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Deranged Democrats Stir Up a ‘GOP Civil War’ Narrative

Posted on Friday, November 18, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
Civil War

Did you hear there’s a new Civil War? That’s right. It’s Trump versus DeSantis and GOPers against the Ultra Mega MAGAs and their King. It’s a horrible, terrible war in which the GOP is smashing itself to pieces, dontchaknow. According to the always reliable and fair legacy media and Democratic Party. They would never make things up or mislead Americans. Said no one ever.

The Democrats new GOP civil war narrative is dumb, but it provides the media with an excuse to ‘report’ on that instead of Biden’s embarrassing gaffes during his G20 trip to Bali. Or how the Republicans won the midterm popular vote 51%-47% facilitating their takeover of the House of Representatives. And there’s no reason to notice Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer both announcing they would not be running again for the House Democratic leadership positions.

Not only did the Democrats lose the House with a 221-214 margin, their grand plan to scare Trump out of running for president again didn’t quite pan out. The former president did indeed announce he is running for a second term adding to the media’s insistence of the calamity of the civil war.

There are so many headlines so it must be true. Googling “GOP Civil War” generates 676 million results. Axios breathlessly announced, “A Republican civil war is erupting at virtually every level of the party…this is only the beginning…”. “The Republican Civil War Starts Now” Newsweek opined with a generous topping of hope. NPR helpfully asks, “GOP Civil War: What’s It All About?” The answer? Not much. Like meringue, it looks like there’s a lot there but it’s just something whipped up on purpose to look substantial.

This new narrative is about the Democrats hoping and wishing and praying that the GOP burns itself out before the 2024 presidential race so the Democrats can continue to burn the country down without suffering any more rude interruptions, like competitive elections.

While there’s no civil war, there are differences of opinion, and some conservative leaders are indeed very unhappy that Trump is running again, and that’s their prerogative. Some have said he shouldn’t run at all. Not surprisingly, at least one expressing dismay has his own interest in becoming president.

The pathetic bitterness fueling the establishment’s desperation to keep Trump from running is a bizarre thing to watch considering the national conversation about the importance of our democracy and commitment to election security. When asked by a reporter about Trump running again, President Biden said he would make sure Trump wouldn’t take power. “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again.”

What? Can someone tell the Democrats that’s not how this works?

The nation has been lectured about Trump, his supporters, and the GOP posing a “threat to democracy” by the very same president who comfortably says to a room full of people, including reporters, that their plan is to “make sure” a candidate they don’t like won’t become president.

Exactly how would this sort of political thuggery generate the public trust a government rests upon? This is exactly the sort of corruption Americans have been so concerned about and contributed, in part, to support for Trump.

As for the GOP, its talent bench is deep and ambitious and that’s a good thing, and everyone who imagines they can lead this nation to prosperity and safety should welcome the opportunity to convince the American people that they are the best choice for president.

For those not drowning in derangement syndrome, Trump’s announcement was lauded by most as cool, calm, and focused. His tone was not as pugilistic as some had expected, drawing praise. As the “civil war” narrative was rolled out, even Governor Ron DeSantis came out and told everyone to cool their jets. “DeSantis…dismissed a reporter’s question about Republican infighting following the party’s mixed results in the 2022 midterm elections…‘We just finished this election, OK? People just need to chill out a little bit on some of this stuff,’ DeSantis said at a press conference.” 

DeSantis is admired by the Republican grassroots, and he has proven himself capable of handling the slings and arrows lobbed his way. He is impressive, and if he wants it, very well could end up in the White House someday.

Most every GOPer mentioned as a possible presidential candidate has things to crow about. But I also remember another political star, four-term governor of Texas Rick Perry, was widely expected to be the frontrunner when he announced his presidential run in 2012. And he was, until the debates of the campaign season revealed a man not ready for the top job and his support dwindled. He announced in August 2011, and was out in January 2012.

The GOP will emerge with the strongest candidate for 2024 only if everyone runs allowing voters of all parties and opinions to see the victor vanquish his or her opponents with better ideas and policy.

If certain politicians are too afraid to run against Trump, how can they confront the scourge of today’s Democratic Party? If they don’t have confidence they can convince the GOP base to vote for them with Trump on the field, how can they overcome the machine the Democrats have in place?

