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DOJ Official Calls State Officials Like Alvin Bragg and Letitia James “Idiots” Who Run New York Like “The Wild West” And Are “All Political”

Posted on Monday, September 9, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

The political and legal world was taken by storm on Thursday when a video of SDNY Chief of Public Affairs, Nicholas Biase, surfaced on X, the social media platform, in which Biase criticized the “nonsense” lawfare being waged by Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis against President Donald Trump.  The DOJ spokesman denounced these witch-hunts as a “perversion,” “travesty,” and “mockery” of the justice system, calling them “disgusting” and “nonsense” attempts to tarnish the reputation of an innocent man, in order to acquire notoriety and fame in the process. 

Biase, who has known Alvin Bragg for fifteen years, explained how the New York District Attorney “rearranged [certain facts] just to make [them] fit” his makeshift legal theory, an entirely “political” hatchet job for the purposes of elevating his own profile. 

In just a few short sentences, Biase perfectly summarized Bragg’s modus operandi:

“He wants to be, something … a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now!”

Biase’s brutal critique of Bragg, James, and Willis – all of whom, ultimately, are marching to the drum of Merrick Garland and Joe Biden – is noteworthy for being the most frank assessment to date of the miscarriage of justice against President Trump by a Democrat-aligned DOJ official.  Biase’s withering evaluation of the unprecedented lawfare that threatens to do incalculable damage to due process and the rule of law in this country is something that many Americans, tens if not hundreds of millions of them, have long recognized, and rightly condemned, as egregiously wrong – existential threats to our constitutional order, which now teeters so close to devolving into a banana republic.  And in some places, like New York, it might already be there.

We presently have a system in which there is an alignment of interests between Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris – who have both a political and ideological interest in the prosecution and sentencing of Donald Trump, the main antagonist to the hegemony of Washington’s trenchant ruling class, and the bad faith actors on the state level – like Bragg and Willis – who are raring to climb the political ladder, and so likewise have an interest in making a name for themselves.

Indeed, Biase spelled this out explicitly: prior to the Trump case, Bragg was formerly a no-name, District Attorney identified by his slovenly public appearances with a checkered record and reputation for being lazy and not particularly bright.  Thus, the opportunity to prosecute Donald Trump, the most famous man in the world and the leading candidate to become the 47th president, offered a godsend for an otherwise mediocre bureaucrat, perhaps the only chance someone like Bragg would get in an entire lifetime to raise himself from obscurity.

It was ruthless political calculus on Bragg’s part, plain and simple.  As Biase confessed, Bragg is not content with his position as District Attorney, and has ambitions to become New York City Mayor, or some other higher office.  The problem, as with all mediocre bureaucrats, is that he possesses no extraordinary skills or otherworldly talents to distinguish himself apart from New York’s bureaucratic morass on which he is parasitically dependent. The same applies to Letitia James, who, like Bragg, is vying for the gubernatorial post, viewing herself as the true powerbroker in Albany, in contrast with Hochul, whose own fickleness has rendered her into a mostly figurehead role.  By campaigning on “getting” Trump, James’ long-term hope is that Kamala Harris will be elected, through no small part due to her own electoral devilry, then appoint Hochul to a cabinet position, thus clearing the pathway for James herself to ascend to the highest office in the Empire State, where she might wield absolute power.

Of course, either scenario would spell certain doom for New York, whose citizens now suffer mightily from the burdens exacted upon their state’s judicial system by its incompetent political leadership.  At this point, Bragg and James are nothing more than thinly veiled Marxist activists who have just over the past few years rapidly transformed New York into something more resembling Venezuela under Hugo Chavez or Castro’s Cuba.  This follows the lead of the rest of the country under Biden and Harris, which increasingly bears an uncanny resemblance to the old Soviet Union, or modern-day Communist China rather than anything recognizable in America’s cherished past.

In fact, many New York state attorneys, judges, and prosecutors – a group that includes too many Democrats to count – understand this bleak picture.  Biase’s sentiment is widely shared among so many of Bragg’s and James’ peers in New York’s legal community, a significant swath of whom despite being registered Democrats themselves, express deep worries in private about the ominous trajectory of the state under Bragg and James’ stewardship.  Many of the most distinguished state judges quietly mock James and Bragg behind closed doors, frequently calling them “stupid” and “useful pawns” of their Democratic superiors – like Merrick Garland – in Washington. In Washington, it is commonplace for senior level DOJ officials to express contempt, disgust even, for people like Bragg, James, and Willis in private conversation — a frequent label attached to them is “ghetto trash” (and this by Democrat officials!) who are “only kept around” because, as of now, Washington and various state-level DAs and AGs share mutual political and ideological interests with them — most notably, as co-conspirators to interfere with this year’s election.

