
Newsline , Society

“Convicted Felon”

Posted on Friday, June 28, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr

Democrats just spent 50 million dollars to call Donald Trump a “convicted felon,” thinking this is their ace in the hole, an unconstitutional sham trial in New York, cruising for reversal. The money is wasted. Democrats do not get it. If fake felonies are used to prosecute political enemies, all Americans are susceptible to being felons – for their beliefs.

If Trump wins in November – assuming projected turnout, swing state trends, and minimal corruption – Democrats will shame the nation, say laws no longer matter, convictions do not matter, as he was a “convicted felon” and won anyway.

But that is not how a majority of Americans see this conviction. They see it as fake. When 85 percent of the nation thinks – as a recent Pew poll suggests – that those in power “do not care about them,” trust is rock bottom. America sees its elected leaders, especially in Washington, as untruthful, self-serving, and corrupt.

Even putting aside Tammany Hall-era corruption, and zero accountability for the White House, Congress, state legislatures, and governors, something else is afoot.

We live in a time of profound doubt in our leaders, cynicism bordering on contempt for those who pretend to do public service, then serve themselves. These leaders taint their institutions, White House to judges, which bleed legitimacy.

When the average mother or father would not trust the President, Surgeon General, or local judge to babysit their kids; when they do not trust the head of Homeland Security; when they see an Attorney General (still) pushing a task force investigating parents at school boards under a terrorism law, trust is gone.

Gone are the days of Lincoln, TR, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, Reagan, and GHB Bush. Gone is Ephram Zimbalist, Jr. in his red convertible pulling up to the FBI for America. Gone is Andy Griffith the impartial sheriff and judge. Gone is trust.

Gone too is the legitimacy of the judicial institutions we once trusted. Today, only the military, field-level law enforcement, and Supreme Court hold legitimacy, and Democrats seem determined to shred that also, bring all down to their level.

No wonder a leading New York legal publication in 2020, the New York Law Journal, described New York judgeships this way: “…to become a judge you must contribute to the political party … and avoid controversy. Judgeships are essentially for sale, and all the lawyers know it, even though the public does not.”

That was four years ago. Today, complaints about judicial corruption in New York, articles and cases filed – disposed of by judges for other judges – are inordinately high, corruption constant. New York is home of the highest public corruption in the nation. But no matter, Democrats used it to good effect, have a “convicted felon.”

So, now we come to those two New York judges, and bizarre Trump trials, one destroying predictability for business in New York, the other subverting predictability in criminal procedure, a fake felony based on a fake statute of limitations, and two unproven misdemeanors allowed to destroy a Republican candidate for president, goal of prosecutors’ campaigns. Does it get more corrupt?  

As a former New York attorney myself, schooled at Columbia Law in the dark ages of public integrity, once practicing there, the legal absurdity behind these rulings is eye-popping. They are a sham, a miscarriage of impartiality, and everyone knows it.

Still, Democrat lawyers are a mum to one, the dirty job done … so they think. The idea is – apparently was – to get Democrat prosecutors to move in waves, two in New York, one in Georgia, one federal, all to disable, label, and bankrupt Trump.

Once they got him convicted of anything, even on fake charges, if they did not bankrupt him, they could sully him as a “convicted felon,” and bang! They win.

Only …not so fast. New York’s judicial corruption, compounded by regional bar associations threatening attorneys like me – also a Connecticut attorney – for impugning the two outcomes, makes a complete mockery of judicial impartiality.

To be blunt, these two trials were no better than a bad joke, a miserable exercise in procedural abuse and partisanship, the most anti-democratic, ethically indefensible displays of courtroom lawlessness most have ever seen, even if they say nothing.

So, what is going to happen? Why does no one care Trump is labeled – and why are Democrats spending 50 billion to repeat “convicted felon?” Why do those who should care not care? Because the trial, transparently, was a sham, the outcome was a sham.

