the United States of America that day along with President Trump. The United States was Founded under GOD and Principles. The two very cores of the United States of America being the most awesome Nation in the World. Thank you GOD.

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
6 months ago

Praise the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! FATHER GOD has certainly blessed his only anointed PRESIDENT of the United States of America!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Bet you think 911 never happened either… those planes were “CGI”.

6 months ago

The dems and ole Joe, O, H, P, S will never tone down their rhetoric. 8 years they have gone after Trump and his supporters and made us the domestic terrorists. The reaction of the MSM about the assassination attempt was evident how much they hate Trump. They were only sad that he wasn’t dead. The SS with Homeland security and the DOJ are stonewalling their lapse in protection. Cheatle had the balls to go and show up at the GOP convention. She is trying to tell us that sharp shooters could not go on a slanted roof. Even with the threats from Iran no more details were assigned to Trump. It went to Jill instead. No the left doesn’t want to unify. They are only happy when America is in ruin. The people have to refuse to allow them to keep going and vote them out in a landslide. Obiden cannot be president of America. Has nothing to do with being able to beat Trump. Ole Joe is done and the dems are done with power in America. Obiden has run the country into the ground by division and blaming all his failures on Trump. And if he stays it will only get worse. Take the high road Joe and resign, today.

6 months ago

I hope he’s right. But they wanted civil war. This time it back fired. But they will try again. It ain’t over til its over…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

But if anyone says anything about Islamic extremists, we’re “phobes”, right?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

A centrist is the guy who stands by a LETS things change without acting for or against it. Must be nice to be on the RIGHT SIDE of all us “fools” though? How empowering!

6 months ago

I believe this was Devine intervention and we must never stop praying for this country and President Donald J Trump.

Brent Hughart
Brent Hughart
6 months ago

Many of us are true Christians saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is time for us to become bold and vocal in a respectful way to share the love of Jesus by encouraging our friends, relatives, neighbors and anyone we meet to vote for Donald J Trump in November. We must flood the media and neighborhoods with the story of goodness and love that Jesus shared and has been the guiding influence of President Trump’s political endeavors.
May God Bless all Americans and especially AMAC members.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Show me one that doesn’t have his head up his arse like their followers and I’ll vote for him!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

I’m not religious but I don’t claim to be omniscient. Does God exist? Who am I to say? Divine interference? Dunno. But everyone’s life and death is sometimes based on simple timing or being in the right place at the right time. How many times has a traffic accident happened at an intersection you pass every day? Or a coconut falls from a tree you just got up from? Or you just happen to have a good grip on the railing of the stairs you slip on? I don’t know if there was a “divine hand” involved Saturday or not or if Trump just got lucky. At least luckier than the ppl killed and wounded were…

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
6 months ago

Team-Work ***          
     2+2 = 5
 Not {4}} 
       With Team-Work !!! 
 Is (HOW)) :
  Civilization “Will” : {Survive}}!   
 By: Veteran John Victorine ????????????

6 months ago

He should be thanking God not some India pagan god.

Soldiers silhouette saluting the USA flag for memorial day or veterans day.
Wooden gavel on constitution document. Wooden court gavel on United States Constitution document and American flag
National Assessment of Educational Progress logo with image of report card
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) poses for photographs before sitting down to lunch with Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) (3rd R) and other senators, including (L-R) Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), at the U.S. Capitol on February 06, 2025 in Washington, DC.

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