Like him or not, everyone should want Trump to run again so our final statement can not just be made, but be trusted by all of us. And if there is someone to whom the torch should be passed for the GOP, the only way of knowing that for sure is to have everyone compete.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

Speaking of quick exits, who can forget Scott Walker (oh right, probably everybody) who went from frontrunner to Scott Who? before he could even get a nickname.

Let’s digest what just happened and hold off on the 2024 primaries until at least 2023.

Judy Taylor
Judy Taylor
1 year ago

I do enjoy the way you express ideas, Tammy. Thank you for the warning. I prefer not to waste my time on political “fluff” pieces.

1 year ago

Divide and conquer is what the Democats specialize in. They have nothing positive to run on, so their only alternative is to try and stoke division to tear down and weaken their opposition. It’s the same play they run in virtually every election cycle. I would hope the vast majority of Republican voters would be smart enough to see through it.

If anyone thinks throwing Trump overboard is going to result in a drama free election process going into 2024, where Republicans and Democrats are going to come together in unity of shared values that don’t actually exist in reality, then they are fooling themselves. Right now a number of big money Democrats and the Never Trumpers see Ron DeSantis as their best opportunity to create a civil war within the Republican party in order to clear a path towards victory for whoever happens to be on the ballot for the Democrats in 2024 for POTUS. As soon as Trump is gone, these same players will turn their full attention to whomever they think is next on their list as a threat to the administrative state. The candidates the Democrats and the Never Trumpers leave alone on the Republican side should be the ones we should be most worried about, because those are the ones that have already sold out to maintaining the status quo.

We should all be smart enough to see through this obvious strategy that the Democrats and Never Trumpers are employing. We should instead all let the primary process play out. Have each candidate present his or her best case to the American people. Lay out all the various policies that will be used to correct the complete mess of a country the United States will be by 2024 and then have the people hopefully make the intelligent, well-informed choice as to whom they think will best represent them to achieve the best outcomes both domestically and on the foreign stage. This should NOT be a personality contest or who “looks or sounds most presidential”, based on past Republicans who sounded good during their campaigns, but turned out to be lackluster or lousy Presidents during their terms. Don’t let the Democrats and the Never Trumpers control the 2024 election voting process before it has even begun. Too much is at stake.

1 year ago

Yeah, talk about a made-up narrative! It’s not like Trump repeatedly name-called DeSantis, or bragged about his 2020 Florida presidential race numbers compared to DeSantis’s 2022 gubernatorial votes, or constantly posted polling numbers showing him ahead of DeSantis, or openly threatened to blackmail him if he ran for President, or expressed outrage that DeSantis hadn’t already stepped out of the 2024 race to pave the way for him, or belittled DeSantis by saying that he never would have won Florida without Trump’s extensive help…

Where DOES the “fake news media” come up with this BS??!?

1 year ago

TRUMP 2024
DeSantis 2028-2032

1 year ago

Well, if we’re going to start talking CIVIL WAR, I have to admit that I wouldn’t mind popping some DEMOCRATS in the butt, which most likely would be the only targets that they would show me!

1 year ago

we the people have been fed LIES for the past 6 years, and many years before that. BUT the establishment politicians BOTH parties are the PROBLEM that is trashing this country. LIES have REPLACED even a search for the TRUTH. And when any TRUTH is presented IT is ignored or defined as a ‘conspiracy theory’. 4years of President TRUMP and the Russian hoax SHOW how CORRUPT and anti AMERICAN the DOJ and FBI are. This new House MUST stop any and ALL funding to both the DOJ and FBI for starters. Local and States can see to their own security. the FEDS are UN AMERICAN that IS THE TRUTH. In your face UNCONSTITUTIONAL workings everyday. imo

1 year ago

Trump got 80 million votes in 2020; those people will vote for him again. Trump started the vow to “drain the swamp,” and no other person on earth will be more motivated than him. I hope Ron DeSantis will be wise enough not to run this cycle and let Trump finish what he started.

1 year ago

AS a MAGA supporter, I claim both DeSantis and Trump as on my side. But, I think it will be funny to watch if the RINO’s end up backing DeSantis.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

We can have a little civil war as long as all Republicans agree to support the final Republican choice, as long as they are not a RINO!
Elect a republican in 2024 and beyond!

John V.
John V.
1 year ago

Good job Tammy Bruce!!

