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Brazil’s Sudden Abortion Extremism Is a Lesson for America

Posted on Saturday, January 28, 2023
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis


Brazil’s new left-wing government under the presidency of Lula da Silva announced last week that the country would be withdrawing from the Geneva Consensus, an international anti-abortion declaration signed in 2020. At the same time, the government is discussing new laws which would dramatically roll back protections for the unborn. Both moves break Lula’s promises to pro-life Brazilians and threaten to make Brazil a haven for late-term abortion in Latin America.

Under the leadership of former President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil adopted many pro-life policies and allied with other conservative world leaders like President Donald Trump to protect unborn life. As a signatory to the Geneva Consensus Declaration, Brazil affirmed that no international right to abortion exists and “in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning.”

But in January 2021, just days after taking office, U.S. President Joe Biden withdrew the United States from the declaration. Lula’s move to follow suit was seen by many as a first step to reverse Bolsonaro’s pro-life policies.

The Lula government has also revoked a Bolsonaro-era requirement that hospitals report abortion procedures to the police and is reportedly considering regulations that would effectively allow abortion up to the moment of birth while also releasing abortion providers from liability for complications resulting from dangerous late-term abortion procedures.

The two key figures leading the radical pro-abortion charge within the Lula government are Nísia Trindade, Lula’s Minister of Health, and Nésio Fernandes, the Secretary of Primary Health Care at the Ministry of Health. During the electoral campaign, Ms. Trindade promised to reverse Bolsonaro’s pro-life policies, which she said offend “sexual and reproductive rights.” Mr. Fernandes also pledged to repeal supposedly “retrograde” measures to protect unborn life.

Following the strategy of abortion proponents in the United States, Fernandes has also used extremely rare cases to justify a broad policy of allowing late-term elective abortions. He has proudly touted his role in “winning” an abortion for a 10-year-old who was raped by her uncle and became pregnant in San Catarina in 2020.

Given Fernandes’s background, it is perhaps unsurprising that he holds such abhorrent views on unborn life. Fernandes was a scholarship winner of the Communist Party of Cuba and graduated as a medical doctor from the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana. According to Brazilian senior political journalist Gabriel de Arruda Castro, Fernandes has also openly praised the Cuban dictatorship, repeating Che Guevara”s greetings: “Hasta La Victoria Siempre! (Ever onward to victory).”

Fernandes has also always seemed more focused on politics than medicine. As a physiotherapy student in 2004, a program he dropped out of, he ran an unsuccessful campaign for councilor in his hometown of Tubarão. In 2018, the voters again refused to elect him as state deputy for Tocantins. He was also the state president of the Communist Party of Brazil.

Communist governments have a long and sordid history of imposing radical abortion regimes on their populations. Despite Catholic solid influence in the country, late-term elective abortions up until the moment of birth are widely available in Cuba and are paid for by the government. In 1920, the Soviet Union became the first country in the world to legalize the practice. Communist China also has a shameful record of forced abortions, and today has one of the highest abortion rates in the world.

According to the Brazilian Association of Conservative Lawyers, the changes proposed by Trindade and Fernandes would likely make Brazil’s abortion laws the most liberal in the Southern Hemisphere. The organization also published the declaration denouncing Lula’s government and the decision to withdraw from the Geneva Consensus. “[We] stand for the uncompromising defense of life from conception, as Article 2 of the Brazilian Civil Code says, that safeguards the rights of the unborn child,” the lawyers asserted, calling upon the government to resume the fulfillment of “its constitutional mission to protecting life from conception.”

For Lula, the move to abortion extremism represents a sudden shift after expressing pro-life sentiment during his campaign last year. “Not only am I against abortion, but all the women I’ve married are against abortion,” Lula said ahead of the second round of presidential elections last October. “And I think almost everybody is against abortion.”

Lula also published a personal letter to pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals shortly before the election, declaring that he would defend life. “Our future government is committed to protecting life in all its phases,” the letter read. “For me, life is sacred, the work of the Creator’s hands. My commitment has always been and will always be with its protection.”

The letter was read aloud in São Paulo at an event with around 140 evangelical leaders representing 35 Protestant denominations. Hundreds of Catholic parishes distributed it along with a photo of Lula accompanying Pope Francis.

Many Catholics within Brazil have loudly protested Lula’s betrayal, with the Brazilian National Conference of Bishops saying that such a policy shift would have far-reaching and disastrous consequences, calling for “wisdom and balance.”

“Any attack against life is also an aggression against the Democratic State of Law and constitutes an attack on the dignity and social well-being of a human person,” the bishops emphasized.

Nonetheless, Lula and his communist-inspired lieutenants appear poised to ram through their radical changes. It is another important reminder for pro-life individuals in both the United States and around the world that progress in defending life is often only one election away from reversal, and defenders of the unborn must remain ever vigilant.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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2 years ago

Of course Leftist governments lie to their people that is who they are. They attack the most vulnerable in an effort to destroy the foundation of human rights in place. They are evil plain and simple.

2 years ago

Oh my goodness

William Wood
William Wood
2 years ago

The problem with abortion is that all these militant abortion loving Marxists weren’t themselves aborted at birth.

Josephine Pasquarelli
Josephine Pasquarelli
2 years ago

One election away indeed.

2 years ago

Theirs will be dealt with when they meet their maker. Hopefully SOONER THAN LATER!! Baby killers will have no seat in heaven . Most of the left leadership in the US will suffer the same fates. Hell will be forever!

2 years ago

Guess America is following Brazils lead, ehh ?? One election away, indeed !! We’ve had our “One Election” !!

2 years ago

Elections matter. Even in Brazil. No one should be surprised by what occurs, when a corrupt socialist is returned to power in a country he nearly completely destroyed the last time he was in power. Of greater consequence is that Lula is now pushing to share a common currency and other economic links with bankrupt Argentina, another corrupt socialist regime, that may finally yield the “equality of outcomes” (universal poverty and misery) that is the dream of all authoritarian regimes. Of course very little of this news is ever mentioned by the vast majority of the MSM in this country, as it would serve as a cautionary warning to the gullible sheep in this country that have been conditioned to crave a socialistic form of government.

Keep sticking your head in the sand fellow Americans, as the number of free nations around the world keeps shrinking. Your rights and freedoms only exist as long as there are people willing to defend them against those that seek to enslave you for their benefit. Enjoy the weekend.

2 years ago

Politicians are conniving, dishonest liars. They say whatever the public wants to hear and get in the office and do the opposite.

2 years ago

As Paul E states below, Socialism continues to raise its ugly head and shows the consequences of idiotic actions by socialist leaders. With all the evidence out in the open, why are Americans IGNORING ALL THE WARNING SIGNS and MARCHING TO ITS INEVITABLE FUTURE DESTRUCTION as a nation?

2 years ago

If you don’t insure honest and unrigged elections, you don’t have a democratic government. What you eventually have is some form of Communism or Nazi governance. The USA citizenry better start taking strident steps to ensure that elections can NOT be rigged.

2 years ago

What would you expect when even the Pope (Brazil was a Catholic country, right?!) refuses to condemn and ex-communicate the likes of Biden and Pelosi? The Left has won — because it is the easiest way — until the fascists autocrats take over for good

e brown
e brown
2 years ago

Someone with a lot of time on their hands is trying to bait people in the comment section, using different names (Really though, Please no, You are mad, and When.) Ignore them. ????

2 years ago


2 years ago

Commies gonna commie.

It saves him the trouble of killing them later I guess.

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

Culture of Death.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

What can you do. ??Kyle L.

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