This demonstrates that the nature of the relationship between the DOJ and Bragg, Willis, and James is entirely transactional.  All but the most obtuse and selfish players (e.g., Bragg and James) see it for what it is.  Immediately once their usefulness runs out, they will be quickly disposed – much like Cuomo and de Blasio before them who were put on the chopping block as soon as the powers that be found they had outlived their expiration dates and become liabilities.

President Trump said at Friday’s presser that while the “travesty of justice” – to borrow Biase’s own phrase – was a terrible thing for the country, he was happy that his example at least would “reveal” just how deeply the corruption permeated the judicial system.  New York’s legal system, once the model for the country at large, has been severely delegitimized by unworthy actors, like James and Bragg, who have demonstrated themselves to be bad-faith actors — stupid, incompetent, and evil.

They are driven by extreme pettiness and ego, coupled with ignorance and a pathological fixation to bring down a single innocent man – a noxiously fatal combination; vices that have brought greater societies to ruin.   The damage they have rendered to the public trust is, yet, unforeseeable, but doubtlessly goes far beyond New York’s discredited justice system.  And extends all the way to problems like the mounting homelessness or the historic levels of crime that now ravages New York City streets, problems which are exacerbated by DAs and AGs who neglect their fundamental civic duties and pursue petty personal vendettas instead. 

As it so happens, Letitia James is actually a subscriber of this Newsletter, which says everything about her ego and paranoia.  That her office is devoted to researching a blog which exposes and excoriates the countless improprieties of New York’s criminal justice system, of which unfortunately made a test case of the 45th President, betrays her own insecurities that psychologically arise from the truth that she did not earn her position out of merit, but through affirmative action and ruthless opportunism. 

Her ignorance is readily on display whenever she tramples on the rights and liberties of innocent Americans without a trace of self-reflection.  Whenever she – or Bragg, or Merchan, or Willis – ignores time-honored precedent and weaponizes justice to attack political opponents, not anticipating the long-term devastating consequences of her actions, consequences that might sooner or later turn against her, it only strengthens and vindicates President Trump’s critiques against them.  Namely, as individuals who, lacking wisdom and considered judgment, have plainly demonstrated themselves to be unworthy of their public offices. 

Letitia James and Alvin Bragg have violated their constitutional oaths and irrevocably breached their social contract with the public in ways that are horrific as to be beyond comprehension.  They are the physical embodiments of a failed and corrupt system, one that has abandoned even the pretext of fair and impartial justice.  This trajectory is one that will be fated for – and sadly deserving of – the dustbin of history; a destiny that it will indeed encounter, and be welcomed, if allowed to continue unchecked down a such a perilous course that has tragically made justice a casualty of those who so clearly never understood its true meaning.

Paul Ingrassia is an Attorney; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

full disclosure: I live in NY. Therefore, I’ve had a front row seat to the misconduct of Bragg and James. These people should be and deserve to be disbarred. They are a disgrace to the legal profession.

5 months ago

Yeah and this all falls on deaf ears as the people of New York City will vote them back in, just because they have a D behind their name on the ballot. Just look at the past few elections. AOC won her primary, and she should have been gone after her first 2 years in Congress. They will just continue because it is too hard to think. Know people who don’t like Biden or Harris, but will still vote for them only because 1. they are democrats or 2. because Harris is a woman, and of color. I am so tired of these “people of color” using that as a means to be above all the rest of us. She is only half black at that, and half Indian. Obama was also half white so he was the first bi-racial President, not the first black President.

5 months ago

Great Article Paul. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Something that many of us believe after following the various proceedings, motions, transcripts, and pleadings.
I agree with your conclusions that they’ll reap what they sow.

5 months ago

I can’t trust ANY NYC politician, even if they do what’s right this time. I’m grateful for his speaking out, but when you lie with rat-bastid swamp dogs, you can’t avoid getting their fleas.