1 year ago

Everyone, Please, IGNORE the media. There is no news to be gained from the media. All you get from MSM is LIES!, LIES! and more LIES!
I have been telling people for weeks that there is NO FEUD between DeSantis and Trump. DeSantis has publicly stated he wants a full 2nd term as governor of Florida BEFORE he considers a run for the White House. How quickly people forget what was said weeks ago, when the media flogs them with lies on a daily basis.

As for Pence being unhappy with Trump running, so what? Pence turned traitor when he certified the EC vote in 2020. I, for one, will NEVER forgive him for that and will NEVER vote for Pence for any public office ever again. I am sure I am not alone in my opinion.

1 year ago

Great point! I agree. If a GOP opponent can’t handle competition with Trump, how can they hope to deal with these Democrats?

1 year ago

We need the right leadership to abolish the Democratic Party before the Democratic Party destroys America.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

I want the best man or women to win in 2024, whoever that is period! Trump, however, is a known subject; we know what he stands for and what he will do, and in the past that was amazing. Dems are known to stir the perennial pot to agitate the opposition. That is well known and usually means they are scared. Both Trump and DeSantis are good candidates for 2024 and are probably on a collision course during the primaries, however, I bet on Trump to win. They should not attack each other personally, remember Reagan’s11th commandment, do not speak badly of another follow Republican, they should say how they are going to make things better for Americans, and who does that the best and has the best plan wins. MZ

Karen Carvell-Hutton
Karen Carvell-Hutton
1 year ago

No one should be in the office of President when they are 80 years old or show signs of dementia as our current president does.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I’m a Republican and I’m not aware of any ‘civil war’ among Republicans . So, those deranged DEMOCRATs must be trying to give hope to their own constituents . They’re not fooling us .

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

They mean the Dems civil war

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
1 year ago

The usual democrat divide to try to stay in power. F them.

Larry W.
Larry W.
1 year ago

Since the dems have accomplished zero the last 2 years they need something to talk about. Anything that will distract the American people from what they have caused, the worst fiscal and social problems of the last 50 years. And NO ONE has any inkling when it might get better. Guess what, It won’t get better because the dems have nothing good to offer, just distraction and confusion.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

I’d prefer DeSantis since he doesn’t call people names, but Trump is a fighter and we need someone to fight. However, they are still going after him, and that’s just NOT right. It’s because he knows they are evil and has dirt on them.

1 year ago

Trump announced he is running in 2024 election, but his speech came across as a bitter & angry person. He did some good things as POTUS but did some negative things also & it is time for him to step down. His daughter Ivanka Trump announced she will not be part of his political team this time around. Makes me look back at how honest she was when she testified that she accepted AG Bill Barr finding no fraud in 2020 election & then stories of how she was trying to get her father to do something during the hours of Jan 6th attack on Capitol. Both of these must have some impact on daughter/father relationship.

1 year ago

A civil war always pits one group of citizens against another group of citizens. I personally think this would be counter productive for either side.A revolution against a tyrannical government isn’t out of possibility, that however, is completely up to the corrupt elites currently residing in DC.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

The Deranged weaselcrat’s once again create another FANTASY WORLD Tale. Just as they’re telling the public that UFO’s are COMMUNIST Chinese drones.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

Biden just said in this piece that he and the democrats have to commit fraud so Trump will not be re-elected. I always thought that in a democracy, where Biden kept saying we were about to loose if we didn’t vote for him, it was the people that voted who they wanted, not the sitting president or party.
I guess they think we the people are too stupid to see through his words.

1 year ago

So there may a controversy between 2 capable Repub presidential candidates. Also, there are
at least 5 other capable Repub candidates.
The Dims don’t have this problem . They don’t have 2 candidates. Okay, name them. Stacy Abrams, John Fetterman ??
There really should not be a dim primary. Biden is all they have. The dims have developed
NO potential pres candidates.

1 year ago

Anytime Democrats spew the words, “a threat to democracy,” what they actually mean is that anyone who opposes their radicalism is a threat to their totalitarianistic style of governing — which could not be further from the true meaning of democracy. They believe that they can manipulate people into believing in their version of ‘democracy.’ However they attempt to twist the true definition, people know better. In a thousand and more ways, Democrats have proven that they can’t be trusted. ‘Once a liar, always a liar.’ A puzzling question … “How can one Democrat trust another Democrat?” … Trump does what he says and is the only one with experience in the job. He is a proven entity. Make no mistake, nasty Democrats will try to tear down and frame ANY 2024 Republican who opposes their presidential candidate (such behavior is now in their DNA). Sadly, Trump, the deepest vetted man on the planet, is still experiencing their attacks even in private life. The Old Guard politicians do not understand the non-politician Trump, and what they can’t understand, they fear. But what they can’t argue with is his ability to get the job done – despite their attempts to prevent him from doing what he promised the people.

