
Newsline , Society

CBS Caught Red-Handed

Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Here’s a great example of why the media is so widely distrusted. Speaker Mike Johnson taped a 15-minute interview with CBS, and they strategically cut his five most effective minutes. He posted the complete and edited answers side-by-side on X, and they are all worth a watch. You can see it by clicking below!

Reprinted with permission from Unleash Prosperity

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

I don’t have cable TV, so I catch up with programs and news through YouTube. When I search for “Bartiromo”, for example, YouTube shows me dozens of old episodes, going back months or years. Clicking on one might bring up several others that are more recent.
A search for “news” brings up all the MSM–none are conservative. When video shows something the dems would not want aired, YT pastes a photo of a waving Trump over the video.
I tried to watch the 60 Minutes episode where their editors altered the content of Harris’ answers. Even on a Fox news program, they were about to air both versions (the original video plus the altered video), but YT would not air the original version.
When media refuse to air the REAL content and manipulate the “news” we’re able to see or hear, they should lose their licenses.
Next up–they want to get rid of AM radio in cars and trucks. Rumor has it that Soros wants to buy 200 stations. Call your congressmen!

3 months ago

As usual, MSM is just following the orders of their owners/superiors.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

CBS was caught Red-Handed lying when Clinton got in office. Got even worse with Obama and today, well, the only truth CBS tells is their news logo.

3 months ago

“Let he who is without sin ,cast the first stone”.

3 months ago

The same jackals that try to tarnish Trump swept the serial rapists,Bill Clinton’s crimes under the carpet.

3 months ago

Like “The Gaurdian”,an English rag unfit to grace a homeless toilet,the FCC has become a cesspit as has the FBI,FB OF F A T.under this corrupt regime.Every member of the DNC and party are pond scum.The Whore who has come forward to accuse Trump is exactly that,a whore and a liar.

3 months ago

How come some of my comments with no derogs or bad words is not printed? Are you censoring too?

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

MSM is just an arm of the democrat party. Their playbook is predictable.

3 months ago

It appears there is a cabal, of sorts, including propagandists conspiring to change the face of America, so that there is no two party system. Only demon-crats will be left to run the show. Anyone catch the scent of revolution in the air?

3 months ago

Absolutely ridiculous how the MSM doesn’t want the truth to be told. What are they afraid of? And why do they want you to live like this?

3 months ago

Yet another example of election inference from the lame stream media.

roger h h
roger h h
3 months ago

ive always preferred nbc

James Dean; Rebels Without a Cause
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