Bottom line: If the question is legitimacy, or who do Americans trust more –corrupt prosecutors and judges or Donald Trump? – they choose Trump. That is what polls show. Democrats do not get it, cannot gild the lily. If felonies are made up to prosecute political enemies, we are toast, all felons. That is not America.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Steve Colin Zeigler
Steve Colin Zeigler
6 months ago

Great article. Thank you. These things seem to happen when society takes God off of the table. People lose sight of right and wrong, and why right matters to people and societies.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
6 months ago

Very important article Robert, you assembled the pieces of this fragmented situation with the corrupt elements of the system ( the Election system ) to present a clear picture of what is — and what should be. In the summer of 1963 , at age 13 , just about four months before the assassination of President Kennedy , I started to read the book ” Profiles in Courage ” that John F. Kennedy wrote when a Senator . Truthfully I understood about half it, the other half was way over the heads of the majority 13 year olds I reckon, but I started to consult the encyclopedia Mom and Dad had the wisdom to invest in several years earlier and research was underway — in order to gain a better understanding of the workings of the Senate , and the government in a general sense. , So, thought I would mention that because the missing element in so much of what is happening now is Courage. And a few other qualities that make for good character, like Integrity, Loyalty, Honor . There is Hope ,I do believe things can. turn around and the Nation will regain the strong sense of National Character to stand up for what is ethical, and good and right and honorable. That is another way of saying that the enemies of the United States , foreign and domestic, will not redefine what America stands for. As you wrote ” Gone too is the legitimacy of the judicial institutions we once trusted.” Well, there is a great project to look forward to — rebuilding that trust. In the spirit of Truth and Liberty.

6 months ago

The reason that the Left can’t convict Trump, he hadn’t done anything wrong.Trump is still standing, why? Because he is not guilty. He has a clear conscience. Ole Joe does not. He lied from day one. All the money allocated to Build Back Better hasn’t brought us a thing. Just designation of racists bridges and roads and overpasses. Even trees, everything is racists, but the trillions of dollars where are they? In the Ukraine. Ole Joe said last night it was not all cash a lot of it was weaponry and bullets. Still cost US dollars Joe to produce these bullets and now our soldiers are short of bullets themselves. Your reasoning is circular logic a 5th grader could explain to you what is wrong with your thinking. And everyone is on to you. All show but no substance. I never laughed so hard when Jill said to you after the debate “good job Joe, you answered all the questions”. Excuse me this is what you expected from him? He is the president of the United States, damn it. I was not expecting much but this was the lowest of low dumbest of dumb performance by a grown man in a position of power. And he has his hand on the nuclear button?

6 months ago

RBC, late today, getting ready to be on the road. Enjoyable article. Despite everything, the last possible line of Demos defense is to pollute the polls with lots of counterfeit votes/ballots.

Have a good weekend.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
6 months ago

It looks like the corrupt elements of the Election system are interconnected with many other wrong- doings. This is not to be compared to a puzzle — it is not a puzzle how good government should operate.Things are fragmented intentionally — part of a strategy for the corrupt pro- Communist liberal left to gain control in any way they see available. .So, ethical standards , and determination to defend the United States of America need to prevail.This article identifies what needs to be done.Praise for Robert Charles and others who see the responsibilities required to fix what needs to be fixed – in keeping with the ideals of Faith, Family and Freedom.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

The democrats also don’t seem to get the fact that the American people who support Trump despite a guilty verdict know a blatantly unfair trial when they see one.

6 months ago

President TRUMP still has my vote!

Irv C
Irv C
6 months ago

It’s simple, DemocRATS have all but destroyed or democratic republic. If Trump doesn’t win we are finished

Paul W
Paul W
6 months ago

If felonies are made up to prosecute political enemies, we are toast, all felons. That is not America.
I’m 100% in agreement; it’s NOT America…it’s banana republic tyranny and the courts are operating at the behest of, and in conjunction with, this authoritarian regime. Sans a genuine miracle (a victory in November alone will not suffice to remedy this raging dumpster fire), we are indeed toast. God have mercy on us.