1 year ago

continuing to foment confusion among the “useful idiots”.

Hugh A. Keller
Hugh A. Keller
1 year ago

It’s early yet!

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
1 year ago

The game plan has just been revealed! The Justice Department appointed a special council to investigate President Trump. This will be dribbled out till about three (3) months before the primaries. Then the lies will fly, the talking heads will have sweat running down their face, and the sheeplike mass will swear that all that is Trump should be pushed in to the trash. Because the dems and RINOS know that on the merits and on his record President Trump is all but unbeatable.

I personally have not cared for Mr Pence, (I and my family voted for President Trump, would have lived with Pence, if necessary). Be erngauged voters, research get the facts, not the news. Remember the down ballot vote is important.

Thank you Tammy Bruce for a timely article on point to what is being done to our Nation.

1 year ago

I was on the fence about how I felt about Trump running! That little voice of fear that it would be a bad thing was quieted down after reading this article. Now it makes sense to let it ride out and the voters decide! I believe this will strengthen the Republican party

1 year ago

It amazes me that now, not only does the liberals refer to this nation as a “Democracy”, but now the Republicans are also, we are a “Republic”.

Save Ag
Save Ag
1 year ago

I believe Roe v Wade sent many, young women especially, to the Democrats and is why the red wave became a red ripple.

DeSantis has very strict anti abortion views and I think that will make him very hard to elect compared to Trump when I believe most people support allowing early abortion, such as first 3 or 4 months. Also expect lots of horror stories, rare but not to be ignored,, about women with partial miscarriages whose health is endangered in some states due to delayed D and C procedures. I don’t have statistics but have read that late term abortions are very rare. Usually because something happened to the fetus, such as no more fetal heartbeat, but a miscarriage is not happening naturally. This can lead to terrible fertility destroying or even life threatening infection.

While abortion is not a big personal issue to me I see strict anti abortion positions as republicians losing a lot of support over this. Fetterman and Oz being one example.

Most who really want an abortion will travel for it. Let’s not lose elections over abortion.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
1 year ago

Let the GASLIGHTING begin, actually it never stops…Governor DeSantis was just elected governor of Florida & Florida along with Texas had their ballots counted by midnight on Election Day, imagine that for just a second…Once again, look at Arizona, specifically Maricopa County, so many of those Dominion tabulating machines just refuse to operate correctly in Republican districts, once again disenfranchising 1000’s of Republican voters from voting, more of the same in AZ, lest we forget NY, NJ, CT, MA, VT & all points east, for all intense & purposes, all ( still ) under Democrat control, except for NH, the GOP is the majority under her RINO governor, Chris Sununu, imagine that, even in my small state of VT, now on his 4th term as a verifiable 100% RINO governor & the best thing that could possibly happen for the Democrat Socialist Party of VT, still under Democrat control like a pair of Vise-Grips, nothing rarely if ever changes in Vermont politics…

1 year ago

I am surprised that there is not a civil war going on within the Dem Party, between the hard left pulling the party towards socialism/communism and the moderates. Sooner or later the silent majority will wake up to this fact and take down the demoncratic machine. We HAVE to!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Two years to go… They should probably start counting ballots now so maybe they’ll have the results in a timely manner this time.

1 year ago

> “…to see the victor vanquish his or her opponents with better ideas and policy.”

I don’t see how this fits the rest of the article: we’re talking about Trump? the Donald?

For two years I have harbored a hope that Mr. Trump could show us he’d learned some things and acquired some humility, but even before announcement he’s telegraphed that he’ll be taking the low road again.

I don’t know that he’d know a better idea or policy if it walked up and pinched him on the ear. Lucky for us he hates our enemies, but chiefly because they hated him first. Then in his no-holds-barred, scorched-earth approach to defeat them incidentally resulted in implementing things they passionately hated.