Gaynell McLemore
Gaynell McLemore
5 months ago

Verry good article.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
5 months ago

For a long time now, I have been trying to make people understand that the Democrat Party, never any friend to this nation or its citizens, long ago morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA. They have nothing but utter contempt for our Constitution and our laws, and for our nation and its citizens. As is true for all Leftists, they have but one goal: Power and control, at any price, at any cost, by any means necessary.

5 months ago

Bragg, James, Willis, and their ilk are becoming infamous rather than famous. Their shenanigans to climb the success ladder will (and should) be their downfall.

5 months ago

The 3 mentioned in the article are useful idiota for the DC Democrats. If American voters do not see that, they are asleep or idiots.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

They are not idiots. Criminals ,who should be prosecuted for their crimes but will not be , because “justice” system is as crooked as they are New Yorkers are idiots.

5 months ago

Privately even insiders see these cases as garbage. If New York does not turn the law back around to its purpose to sort out complicated matters for the public good, the state will be sharply devalued.

Tammy Sikes
Tammy Sikes
5 months ago

Great article! Thanks for telling it like it is.

5 months ago

Seems a little late, doesn’t it? Forgive me if I overlooked it, but I didn’t see in the article what date Biase’s video was recorded. If it was before or shortly after the illegal indictments and kangaroo trials occurred, then why wasn’t the video released at that time AND during the sham trials? If the recording was only recently made, why did Biase wait so long? Hmmmmm…..

5 months ago

Very well said.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Not PC or polite of me to say but “way back when” there was a word for those who unquestioningly did the bidding of the “Massa” for his benefit over the good of their own people working in the fields: “Porch”

Phil W.
Phil W.
5 months ago

Alvin Bragg and Letitia James, along with so many others, truly represent, with crystal clear clarity, everything that is wrong with the country, and the frightening path that they are trying to lead us down. This was a great article.

Pat R
Pat R
5 months ago

I doubt if SDNY Chief of Public Affairs, Nicholas Biase will have his job much longer. As soon as this news of his words cools down, he will “quietly” be let go.

4 months ago

Merrick Garfinkel once protested to Congress that due to the terrible treatment his family had received from “Antisemitics”,it would be preposterous to even think that he would display any such prejudiced treatment towards others!Liar,Liar pants on fire.He is Obamas little lap dog and like Bragg and James,a disgrace to the office he holds.

Mike B
Mike B
5 months ago

I feel sorry for the New Yorkers that have to deal with this evil ignorance. Somewhere down the line this will bite them where it hurts. Living in a beautiful suburb of Illinois, Chicago isn’t as bad as New York, but it’s not too far behind. We have to deal with the idiocies of the mayor of Chicago and our Governor. Pritzker just made a deal for 2 billion dollars with a Chinese EV battery maker to build a gigafactory in Kankakee IL. Our Governor is one of the richest people on the planet. This guy never worked a day in his entire life! He’s so out of touch. Moral of the story . . . Vote these people out of office.

5 months ago

Who in the city and state of New York and the city of New York is going to stand up and hold them accountable for their actions? I haven’t heard any reporting that the New York bar association has or is doing anything to stop the nonsense.

5 months ago

racist pigs

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago


4 months ago

Thank you for your honesty! I truly do hope what they have done will also be used against them in the future. I also hope they never realize their dream of being someone bigger and better than what they are…..liars. They say what goes around cones around. I hope I live long enough to see it happen.

I truly fear for Trumps well being.

5 months ago

People in positions of High Authority will be judged at a Higher standard in this life time or next. What will they say to the Big guy? And I don’t mean that illagetiment one.

5 months ago

Yes. Blatant self-serving anti-Constitutional politically-motivated lawfare.

5 months ago

isnt funny how they fail and get a better job in the private sector you get FIRED

4 months ago

What a great assessment of the present state of affairs. At least somebody has the courage to call it as it is, congratulations Mr. Ingrassia.

4 months ago

Someday, New York may have to secede from the USA in order to protect the USA

5 months ago

Very good article. However, in spite of everything done and said to expose these evil politicians, the ignorant, stupid electorate continues to vote them in, or back into, office. If we don’t have an overwhelming victory in November for public servants with conservative,God-fearing, America-loving values, I will be very disappointed and disillusioned, and will have lost all faith in and hope for that “shining light on a hill”.

Chicago residents take advantage of in-person early voting for the 2024 general election in October 2024 in Chicago. Chicago opened its two central downtown early voting locations on October 10 2024.
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Feb. 2. 2025:USAID is the U. S. government agency that administers foreign aid and development assistance.

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