6 months ago

That moment was more than “rich”, the current White House resident (Presidents need to be elected in this country, not just selected by a cabal), head of the Biden crime family, and “Democrat” party “dis”organized crime syndicate calling President Trump a “Convicted Felon”, we’ll see how he feels about it once he’s sporting his new orange attire.

Jim & Beverly Chaney
Jim & Beverly Chaney
6 months ago

If, in fact, a court can ignore statutes of limitations on misdemeanor charges against a much-hated political enemy and escalate those same charges to felonies, then there is little surprise that a jury in an area with nearly unanimous thinking to that of the prosecution and the jurist in charge would find anything other than guilty. Add to that an activist judge taking actions in the court case that offends nearly all legitimate practitioners of the law, then no surprise of a gag order against the defendant $10k in fines for alleged violations. To top it all, the defendant is a former US President who is also the likely nominee opposing an incumbent POTUS who clearly celebrates the “legal” shenanigans of this kangaroo court. If judicial officers in my local jurisdiction disregarded responsible jurisprudence, I would anticipate our State Governor to investigate and take corrective actions up to an including removal of these bad actors, regardless of the political party of the sitting Governor. Of course, in my State of West Virginia, judges and other judicial officers are elected in non-partisan elections, as all states should follow!

6 months ago

Some facts: Biden took US classified documents as senator and VPOTUS which is illegal; Hillary Clinton organized and paid for a fake dossier against Trump when was running for POTUS; Clinton also put classified US documents on her pc and never charged and neither were the 51! So this is only a few of those who have received special privilege of not being held accountable. I didn’t get into the latest that’s later!

6 months ago

I always thought that to be a so-called “convicted felon” you have to be “Guilty” of a crime? What crime is Trump supposedly Guilty of? Oh right, I forgot that he’s the Republican Party leading Presidential candidate and because of Lying Jack*** Joe Biden’s terrible record the Democrats want to try to convince voters that they shouldn’t vote for a “convicted felon”! Trump’s “revenge” would be justified after their phony conviction and I hope he gets “revenge” after he gets Re-elected!

6 months ago

The DemonCrats will stoop as low as needed to besmirch Trump. They have no conscience or shame.

6 months ago

Many Democrats believe Trump is guilty of 34 felonies and will Not vote for him for that reason. I was shocked to find that out (from democratic friends & relatives). Many more will be swayed by the Abortion issue – they have never had an abortion and never will (many are to old). But what about the poor women that need one and will die without one. The brainwashing is as complete as the brain washing for the Covid shot was. and add to that voter fraud, it happened here in Wisconsin why not all over.
i pray the world wakes up and elects an honest president.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
6 months ago

Republicans have countered the Democrat “convicted felon” charge. They now simply place an adverb before the charge. “Wrongly convicted felon!”

6 months ago

the left are lame idiots – plus you can’t be a convicted fellon if you have a mock judge and jury and mock issues – nothing was proved

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Biden is the future Convicted Felon

David Delia
David Delia
6 months ago

The democrats have no morals for this country and the American people. As the famous Who song goes [don’t get fooled again.]

6 months ago

pray Trump 2024 and the republicans minimal corruption occurs to save America

6 months ago

Although I have supported Trump in spite of himself, I became very suspicious of a nefarious intent when all the different charges against him were made in a short amount of time. The democrats skewered themselves with that overkill. Since then I have read and heard some credible information about the deep state being governed by agencies in or government that has been going on since the 1960s or before. I’m not sure this can be overcome, but I have to be hopeful, as it’s too depressing to be otherwise.