I’d love to hear

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

President Trump running and winning and then bringing the US back with prosperity and greatness could set DeSantis up for 2 more terms. A Trump /DeSantis ticket could set up the GOP for 3 terms of greatness driving democrats back to the depths of hades from which they came.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

someone needs to tell the democrat party and the never-trump republicans that it’s NOT up to them whether Trump runs for and is elected president again. It’s up to the VOTERS whom they work for (a fact they seem to have forgotten). If they don’t want Trump to be president again, they don’t have to vote for him.

1 year ago

The only ones who can divide the Republican party are the Republicans themselves. I am first a conservative, and then a Republican. What bothers me is how easy it is to get our team off-message by allowing the Left to frame the narrative. It never seems to fail! It’s as though Trump never did do anything worth remembering for this nation. Instead, we’re tied up in knots over his Tweets, or comments; sometimes over statements that we actually agree with. I’ve had my own issues with Trump at times, thinking that he’s made a few unforced errors. Nevertheless, I understand that most of the movers and shakers of history were men who had issues: Winston Churchill, George Patton, Andrew Jackson, and who can forget King David? There is an array of leaders who were flawed and sometimes hard headed, but they were just what was needed at their appointed time. I believe Trump is that man for this moment. I am a big fan of DeSantis, but he’s young and we’ll need him and others like him in the future. Right now, we need a pit bull who has a proven record of negotiating with enemies abroad, securing independence at home, and expanding markets to help every class of the American citizenry.

If our side allows itself to be undermined by the phony rhetoric of the Left, I question whether this nation deserves to remain free.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Where is the Special Counsel Investigation on Hunter Biden?

Dave Campbell
Dave Campbell
1 year ago

There is no GOP civil war. However, a Trump vs. DeSantis primary would be a disaster, so when you read articles elswhere supporting DeSantis to replace Trump, those are likely either Rino’s or leftists posing as conservatives. Trump 2024; DeSantis 2028 & 2032.

Tina Roberts
Tina Roberts
1 year ago

Ah, yes. Another fantaxy from the media arm of the Democrat party.
We the People must push our state legislators to change the laws, rules and regulations to make our elections fair, honest and transparent. Otherwise the idiocracy will rule over us forever.

1 year ago

The reason even republicans don’t want Trump is because they have the perfect president to show them the way in Washington. They all are there to steal as much money as they can and Trump would be there to look out for the American people. No president in my lifetime has accomplished the positive things he did in 4 years, much less 8. The man is a billionaire, though he doesn’t really want to be seen as that because he has the common man’s interest at heart. The swamp has no use for an honest man. That is just old fashion, white, fat, old men, that the left blames for how bad everything is in the greatest country on earth. We probably are all to stupid to give Trump another 4 years, after all he corrected a lot of the damage of 8 years of Obama, and he could correct more damage than Biden will do in 4 years if we survive as a country until he is out of office. If 40% of the republicans stay home and don’t vote, like they did in the mid term elections, we won’t have to worry about any republican being in the white house. I still think our law makers should be alcohol and drug tested, and not be allowed to serve if on anti-depressant drugs. Clear thinking is more important by our law makers than our air line pilots. You may not think so, but take a look at Kamala explaining that local banks are local, and how we need electric school buses.

Robert Clark
Robert Clark
1 year ago

Media is attempting to create the narrative that Republicans are fighting. MAGA conservatives are not bending or breaking. Rino’s wanted to lose and did their best. We still got a lot of people into office. There will be more next time. Fight the fraud elections and demand redos. The media narrative will fade and they will concoct a new one

Shelly Hall
Shelly Hall
1 year ago

The best outcome would be for Trump to select DeSantis as his Vice. The Republican party would be absolutely undivided and unbeatable. We would have control of Washington, and put our country back on the right track.

1 year ago

The Republican Party needs to remain UNITED, focus only on the issues, and win over the Independents to reverse the the horrendous policies of the Democrats. We do not need a bloated government that allows open borders, energy dependency, government bailouts, unreasonable burdens to taxpayers, foreign policy cowardice, high crime, defunding the police, abandoning our troops and assets, pushing radical/perverted materials to our children/grandchildren, socialistic ideals, etc….. Creating the sense of a Republican Civil War is the next strategy that the Democrats are baiting the gullible MSM and are confident that they will run with it.

1 year ago

Trump is a lying cheat and a big time crook.

1 year ago

New civil war ? This has been going on since the election of Obama in 2008.
That’s 14 years ago. nothing new.

NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby attend a press briefing Tuesday, October 3, 2023, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Oliver Contreras)

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