6 months ago

“Convicted Felon” is what many in the Biden Administration should likely be, for using the mentally incapacitated “President” to “rubber stamp” everything THEY wanted to accomplish on behalf of the DNC… and maybe themselves.
Now that Biden’s cognitive issues have been exposed to the world, the question of what classified information has gone to China, Russia, et al, during his term, should be very much on the minds of those who should, ordinarily, be guardians of that information. In addition, Biden’s illogical “executive orders”, such as, for instance, our tragically open southern border, cannot possibly be considered valid.
We have, for almost 4 years, had a mentally incapacitated individual at many gateways to the highest levels of influence, national defense information, and who knows what else. It appears most likely, since Biden’s condition was kept out of the public eye, that enormous amounts of this information and influence could have been surreptitiously tapped by Biden confidantes with zero access authorization.
The bottom line? “Democrats” must never again hold elected office.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
6 months ago

That’s all joe has. He cannot stand on his miserable record so he must attack with every means at his disposal.

6 months ago

Great article Robert, The debate woke up some Dimocraps, the rest are brain dead and will still deny what they see with their own eyes. It is surprising that the DNC allowed the debate, or that CNN would televise it, without first editing out anything bad or negative by Bidumb, but of course, if they did that there would be nothing left to view!

Patriot Musing
Patriot Musing
6 months ago

This is what The Biden White House should quote, a part of – President Lyndon B Johnson’s speech Mar 31, 1968 = “with America’s future under challenge right here at home, with our hopes and the world’s hopes for peace in the balance every day, I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office: the presidency of your country.

Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.”

Then, with this remove Kamala Harris, from the 2024 Election Platform for Vice President… If there is an issue, disqualify her under the 26th Amendment – given her totally erratic pronouncements, behavior, and questionable intellectual decisions, she should not be qualified by mental health standards -to hold the office of the US Presidency- out the door -dismissed- then- the US House Speaker is appointed VP – As, He, Biden himself, acknowledges, his short comings, requests his removal from office… under the 26th Amendment — 6 months in office for the Speaker /VP/President – The MAJORITY of Biden’s Appointments are removed from their positions – The former Speaker/VP/ now President, asks that the US House initiate a review of the 2020 election -if/should it be found/ a collusion & organized corruption was done by predominately by operatives of a Regional Cabal, State entity, local group, affiliated with or part of a legally sanctioned political party — Then, RICO laws & statues should be brought into effect -Organized Crime- The now criminally found political party would be wiped out – Federal/State/local levels of government -remove all of them before- November 2024- 2024 Trump vs. ? Dem nominated Presidential Candidate -Will it be (?)- our 1st honest election – maybe – but we would seek to have the old corrupt elements of political parties – GO!

6 months ago

Joe Biden – Un-convicted felon, thief, liar, swindler, scumbag.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
6 months ago

Like I said before and I will repeat it “THE DEVIL IS RUNNING THIS NATION RATHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT”

6 months ago

Does Anyone Realize Exactly HOW Much Money OUR Government WASTES On BS Like This?? Add In the Trillions Given to Their Best Buddies During The CHINESE VIRUS! IN PPP Money, In Money They gave Out As “LOANS” & Then Said, Oh No, No NEED To Pay It Back!! Do You All Realize WHO Trillions Went TO?? Hint, NOT Republicans Or “Republican Institutions!”…Do You All Realize How Many BILLIONS Have Been SPENT & Given to ILLEGALS, LAW BREAKERS? To Get Them Here, Then, PAY THEM?! How ABOUT Those…NGO’s?! NON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES….Aka More PIMPS & HO’S….Given Again, BILLIONS!! Upon Billions TO…Help The Obiden & Globalist REGIMES to Fundamentally Transform America & Be Paid For the AMERICA’S Great REPLACEMENT! Do You All Realize ALL Added, Plus All the MILLIONS Spent, No Wasted On ALL THE Weaponized Manufactured Indictments, Raids, Locking Up Of Conservatives, Trump Supporters, PARENTS Thru FBI, DOJ, CIA, All Those TRILLIONS & Trillions Of Dollars COULD HAVE GONE TO “”FIX”” Homelessness & Make Sure No One in The WORLD Went HUNGRY! DO You Realize How Every “Country” There Are, Extremely Wealthy, Those Who have More than Any & Yet, There Are Also Those Who Have NOT ENOUGH TO EAT To Last Them A DAY?…In SAME COUNTRIES & Territories?! These Are ALL The Same…EXCEPT FOR…..AMERICA…But, Given Any More Time With Those INVOLVED IN the STEAL IN OUR COUNTRY, We’ll BE THE SAME! Our Crime Stats ARE THE SAME NOW…They’re Just LYING & Covering It ALL Up Like EVERY Number They FUDGE….Wake Up People, This Election Is More Important Than Even 2016 Or 2020 Ever WAS!….THIS IS IT!! To Coin MICHAEL…THIS IS IT..

6 months ago

Would you buy a used car from Joe biden ?

Mike DA
Mike DA
6 months ago

This is a great article, thank you for sharing this inciteful perspective. I hope people see the facts and understand the obvious BS!

Betty Gennell Dykes
Betty Gennell Dykes
6 months ago

A convicted Felon is better than a Criminal that’s destroying America. Biden is a felon he just hasn’t been convicted.

6 months ago

Thank you for having the courage to speak out and publicly and clearly publish the truth!

6 months ago

At least the supreme court is pointing out that courts matter. U.S. legal system needs cleaning but it is still there. What a disaster we have right now.

6 months ago

so what can or will be done? We have heard this many times but there is nothing said about what can be done. When we vote there are judges up for reelection and there is not one person competing against them. So do we continue to complain? Continue to hear about this but still do nothing. This is the roman times when the rise and the fall of America becomes a reality.

Millie M Eriksson
Millie M Eriksson
6 months ago

AMEN!!! I have donated all I can to those I support, but will continue to support those who uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land. Thank you!

6 months ago

Democrats have become DEMONRATS.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

If being a “convicted felon” is something to be ashamed of, start with your son, Hunter… and wait until the IRS trial! Then Hunter can be “jailbird” as well.

6 months ago

50 million, not 50 billion as written at the end of the article.

6 months ago

Unfortunately it’s not just Democrats – too many Republicans – established republicans – follow the same thing.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
6 months ago

Again, God Is NOT Finished. He’s Just Getting Started. Watch bad guys fall like houses of cards, dominoes. God Prophesied these & He Is Fulfilling them. He Also Promised at least 1 “suddenly”, when bunches will be slammed down all at the same time. He Does things in ways so that NO ONE can take credit: everyone KNOWS ONLY GOD COULD “PULL THIS OFF”. TO GOD BELONGS ALL THE THANKS & CREDIT & PRAISE & WORSHIP!!!!!!!

6 months ago

The judges and the attorneys participating in this crucifixion all need to be disbarred and asap! That may include Merrick Garland…

6 months ago


6 months ago

Yes! Trump is now a convicted felon but aren’t the democrat party the one’s who have forgiven felons, restored there rights to vote, don’t require bail, raised the amount you can steal to $ 10,000 before they will even charge you. Where is there compassion for Trump who didn’t even commit the crimes he’s accused of.

6 months ago

It is time to exercise the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. Enough of this folly. Read Calvin Coolidge, July 1926, in Philadelphia. He has he right words in that speech.

6 months ago

dems have asked consevatives to indict biden. they said it worked so well for Trump that if we don’t indict biden they will look us up.

John Shipway
John Shipway
6 months ago

Weird the missive on reading JFKs self aggrandizing book and weaving that into his assassination. I was however old one is in 4th grade and I recall EVERY student in class going into an excited frenzy of joy when the principals voice came over the intercom telling us of the assassination but we all keyed in on his informing us that “school will let out as of now and for non bus riders we will contact your parents to come pick you up”. This excitement was exceeded further when we found that there would be no classes the next day either.
Presidents are good for something after all.

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